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Alex's avatar

I would honestly say community is absolutely essential, there's amazing things that can come out of being part of a community. It opens the doors to many new social interactions, you have the opportunity to learn new skills, there's so much benefit into being part of a community. I'm a big believe in communities as I've seen and been through the positives myself

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I wholeheartedly agree! When it comes to those new skills and social interactions, how do you find online communities compare to face-to-face ones? Do they have the same advantages or different ones?

Alex's avatar

I enjoy online communities more, as it's so much easier to connect to people all around the world, and most online communities use discord. I still think it's important to have face to face interactions, but the only disadvantage I can see with online communities is the lack of face to face interactions, however it does make me think of lockdown and how I was dropping in to so many video calls which in a way was face to face interactions just through a webcam

Wings's avatar

Whilst the negatives of social media and the internet get a lot of air time, I think community (alongside knowledge-sharing) is the best thing about it! It allows you to find your community no matter how broad or niche and can be so much more accessible for people who might not feel comfortable trying to find that community IRL, or who might not have as much access.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

We are all part of a community, just many people don't realise it. Let that be an online community such as gaming or your local neighbourhood group on FB, or the work buddies you have a drink with after work every week. It's part of human nature to socialise with others and belong somewhere.

Having online communities makes it a lot easier for us introverts though. I come across as a very chatty person in writing, but if you would put me in a room with the same people, for the good part of the event I would just sit in a corner, observing before I get the strength and courage together to go and talk to someone. So IRC chat back in the days and now Discord is a godsend to me.

I learnt life saving skills in communities which they don't teach you at school, got people to talk to when I thought I can't talk to my family and friends when I was bullied at school, moved to a city for a new job which I got after being recommended by a gaming buddy. And the list could go on...


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