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Joel's avatar

Favourite/best ever sitcom?

Philip's avatar

Does the Simpsons count?

If it's real actors I enjoy young Sheldon.

Joel's avatar

Good question. If it does then Simpsons is a great shout. But, regardless, Seinfeld FTW.

Philip's avatar

Its been so long since I've watched Seinfeld, but yes that show is comedy gold. Gotta love Kramer.

MrTomFTW's avatar

Where did I put my copy of Silent Hill 2? I can't find it anywhere and its bloody expensive these days

Philip's avatar

I think you accidentally put it in the box for Silent Hill 1.

Mark's avatar

Love this - what's your favourite food?

Philip's avatar

Hard to choose as quality varies. But once a week I enjoy pizza and Dominos has these pizzas with Indian flavours that I love.

Mark's avatar

You can't go wrong with a good pizza.

Personally, I'm all about Asian food. Vietnamese, Chinese, but if i had to choose one, I'd go with Indian.


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