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Alp's avatar

Great idea! We'll be sure to add it to our feature idea board.

How are you using the what's happening feed generally? And could you describe the problem that this would solve (whether that's now or in the future)?


I use it to see if there's anything new in the list that's of interest. It could be done to show what's new since you last logged in so it's more tailored to the individual.

FUN INC's avatar

Any way for the feed notifications to be hidden or greyed out / minimised/ collapsed once clicked on? I logged in and saw a load of feed notifications on the right hand side, and then realised that i'd already looked at them! It would pinpoint feed items that i haven't looked at and allow me to negage with those rather than scrolling through items that i have already looked at. thx!

Rupert's avatar

Definitely. The Live Feed will be getting a big overhaul (although there's a few other bits to sort before we get on to it). I think marking old/read updates should be part of that.

Would be very interested to hear what else might be helpful for people.

As I'm on here a lot, I find myself using it as my main way of navigating the site(!) so was thinking about things such as:

  • Condensed updates when there's multiple updates from a single thread (ie. "3 new replies in [thread]")

  • User control over what types of updates are shown (similar to the Notifications options) and from which communities ie. "Only show me New Threads from EVE Online"

  • Noting the username of who's replied/done the activity (ie. "Rupert replied to..." rather than "New Reply in...")

  • As per Paul's comment, click to See More (or See All)...

  • Proper support for mobile devices

Any more for any more?!


You could expand a large list in the central frame. Kind of like the new posts feature is done in Xenforo as an example:

If not that method in the central frame, slide the list up to the next 10 when you click more (ot something similar).

I tend to look there first as it's an indicator of what's being posted in what sections and whether it's of interest to me to check out. Condensing would be a good idea with a number as you say Rupert as it shows the thread is quite active.


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