A cornerstone of Just About’s mission is to create positive communities built around your passions, and we’re trying to make sure that the options you have to react to one another is a reflection of that.
Emojis are an embedded part of the internet language and how we interact with one another. They work because they’re an instant reaction, they’re easy to understand, and easy to use. Not everyone wants to write a paragraph, and not everyone is comfortable doing that, so an emoji can say a lot even though it’s just a tiny symbol.
We designed our emoji to help you celebrate the best content on the internet, as well as have respectful debates from alternate points of view.
This is what we’ve started with for Alpha - some may look familiar - but, like everything else, we’re looking to iterate and improve as we go:
What we want to know is: do these work for you, and if not then how do we improve on them? How do you use reactions? Do we need to add more options? Should we change what we have?
Let us know what you think!
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