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Film & TV
Makster's avatar

As will I @Boomer Let's rep RT:UK once last time

Paul's avatar

21 years...I feel old

Boomer's avatar

It's been one helluva ride! 😆

Did you watch the show for long?

Paul's avatar

I cant remember what I got up to, maybe the release of Halo 3?

Il have to go back and rewatch them all. I still remember stumbling accross red vs blue on the xbox360 along with The Guild.

Makster's avatar

RvB is worth a watch I'd say up to season 10

Oh man I haven't thought about The Guild in a long time.

Did you ever watch Pure Pwnage? I swear there were a few live action geeky shows that I watched alongside RT content

Boomer's avatar

That was a great time for the show! Seasons 1 - 5 were pure comedy in a sci-fi setting, but season 6 (reconstruction) was hard sci-fi with a side of referential humour. It used Forge in such subtle but clever ways, and it somehow managed to recontextualise the entire series up until that point.


that’s very cool 👌

Boomer's avatar

It's a shame you weren't a part of the community in its would have absolutely loved it! 😆


absolutely! Was this inspired by the red vs blue stick men videos? I always Remeber seeing them when I was a kid and they would just fight each other in brutal martial arts fashion lol

Boomer's avatar

There were two things that set it all off. First was wondering why two armies would fight over an empty box canyon, and the other was why the car was called a warthog!

...and they somehow kept the joke going for over two decades!😆

Content warning - the show uses some jokes and phrases that are now widely and rightfully deemed inappropriate. The most prominent one relates to the sexuality of a core character, and the other is the use of a derogatory term for a person with cognitive difficulties.

I could talk about this for days, so I'll just leave you to judge for yourself! 😆


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