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Sturmer's avatar

Navigating the world of Nightingale can be overwhelming, but I'll try to address some of the most pertinent questions in an FAQ or tips format.

Which Realmcards should they prioritize crafting?

I’ve already covered this question, providing a list of my favorite minor cards in a previous post. For progression, follow the questline and build the Mayor cards needed for your quests to unlock all the game's features and functionalities.

Where should they build a base?

I have a dedicated post about this too, but in summary, choose a building location that appeals to you aesthetically. After a few hours into the gameplay, appearance will be the primary factor to consider.

What are the most efficient ways to build and craft?

Since you get refunds when you scrap buildings and workstations, it’s efficient for mass production to build 2-4 of the same workstations for simultaneous production, and then dismantle the unnecessary ones for their components later. Consider realm minor cards like Artisan, which augment all crafting stations to the ideal environment. Don’t forget about Augmentations, which can dramatically change production times, reducing them significantly.

What equipment should they prioritize crafting?

Priority should be given to crafting a Hunting Knife at level 20 to skin Fable beasts and level 40 for Apex Bosses. Another important tool is the Mining Pick, with key thresholds at 10, 40, 100, 200, and 230. The Axe is also handy for cutting higher-tier wood, but it’s not as crucial as the Mining Pick. Both tools can also be used in combat. I recommend crafting Backpacks and Boots with ‘Movement Speed’ properties as well; time saved while traveling is a significant advantage in this game.

How much effort should they put into their first base?

I’d recommend minimal effort, because later in the game you will likely want to rebuild your base with the new designs and furniture you unlock.

Which enchantments, infusions, and charms should they work towards?

You can largely skip these until the mid-late game when you’ll be crafting min-max gear and need large amounts of materials for your base crafts. Good enchantments for melee combat are Quake for crowd control and Oberon’s for farming.

Which early clothing and weapons are the most effective?

Backpacks and Climbing Picks are essential. The former allows you to carry more, while the latter trivializes Agility Challenges.

Which biomes are best for gathering?

This depends on what materials you’re looking for, as each biome offers materials with different attributes. For example, you could set up a Swamp or Forest biome with the Trickster minor card to turn it into a meat farming zone, as both have plenty of grass which will yield meat.

What should they pursue and what should they avoid?

Avoid going too crazy with your initial base design and starting small is recommended. Also, don’t build all augmentations at once; workstations have limited slots, so only build those that give desired effects. Avoid using materials for crafting that provide non-existent bonuses on items. The crafting process itself could be a separate bounty – the difference in outcomes can be huge when you understand how to set up your workshop and how to min-max item crafting.

Pursue fun and play the game at your own pace. You can rush towards the end-game or stop and enjoy the moment at any given time.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I promise I'll make a video guide of this, but technology was not on my side this weekend... Anyway... Here's some advise from a complete survival games newbie. I'm still in very early game content, but these are some things I was happy to discover early on, or wish that someone has showed them to me a lot sooner:

  • Which Realmcards should they prioritise crafting? There will be card you have to craft for story progression, so that's an obvious choice. The other ones are some which will help you with exploration such as not getting hungry all the time. Most useful card in my opinion, because my character definitely eats way more than I do during a stream session:

  • Where should they build a base? Somewhere with plenty of resources nearby. In the forest biome on the shore is a good spot, you have wolf packs and fish for food, trees and stone to get your first base built up quickly. Another thing to consider is to closeness of the Essence Trader and Portal as you'll be using these quite often.

- What are the most efficient ways to build and craft? Don't be like me and actually have a plan! Make a list and go get everything you need, then stay at base and build/craft. I always missed something so kept running back and forth which is the biggest waste of time since (at least in early gameplay) you will be going around slowly.

  • What equipment should they prioritise crafting? Umbrella if you haven't picked one up during the tutorial FOOD. Slingbow and don't forget the ammo like I did! A bag with bigger storage capacity Storage baskets so you don't carry everything around with you, you won't be crafting while out hunting, will you? No.

  • How much effort should they put into their first base? Keep it simple (says the person spending hours trying to build the tallest tower and only managing 10 floors). A campfire, a bed, storage and all your workstations. And speaking of workstations: buy the blueprints and build them sooner than later.

  • Which early clothing and weapons are the most effective? When you hire a companion have a look at what they have, their gear might be better than yours. Just swap it.

  • Get a fishing rod so you have an alternative way to get food apart from running around to find wolf packs. Slingbow. It makes a huge difference if you can kite enemies while your defence is lower.

  • What should they pursue and what should they avoid? Don't go out hunting at night when it's raining, unless you want to keep swapping around a torch so you don't freeze to death and an umbrella so you don't get soaked.

  • Is there anything else that they should really know? Do what you enjoy the most, I spent a lot of time exploring, so I'm still at very early game. But since I did walk around I discovered these puzzles which gave recipes or enchantments.

And this cool portal far away in Narnia, but hey you can play around with cards and give yourself some fae powers or plunge a realm into eternal darkness. Totally worth it if you ask me.


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