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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Tough question. Was thinking about it since I read your post, and the only answer I can give is know your community. Obviously this is not easy with one which has hundreds or thousands of members, but back in my forum mod times or now running multiple Discord servers, the only sure way to tell if someone truly said something with hurtful intentions or it's just their way of talking, a joke gone bad or sarcasm is if I know the person.

This doesn't mean being the best buddies and hang out all the time, but to be observant, keep an eye on conversations, how people talk to others and this way with time your will learn how they are communicating and will be a lot easier to spot those posts and comments which will require moderation.

I like giving the benefit of doubt to people, and if I notice something which doesn't sit right with me mention it. But of course there has to be some very clear rules what are those things which are not tolerated under any circumstances. In this case it's the shoot first and ask questions later rule.


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