A new week, new month, and new update on all things Just About.
First up, a few selected highlights from last week:
Platform improvements 🤖
Our tech team has continued to work hard on improving overall speed and stability. We did see the re-emergence of a caching bug which may cause the wrong posts to appear in a discussion - we’re all over it. Bugs are being squashed every day, and we’re continuing to add new features; you can keep an eye on our changelog updates here.
Bounties 💰
Each week, we’re running new bounties and handing out more rewards. We want to offer a wider array of bounties, but while we’re testing, taking part in discussions is helping us learn, so we’re keeping that going just now.
Discussions 🗣️
We’ve been loving your contribution to the community… although it’s almost as if some of you have had a sneaky look at our future plans. Dave made us feel old as we realised how much our gaming habits have changed over the years, and Michael asked how will you be using Just About?
And coming up this week…
Connecting social accounts 🤝
We’re making progress - Instagram connections are now working - but there are just a couple of final kinks to iron out with the process of linking JA accounts to other platforms.
Email notifications 📧
We’ve redesigned our email notifications, and are rolling them out - subject to testing - later today.
An exciting announcement 🤐
While we love the Just About community space, we think it’s getting a little lonely…
Thanks for all your help and support, and keep reaching out if there’s anything we can do to improve JA for our members.
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