Note: I listed this discussion into Misc as I didn't know where else to put it, but it's more a "I would like to see this feature because this and this" thing.
Would it be possible to have aliases tied to different communities? So, for example, Alias A for EVE Online, Alias B for Video Games, Alias C for some others etc.
I somewhat "compartmentalized" my different hobbies and areas of interest, so for example in the EVE Online community I goes by name A, but in the virtual photography world/general gaming I go by another name completely dethatched from the first because I prefer the two to not mix together. The same goes for other things.
An example of aliases is Discord, one base account name and then each server can give the possibility to have a specific name for that server on top of the base account name.
Why you compartmentalized? For many reasons, going from personal ones, to different timelines in account creation, to the fact that having a hodgepodge of very different stuff on the same account is not "good" from a social media point of view as communities are usually not really interested in seeing something that is not about them/their focus.
I personally would enjoy aliases because for EVE I could keep the name I used in there but for example for the Video Games community I could use the name I use for those communities which would feel... more coherent for me? Like I could talk about gaming using a name with which I can be found doing vp of games and not a closed off account only about EVE.
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