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Ford James's avatar

Hey dianthus! Glad to hear you're getting stuck in, the open beta/free-to-play launch is the perfect time. There are plenty of players in the community who are better at the game than I am, but I'd suggest giving our SMITE 2 tips article a read. We published that shortly after the community launched last year, but everything should still be relevant and we'll be updating it in the coming months to keep it fresh and accurate.

We also have plenty of other guides, including for specific gods, so just have a scroll down the curated tab to find those. Hopefully you enjoy SMITE 2, and feel free to enter some rewards as you find your feet!

dianthus's avatar

Thank you for the link!! Somehow I checked the rewards but not the curated list.

Boomer's avatar

Excellent! Which gods appeal to you the most?

dianthus's avatar

Having a quick look just now, I think I like the look of Hua Mulan and the fact that her kit seems really straightforward. I'm used to play tanks or healers in PVP games, and I like non-human designs, so I definitely want to try Geb! I didn't see any healer type yet, but I haven't read all the kits yet. I also really like the look of Cernunnos and Danzaburou (his kit sounds really fun too). Oh and Bacchus! Always happy to see a Bacchus in the wild.

Boomer's avatar

Hua Mulan does look like she'd be a great way to learn the ropes! It can be difficult to know what the different abilities can offer, but a sword, spear, and bow are very intuitive.

I really like the sound of Agni - it makes me think of Avatar: the Last Airbender (Agni Kai).


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