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Lanah Tyra's avatar

I love the few Discord communities I'm a member of for FFXIV. They are mostly focusing on helping people with some form of ingame content, let that be raiding, gathering or collecting things. I don't like the hard-core raiding communities that much, as they can get very easily toxic and a place for competing in an egoistic way, but those discords which involve some form of helping others were so far very nice, welcoming and chill.

And that might be something which makes Just About special, people here so far seem to share that same mentality of wanting to help others. For all the bounties which became curated articles around advise for beginner content creators it was really nice to read all the submissions, lots of thoughtful and friendly advise there.

Boomer's avatar

That's a good point about the competitive spaces. Even if the competition isn't directly against another player, there's often the desire to show how much better you are than others, and being surrounded by that can be exhausting.

Personally I think that's one thing that makes bounties and curated content a lot of fun. Even though there is a competitive element to the bounties, what comes from it is a collaborative celebration of the community. Also, by mixing the bounties up it gives people a chance to flex different creative muscles, so some people will be better in one area than another.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I also find the bounties encouraging to step out of my comfort zone and create a different type of content or for a topic I'm not expert in. It happened a few times that originally I didn't think I knew enough of the subject to submit, but then after seeing some of thr submissions I also got an idea and tried it, or if there were no submissions to a bounty which I thought had a really good topic, I tried to cover it even if I didn't have a lot of experience yet.


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