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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

You realise when you use big words, I have to actually look them up to understand the post title.....

TBH There is a small pattern of what Sci-Fi gamers like, the books/comics etc.

Boomer's avatar

The titles are often inspired by articles I've just read. 😄 They'll use a phrase or share an idea and I'm just...🤔...then I put my own spin on it for the JA community!

Here's the article that led to this post:

“At Maven, we were very good at getting people into deep conversations about really interesting things and especially unexpected, surprising interests,”

It's expected that you share interests with others in your community (e.g. Elite, SMITE 2, EVE etc.), so I wondered if / how Spaces (e.g. Film & TV, Books & Comics etc.) could help members discover unexpected but shared interests with members from other communities.

You say books and comics are probably a shared interest for sci-fi gamers, so do you think attending comic cons (or wider genre cons like sci-fi, horror etc.) would be another crossover?


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