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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Massive thanks again to Just About Today for the payout, I bought my wife some new iPhone Ear Pod things, spent £124 on new Lilo and Stitch accessories for our bedroom for her (today is her birthday) took her for lunch, and I will be taking her for a drink later on as well.

Love this place, love the community, love the staff, let's do this!

Boomer's avatar

Wish your wife a happy birthday from us 😊

Paul's avatar

Thank you very much JA team.

This month my payput will be going towards a backlit screen for my Game Boy advance because im a normal adlt man.

Boomer's avatar

As a fellow normal adult man I approve of this purchase

NeoKazuho's avatar

Thanks JA community.. Really appreciate it.. Lets do more!

Boomer's avatar

We believe our members should be rewarded for authentic engagement and creating a healthy community environment. 😊

Makster's avatar

I was able to take my partner out for a date after a long time due to the cost of living. We went for KBBQ where we just ate and ate and ate sooo much delicious meat. Afterwards we burnt it singing our hearts out at Karaoke before taking advantage of the moderately warm England evening at Jollibee for some ice cream.

It was really nice being able to treat her to something since she does work so hard at the hospital - long hours and sick patients that I wanted to make her feel special for the efforts she puts in so taking her out to her favourite places was absolutely wonderful to see her smiling the whole time

Boomer's avatar

That sounds like a lovely date! I'm happy the two of you could spend that time together 😊


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