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Ford James's avatar

The Damned (1976-present)

In that video, my dad is right at the very front when he was just 12 years old, and he's seen The Damned countless times since. They're still actively touring - albeit with a slightly different lineup each time - and they're all around 70 or so. I've seen them twice in the last two years and will be seeing them again later this year, much like you Boomer we have an agreement to see them every time they tour! It won't be much longer before they give it up I reckon, but they are genuinely fantastic live, proper old school punk. Here's a photo of my dad and I many, many pints deep seeing them the first time around!

Boomer's avatar

It's so heartwarming to see moments like this. What are the chances your dad is in the video and it's still available!? That's amazing!

Also, can you tell him the internet thinks he has amazing taste in t-shirts? :D

Thomas's avatar

I'd absolutely love to see Bob Dylan, and at 82 I'm impressed he's still performing at all. I always hear that people don't like him live because he mixes up the songs, but to me that makes me even more interested in seeing him while he's still around

Ford James's avatar

Yeah, I have heard the same about him. No idea which songs he's going to play, apparently he sings lots of them differently live too, changes the lyrics and whatnot. Being in Manchester, I've heard lots about the Judas controversy too. The thing putting me off seeing him is that tickets are so expensive and unless you're a die-hard Bob Dylan fanatic, chances are you won't know most of the songs he plays, which for the prices he charges, I'd want to be able to at least recognise them, hah.

Boomer's avatar

unless you’re a die-hard Bob Dylan fanatic, chances are you won’t know most of the songs he plays

Sound like Bob Dylan makes it harder than most musicians, but that's one of the things I wanted to explore through these discussions.

Whether we're regular listeners or just casually aware, we might regret not seeing these iconic bands live, purely because of their cultural impact.

Dolly Parton was on my list! I couldn't name an album or even tell you half the lyrics to even one song. I'm not even a fan of country music, but if she was still touring she'd be on my list of 100 bands to see before they die!

Boomer's avatar

Good call! It'd be such a shame to miss seeing Bob Dylan live.

I can understand why mixing up the songs would put people off. It'd put me off seeing most bands!

Then again, if he's earned a nobel prize for creating new poetic expression in song he's probably doing something right! 😁

Lanah Tyra's avatar

For me that's Queen. It's a good question if it's still Queen without Freddie or not, and John Deacon doesn't tour anymore either, but Roger and Brian definitely puts on a show worth seeing. Seen them a few times already with Adam Lambert and I will still go to every tour if there will be any because you never know which one will be the last.

Here is one with Adam, same energy if you ask me:

Boomer's avatar

Queen are a great choice! Adam Lambert seems to project the same confidence as Freddie.

Maybe I've been unfairly critical by not giving them a chance, but I was a bit skeptical that he could do the music justice.

Do you feel he's trying to channel Freddie, or has he made it his own?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was very sceptical myself. I've heard Queen from others before and I always though meh they are just trying to mimic Freddie.

Seen them with Adam multiple times now, and what I love about him is that he's not trying to be Freddie. He has a very similar energy, puts on an amazing show but he's giving himself. And always very humble, there's always a part where he celebrates Freddie and thanks him.

Even Brian May said in an interview that if Freddie was still alive he would probably get on very well with Adam.

I saw this one on telly and said ok this guy is something:


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