Social platforms help us discover communities and chat with, maybe even make friends with, others who share our interests. EVE Online, Elite Dangerous, and SMITE 2 are three such communities. While they cater to the specific interests of their games’ players, our Spaces—Video Games, Content Creators, Film & TV, Tech, Books & Comics, Music, and Sport—offer a chance to discover shared interests beyond these, and explore them together.
Today’s questions are for anyone in a game-focused community, but especially our new Elite Commanders and SMITE 2 Deities: have you been exploring the platform and joining our Spaces? If so, which ones, what have you done there, and what else would you like to see to get you mingling across the platform?
Bonus question: have you noticed any patterns between your community and others? Do EVE and Elite players share a love of sci-fi beyond games or is that too simplistic an assumption? What about fighting Titans? Do SMITE 2, EVE, and Elite players share this interest in other media like Books & Comics, Film & TV etc? Let us know in the comments!
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