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Rupert's avatar

It's happening today. Stay tuned!

The Earnings page says the payout is the 1st day of the month, but really it should update to next month's on the 2nd, or at the point of payment. We'll get that fixed.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I wanna go to the pub! But can't cause im broke xD 8pm tnite! I may Cry Rupert

Kane Carnifex's avatar

^^ You irish or english not sure about it. Can you not let it write on in your home pub? Like you can show to screen of the phone :P Hope you will find your pint

Kane Carnifex's avatar

As a german, i demand not to voilate the right to get him a beer tonight.

Nur noch Gemüse....

Rupert's avatar

Payouts will be around 3pm UK time. So the pub tonight is still possible!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The crying is still very much on the table...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I promise I wont be drunk by midnight...


Rupert sorry to disturb you... where should I raise a problem with the payouts of January?

TLDR: my paypal was connected as I got paid at the start of December, but now that I checked for January, the UI says I don't have a connected Paypal (I didn't disconnect it on purpose to my knowledge) but the months payout had been paid anyway (I don't know where).

Rupert's avatar

Looking into this now...


Wait... the payout arrived now on Paypal (when I wrote the message paypal said there was nothing) (the amount is correct). The JA UI said it was paid already but it took a bit for it to arrive on Paypal.

Remains the UI problem.

Rupert's avatar

Yep, we just checked and the numbers and payouts are all correct.

There's a ticket in progress for making the Earnings page UI/dates clearer so by next month's payouts, it should be easier to interpret.


Thank you!

Don't forget the Paypal thingy in the UI as show below because it says I don't have Paypal connected... and I got paid.

Rupert's avatar

Aha! OK, that is definitely a new one - reported!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yay I can order my capture card today then. PS5 streams incoming ❤️


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