8 years ago today the pokemon go app was launched! Whats your favourite catch so far!? Mine has got to be either big Snorlax or Gyarados! I just love them!
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8 years ago today the pokemon go app was launched! Whats your favourite catch so far!? Mine has got to be either big Snorlax or Gyarados! I just love them!
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Not long started playing this, never did get to bug when it came out but I quite like it now, wherever I am now I just whip out my phone and start grabbing Pokemon lol.
haha brilliant! I dropped off after a while but I am back playing it as theres so much more t odo now which is great!
Agreed, will be doing more as and when time permits myself.
HBD Pokemon GO! - I lost like 5kg when it first started just walking between Pokemon and doing raids
Haha good times! Such a great time when it launched in 2016
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