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Ford James's avatar

They haven't changed anything from the TCG, this is how it's always been. I'm not sure why it differs from the video games, but rock and ground-type have never existed in Pokemon cards. It takes some adjusting to if all you know are the video games, but it would've been way more confusing if they suddenly introduced types to match up to the video games. Same goes for ice-types being grouped as water-types, flying as normal (or colorless, as it's officially called), bug is grass, etc.

Also, steel-type is known as metal in the TCG, and electric is lightning. And fairy-type cards are yet to be introduced to PTCGP! Why the discrepancies? Who knows, if I had to guess I'd assume it's a translation job, as Pokemon cards are always produced and released in Japan months before they make their way to the west.

Boomer's avatar

Thanks Ford, I hadn't realised! I used to collect the cards a long time ago but the games are my main frame of reference. There are some types in the games that make sense when combined, e.g.:

  • ground, rock, and steel - all a form of "earth" or "mineral"

  • dark, ghost, psychic, and fairy - all a form of "mind" or "spirit"

Not to suggest they need to combine them but there are similarities!


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