'Tis the season for end-of-year recaps, and it seems like every platform wants you to look back over the year. Spotify Wrapped shares your listening habits, TikTok and YouTube highlight popular trends, and Reddit has its Year in Review (renamed Recap, as of 2021), to name but a few.
These are all different platforms, requiring different approaches that each have their own flavour, but we’re interested in what you think. Are recaps something that should be personal, showing you your own stats and encouraging you to share, or should they be platform-wide, summarising how everyone has been engaging?
Do you think a Just About recap would work, and what would you want to see in one? Would you prioritise your own stats, such as posts with the most reactions, or would you want to see a platform-wide summary of bounties, discussions, etc?
Let us know what you think!
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