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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Haven't had a look yet, probably I should finish first all the games I have bought but haven't played yet XD That 10% off BG3 is tempting though...

Retro Stu's avatar

If I didn't already have Tails of Iron I'd be snapping it up. 80% off, gorgeous artwork, rewarding game play and narrated by Doug Cockle (Geralt in the Witcher games) - it's a fantastic game IMO.

Ones I'm eyeing up from my wishlist are Gylt, Gunbrella and Wizard with a Gun.

Alex's avatar

I'm thinking Elden ring and possibly RE4, cause the discount with RE4 is a steal.

Nicole's avatar

I've heard such good things about Dave the Diver and Dredge so I'll probably have to pick those up!


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