Where can I can find human help about payments on Paypal ?
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Where can I can find human help about payments on Paypal ?
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Hey Asphyxyate, I might be able to help or find someone who can.
Can you tell me about the issues you're experiencing?
Hey yo! I'm Asphyxyate (edited to remove email) and i got my account connected with PayPal. But I coulnd't receive the rewards on Feb 1st because my bank was not linked with Paypal.
It's linked now but i can't find the money, and on JustAbout says that I already received. Can you check it out ? Please.
Hey Asphyxyate, it sounds like it's somewhere between PayPal and your bank.
Is this right?
You connected PayPal to your JA wallet
You entered and won enough rewards to have $25 in your wallet before 1st February
You connected your bank account to your PayPal after 1st February
If that's right then can you confirm the following?:
Have your earnings left your JA wallet?
Can you see the money in your PayPal account?
It's possible there's a hold on transfers from your PayPal to your bank due to the new connection, but that's not something we can check.
Let me know about the questions above and I'll see what I can find out.
Exactly! In my JA Wallet there is a info that says ( -$26).
But there is no money on my Paypal Wallet, and no incomings at my bank account.
On 1st Feb, when I entered the Paypal account, i received a message that said "You couldn't receive a payment because your account is not linked to a bank".
My PA Wallet has 0, my Paypal Walle has 0.
Probably ou tried to pay but it wasn't successful at the time.
I know some of our other Brazilian members have experienced delays with PayPal. From what I recall they said it was due to different banking regulations, but I can't say I'm too familiar with that.
Let me check with our tech team to see if something happened on our end, but it's worth contacting PayPal or your bank to see if they can tell you more.
Hi Asphyxyate, from what we can tell the money tried to leave your JA wallet so it shows the 0 value. We'll need to look into it further but we don't think the money left our account, so it sounds like it's a regulatory issue with PayPal.
I recommend contacting PayPal to discuss it so this doesn't prevent you from receiving your payout in the future.
Once we know PayPal won't block the transfer we'll make sure the money is sent to your account.
Please contact PayPal's customer services and reply here once they've helped sort this on their end.
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