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Nicole's avatar

Wait, did you do this in exactly one year?! Incredible work and keep it coming! It’s wonderful to have you here and so great to hear your digital skills are always growing.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Oh, this is a coincidence. I haven't saw yet.


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Too cool that your first bounty win was exactly a year ago. Congratulations! So about that Just About tattoo...

Boomer's avatar

Tom we may have a task for you 😉

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Amazing! Just checked back and my first bounty was about a year ago as well. 1.4k rewards since then... it's wild.... doesn't feel this much when you get the monthly payments but to see that full amount, and it was all for content I was happy and excited to make. So much different from just making content for the sake of catching viewers and reaching follower / sub numbers.

Boomer's avatar

Fantastic! I'll keep an eye out for your bounty wins compilation video 😁

Boomer's avatar

This is amazing! Your 1k Special video 🧡

I love seeing compilations of creative work. They're a bit like this but your skills change instead! 😊

Thomas's avatar

That's amazing! Congratulations!


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