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Rupert's avatar

Just for completeness, adding the updates from 3pm today:

Version: alpha-1.0.1

- (Enhancement) - Improved notifications drop-down UX
- (Enhancement) - Saved Posts now easier to find
- (Enhancement) - Added tooltips to thread action buttons
- (Enhancement) - Some small UI fixes
- (Enhancement) - New error icon for alerts
- (Enhancement) - Bounty card UI improvements
- (Fix) - Sign-up redirect issue on invite accept
- (Fix) - Disabling username field in profile
- (Fix) - Fix to avatar UI
- (Fix) - Markdown mode colour

Rupert's avatar

And 7pm

Version: alpha-1.1.0

- (NEW) - Added "Claim your username" screen on first log-in
- (Fix) - Live-feed local-storage hydration issue

Mark's avatar

Wednesday 14th June

  • Improvements to notifications drop-down

  • Improvement to make saved posts easier to find

  • Improvement to action buttons (hover over to see function)

  • Improvements to error icon alerts

  • Other small UI improvements

  • avatar UI (Fix)

  • Sign up redirect bug (Fix)

  • Read message colour change (Fix)

Mark's avatar

Thursday 15th June, 10am; Version: alpha-1.2.0

- (Enhancement) - Feed cards now show near-realtime count of replies

Mark's avatar


Version: alpha-1.2.1 Changelog:

  • (Enhancement) - Mini reactions improved on mobile

  • (Enhancement) - Adds tooltips to thread action buttons

  • (Enhancement) - Action buttons under first post wrap when user is a Mod

  • (Enhancement) - Emails now can't be sent to un-verified addresses

  • (Fix) - Text links now wrap

  • (Fix) - Replace URL in copyright reporting form page

  • (Fix) - Reinstated backend tests (all passing)

Mark's avatar


Version: alpha-1.2.2


  • (Fix) - Welcome email now triggered on user creation

Rupert's avatar

8pm tonight - Version: alpha-1.3.0

- (NEW) - Live feed now includes replies and supports the different discussion types
- (Enhancement) - Allow users to delete their own comments
- (Enhancement) - Improvements to tooltips, mobile reactions, links and more!
- (Enhancement) - Move to Postmark for more reliable email sending
- (Fix) - Tiktok ownership check fix
- (Fix) - User object cache
- (Fix) - Never return a post data object without an author

Mark's avatar

Monday 19th June (15:50)

Version: alpha-1.3.1 Changelog:

  • (Enhancement) - Deleted posts are more subtle now

  • (Enhancement) - Community-level sub-nav is now sticky

  • (Enhancement) - Improved UX when creating a discussion

  • (Enhancement) - "Original" embed tag now same style as "Curated"

  • (Enhancement) - Added cylindrical progress bar to nav profile image

  • (Enhancement) - Removed stats from community headers for now

  • (Fix) - The gaming nav arrow now points in the right direction

  • (Fix) - Secondry nav tooltip homogenised

  • (Fix) - Clicking "Show all" on feed filter now works as expected

  • (Fix) - No more white text on white background in the "report a post" section

  • (Fix) - Fixed issue with reaction buttons on mobile

  • (Fix) - Punctuation now posts properly

  • (Fix) - Fixed off-centre profile image crop

  • (Fix) - Mobile nav fixes

  • (Fix) - Fixed horizontal scroll on sub-nav (Windows Chrome)

  • (Fix) - Dark-mode choice now persistant when updated from settings

  • (Fix) - Removed visible ad space

Mark's avatar

Tuesday 20th June (13:40)

Version: alpha-1.4.0

- (Enhancement) - Now a better experience for bounty setters when creating/closing platform rewards
- (Enhancement) - UX of picking a display name & username has been improved
- (Enhancement) - Bookmarking and reactions UX improved
- (Fix) - Subnav now appearing on communities
- (Fix) - Points/score now shows properly in avatar menu
- (Fix) - Links in posts now no longer open in a new window/tab
- (Fix) - Now we only send necessary user data to the client side

Mark's avatar

Wednesday 21st June

Version: alpha-1.5.0


  • (NEW) - You can now link directly to a post in a thread

  • (Enhancement) - Increased expanded image size in posts

  • (Enhancement) - Changed share icon to improve UX

  • (Fix) - Feed filter dropdown now appears infront of feed

  • (Fix) - Bounty balances now show as expected

  • (Fix) - API now returns avatar image URL on thread endpoint

Mark's avatar

And again, 13:30

Version: alpha-1.6.0


  • (NEW) - Live Bounty Carousel in the feed!

  • (NEW) - Bounty feed items now show an image when available

  • (Enhancement) -  The ability to edit bounty and platform bounty deadlines (backend)

  • (Enhancement) -  Allow bounty setters in a community manage any bounty (backend

  • (Enhancement) -  Restrict bounty setters from submitting to a bounty (backend)

Rupert's avatar

loving this momentum!

Mark's avatar

And another, 15:15. Version: alpha-1.6.1


  • (NEW) - Bounty deadlines can now be edited by bounty setters

Mark's avatar

Thursday 22nd June, 15:30


  • (NEW) - Related Articles got redesigned

  • (NEW) - Now you can endlessly nest your comments!

  • (Enhancement) - Hooked up the share button for original posts

  • (Fix) - Post editor copy and paste is more reliable when handling emojis

  • (Fix) - Post editor buttons overrun (mobile)

  • (Fix) - Profile content overrun (mobile)

Mark's avatar


Version: alpha-1.7.1


  • (Fix) - Fixed issue with nested deleted threads

Mark's avatar

Friday 23rd June, 14:00

Version: alpha-1.7.1


  • (Fix) Threads now always show the correct replies

Mark's avatar

As there's so much progress, I want to make it as easy as possible to stay connected with what's happening on the platform. So, I'm going to start a new changelog chain each week.

You can find all the latest info for week commencing 26th June here.


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