Who doesn't love a good drunken pirate metal? I'm sure Alestorm is familiar for many metalheads, if nothing else their songs titled Hangover and P.A.R.T.Y must be on almost every setlist, at least they were on mine whenever I was hosting a house party. Finally I had a chance to go and see them live, and have to say the guys (and lady) didn't disappoint. I mean you can't go wrong with this stage setup, can you?
It's very rare to see a band get their audience perform such united activity, last time I've seen one was when Mr Lordi got the entire audience kneel.
There are good shows and there are amazing ones, Alestorm's performance for me definitely belongs to the latter group. On the way home I was checking the tour schedule and debating if I can make a trip to the next show... (I didn't... but 20 year old me who had even less responsibility like I have know, definitely would have skipped work and got on a train.)
I had to settle with a shot of rum and edit the recorded footage for you, so if you fancy checking them out here is a compilation of the almost full setlist (couldn't get a good recording of every song) in under 5 minutes.
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