Two Point Museum has a big trophy for the completionists among us: the sticker book. You'll earn a sticker for various achievements associated with almost every element in the game: every exhibit, every guest type, and every staff member has a sticker, among several other things. Furthermore, all stickers have 'shiny' objectives: special above-and-beyond tasks you must complete to upgrade your sticker to its shiny version. To get the shiny version of an exhibit's sticker, for instance, you'll typically need to find a pristine-quality version of it in the game.
It'd be a lot of work, in other words, to acquire not just every sticker in the game, but the shiny version of every sticker in the game. That's why we've got a very big prize for the first member on Just who can submit definitive proof of having done so.
Here are the rules - read them carefully and follow them exactly to avoid disappointment!
First, complete the achievement: get every sticker in the in-game sticker book, and complete every sticker's shiny objective. Every single page should be filled with gold-bordered shinies.
Second, record definitive video proof linking your in-game sticker book with your Just account. Your video must show a webpage in which you are logged in to your Just profile, with your account name clearly visible, and must also show an instance of Two Point Museum in which you flick through every single page of the sticker book, showing every page completed, with every sticker upgraded to its shiny version. If you're playing on PC this'll be a simple matter of you recording your screen while you alt+tab between a web browser and the game instance. If you're on console, we'll accept a phone recording of a device in which you're logged in to Just and a console running the game.
Good luck! Go get those shinies!
1 available
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