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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Wasn't planning to, but we'll be visiting a friend down south at the end of June and she invited us to RAMMLIED + ROBBED ZOMBIE in Worthing. I love a good tribute band, will see how these guys are :)

Makster's avatar

Oh man you're re-living my teenage dream with Green Day and Weezer. Agree with the Smashing Pumpkins but I think I was just one generation behind the apathy personified by grunge rock.

Ford James's avatar

I'm a fairly recent Weezer convert, only in the last couple of years, but Green Day has been a constant throughout almost my entire life, American Idiot was formative for me. Second time seeing them and I cannot wait.

Laura's avatar

June is another big month for me gigs wise. Download, my first ever festival, Green Day for the second time!

Ford James's avatar

Is this your first time seeing Green Day? I saw them during their Hella Mega Tour and it is the best gig I've ever been to, so enjoy!

I've never been to Download, but I've heard good things - I have two festivals coming up this summer, but I'm saving those for the July edition of this thread 😎

Laura's avatar

Hella Mega Tour was my first time seeing them after loving them for.... many many years haha.

It was glorious because the Glasgow date had been rescheduled a bunch of times and due to that alone I could go, and because it was cancelled so many times they played Waiting, which is a favourite of mine, so really cathartic.

I'm hyped for this tour though, Dookie AND American Idiot.... IN THEIR ENTIRITIES!

And yes, I think the July episode of "gigs this month" will also be a certified BANGER from me too 🤘


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