If you hadn't heard, Just About is in Beta! Check out the full announcement to read all about what this means and what's coming next, but because it's such a milestone for the platform, we thought we'd do a little something to celebrate.
As you know, we want to build positive communities that are home to the best content and conversation on the internet. Along with bounties, our organic rewards are one way in which we recognise exactly that. Great communities deserve to be rewarded.
To celebrate our beta launch and to thank you for joining us on this journey, we are doubling organic rewards for the next 30 days! That’s right - twice the dollars for what you were already doing.
As a reminder, you're in line for organic rewards if your comments or discussions are among the top few in terms of reactions received on any given day - if that happens, you'll get a reward paid directly into your wallet. It's your thanks for getting brilliant engagement across the platform, and our way of setting the mood music for Just About. For more on organic rewards, check out the announcement post.
So get out there, chat and earn! See you in discussions!
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