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Alp's avatar

Thanks Paul!

It's always helpful for you to report/suggest these things as it adds another voice, and you may be coming at a problem from a different angle than we had considered.

Keep'm coming!

Rupert's avatar

We plan to 'ask the audience' on this one. There's pros and cons to showing who reacted to each post... we realise it's expected behaviour to some extent (because other social platforms do it) but it could also introduce new undesirable effects ie. "Why didn't you like my post? I liked yours!"

Personally, I would react to fewer posts if it had my name against it... but that could be just me. I think we need more input before deciding whether to implement it or not.

(I think we are going to enable Reactions on the main Feed pages though, so it's at least a bit more convenient!)


Yep, can see the cons with this as you point out. Guess I am used to seeing it.

Rich's avatar

Hey Paul - this was going to be a poll topic today, but you've pre-empted us! Poll is live here if you'd like to share your thoughts. It's a tricky one, for sure.


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