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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I saw this, but then I think it's dumb when people say "I hate Nickleback" for no reason.

Makster's avatar

probably just piggybacking on the crowd just like when they say Yoko is/ primary cause of The Beatles breaking up. A popular fact that is sadly based in fiction

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I agree, I totally get it if someone doesn't like the type of music, or how they behave or stage, we all have different preferences, it's fine. But to hate something just for the sake of it... no.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I 100% agree, I lived and breathed Nickleback in college when they first started to rocket to stardom (yes I'm old) and the amount of "hates" was just beyond me, Nicklebacks music IMO is amazing and so widespread in terms of types of music.

Boomer's avatar

I love this so much! 😆

  • Deadpool defends Nickelback
  • Nickelback defend Deadpool
  • Ryan Reynolds reacts to Nickelback defending Deadpool

...poor Wolverine 😭


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