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Ford James's avatar

Dot To Dot, 2000trees, and Y Not for me this summer - it's a busy one! Wish I was going to Bearded Theory too, it clashes with Dot To Dot but the lineup is phenomenal: Amyl & the Sniffers, Soft Play, Bob Vylan, Ferocious Dog, Panic Shack, Sprints, English Teacher, Bodega, Big Special, HotWax, Ist Ist, Full Flower Moon Band... it's right up my street.

Personal highlights I'm looking forward to seeing across those three I am going to though are:

  • Yard Act (Y Not)

  • Bob Vylan (Y Not and 2000trees)

  • The Chats (2000trees)

  • Panic Shack (all three!)

  • Home Counties (Dot To Dot)

  • Jamie T (Y Not)

  • Soft Play (Y Not)

  • The Clockworks (Y Not)

And of course, M/X at 2000trees because my brother is the frontman!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Bob Vylan is the artist I'm most looking forward to catching this summer! Have you had a good listen through of Humble as the Sun yet?

Ford James's avatar

I have, I had it pre-ordered on vinyl - incredible album. Non-stop bangers front to back. If you've been enjoying it, I recommend a few tunes from their back catalogue: The Delicate Nature and The Moth & The Flame aren't on any of their albums but they're both immense.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

No festivals for me, haven't been on one in a very long time to be honest. Used to go to Sziget in Hungary and Metal Female Voices Fest in Belgium.

The two must go to on my bucket list are Wacken and 70000 tons of metal.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I had some friends attend Sziget some years ago. They said the location was stunning!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It's very nice location, and especially if you live in Budapest, you don't need to use the camping, you can just come and go. So it was cool to sleep in my own bed, have food in the city where it was much cheaper, but go in for the concerts. Stayed in the camping once but then I said nope I prefer my comfy bed :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

There are some lessons you only learn with age. One of which is that if it's a choice between a nice comfy bed and a paper-thin sleeping mat in a noisy campsite, taking the comfy bed is always the right choice.

MargotCandy's avatar

I’ll have to live through all of you going to festivals. My go to is Novarock in Austria near Vienna.

It’s generally friendly, gets good mix of bands and entertainment is great. It’s also not as big as like Reading so you can get about easier.

I also generally find it cheaper even with flights than Reading, and we tend to get a little shed with 4 bunk beds but 2 of us share which is so comfy. Yes I’m old. Haha.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I've heard good things about Nova Rock! I much prefer smaller festival these days; it's always nice to have a chance of finding your pals again if you get lost with no phone signal...


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