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Alex Sinclair's avatar

I really like Yellowjackets and The Big Lebowski, but I have so much love for Into the Wild. I'm saving the book for when I have time to travel more, but the film changed my life. The Eddie Vedder soundtrack is a thing of real beauty.

Thomas's avatar

Deftones <3

I got White Pony on vinyl for my birthday last year, I might listen to it later

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

You had me at Halo, welcome to the team and welcome to the funzone

Horror and Cats's avatar

You are the most intimidating human being on earth and I love it

Boomer's avatar

I feel like I need to read Into the Wild now, as the rest of your favourites are right up my street! 😄

Stella's avatar

I love yellowjackets! Deftones are great too ;)

Cass's avatar

you have great taste <3

Makster's avatar

I just beat Halo 2 recently. I'm currently on Halo 3 ODST - such a change in gameplay from being a super soldier like Master Chief to a somewhat lowly grunt like an ODST

Roo's avatar

Oh man, I loved ODST! Such a breath of fresh air in that franchise. I'm a huge Halo apologist but I have a real soft spot for the world building and nuance that ODST brought to the series. I was so pleased when I realised it was part of the Master Chief Collection!

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