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Makster's avatar

Mine would be Whitney from Gen 2. Her MIltank gave me a really difficult time as a kid since there was no natural weaknesses and roll-out was incredibly strong.

Also because she looks like a Nurse Joy knock-off

Boomer's avatar

That's the toughest cow in the universe! That rollout used to steamroll my team over and over 😭

Sav's avatar

I did not add her for that absolute reason...

Boomer's avatar

No love for Sabrina? 😭

Sav's avatar

No, I found her to be creepy in the Animè 💀

Boomer's avatar

Yeah I can appreciate that. I also found her creepy but only remembered while looking for that image! I'm not a fan of dolls so I think that's what did it for me 😱

I grew up with Gen 1 and I love Alakazam so psychic are my go-to type

Sav's avatar

The whole arc was creepy and I was glad that Ash beat her in the end and saved his friends.


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