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Create a guide on how to play solo lane in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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Guide on how to play Sololane

What is the Solo?

Sololane consists of an individual line like mid but with the difference that it is located on one side of the map, this role is one of the most important in the game because the Sololane can determine whether a game is won or not if you know how to play.

In this role, characters with a lot of endurance are used, such as tanks or warriors, who can launch you head-on into a team fight without much fear of being killed quickly dealing considerable damage, in addition this role also has the importance and possibility of stealing the enemy jungle, facing the enemy jungle and rotating to the other lines more easily than the mid or carry helping the jungle with this task. In this line you will have 1 vs 1 combats in which you will have to use your knowledge, abilities and builds to be able to fight and win the line against the enemy god and something worth noting is that if a Sololane is weak It is a huge disadvantage for the team to lose a god capable of helping a lot in team fights, defending attacks, starting fights or even tanking the Fire Giant or Gold Fury in case the support cannot

Gods and Builds

Below I will show you some gods that you can use and their possible builds for this role.







You can use other characters from other roles, an example is:

Ra (with aspect)


Tips for playing Sololane

Early game

A good way to start is to go straight to Blue and do it as quickly as possible and then go to the lane and clear the wave of minions as quickly as possible and deal damage to the enemy after or during, after this, keep an eye on the jungler, deal damage to the enemy god and try to get a kill for a good start.

Mid game

At this point in the game it will depend on how well you did in the Early game but you can focus on farming the Minions and Buffing the jungle to earn money and level up, If you have an advantage over the enemy god, you can rotate by carrying towards the Duolane or walking to the midlane to do the Gold Fury, Pyromancer or look for a kill.

Late Game

Once you reach level 20 you can destroy the enemy god tower and start meeting with your team to do team fights and kill jungle monsters to get the buffs, Taking advantage of the fact that you withstand damage, you do damage and you can normally be more aggressive than the support, your role is to go directly against the enemies, protect, absorb damage and seek to kill enemies that they are alone to unbalance the team fights.

Since you are the only tank on the team that doesn't need much help from allied gods you can take it upon yourself to go around the map looking for enemy gods alone to kill or steal Buff or cover the map with wards and thus give vision to your team.


Create a guide about how to play Aladdin in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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Aladdin The Sultan

Aladdin He is a new character added in Smite 2 that was not in Smite 1 and brought with him new mechanics and abilities that change what is normally seen in Smite 1, This character can be used as a Midliner or jungler and with the possibility of the 3 wishes of his passive this character is complicated but very incredible if you learn how to use it.


Passive: Aladdin has the possibility to ask the genie for 3 wishes during the game, granting him different Buffs that would be:

  • Wealth: Earn 250 gold and assists or killing gods will give you 100 more gold for 3 minutes

  • Immortality: If Aladdin dies he will be immediately revived at his team's base gaining 75% movement speed for 10 seconds upon leaving the fountain

  • Power: Resets the cooldown of abilities and items in addition to gaining 2 charges of the genie's Strength

And passively Aladdin gains 2 charges of the genie's strength every 15 sec

  1. First ability (Kufic Invocation): Aladdin fires 5 projectiles that pass through all enemies, dealing magic damage, and when the ability is activated again, these projectiles return once they reach the maximum distance.

    This ability needs to be charged at the beginning the projectiles will be dispersed forming a conical area but by waiting a moment the ability will be fully charged and the projectiles will go in a straight line doing more damage and reaching further than before since the ability will be fully charged.

  2. Second ability (Sultan's Grace): Aladdin dashes forward, passing through all enemies in his path, increasing his damage by 0.5% for each enemy below 50% health and dealing magic damage, and when reactivating the ability Aladdin will use a charge of the genie's strength to summon him and hit 5 times where Aladdin points, dealing magic damage in a small area.

  3. Third ability (Agile run): Aladdin Dash towards a wall, either on the map or created by God, running along the wall for a few seconds and then jumping and hitting the area the player selects, dealing magic damage and knocked straight up. A charge of the genie's strength is used to reactivate the ability and fall and deal damage.

  4. Fourth ability (into the lamp): Aladdin throws the lamp towards an enemy trapping the first enemy hit inside the lamp and teleporting himself and the enemy inside the lamp for a duel

    Upon entering the lamp the enemy and Aladdin will have their lives restored to a minimum amount and Aladdin's cooldowns will be reset while the enemy god's will be halved, In addition, the lamp will remain in the place where the enemy god was hit, making it possible for any god, whether ally or enemy, to enter the lamp as long as it is not hit in any way When trying to enter and when entering it will have the same effect as the first god hit.


I will show a jungle build and optional items that you can use to change the build to make it a midliner.


Optional items

How to play?

Once you've seen Aladdin's abilities, I can give you some tips on how to use this character:

  • Its passive can have many uses since with the 3 fingers that we can ask in a different order we can take advantage of certain situations such as, for example, the wish for wealth You can use it when you know that you can look for a kill or a team fight that will generate that extra money for you, taking advantage of the 3 minutes and using the 250 earned to buy an item for the fight before to go, The wish for Power you can be this desire before starting a fight by having all the cooldowns restored and having the passive charged is a way to "ensure" that you can win the fight if necessary and The wish of immortality is very useful when you have an urgent need to go to team fights where you know you can die to buy items you need or to not leave the enemies and take advantage that is weak or in case of need to die to appear quickly in the source and prevent them from destroying a structure, phoenix or titan

  • The first ability is very useful if it is fully charged and you have a charge of the passive, since the projectiles will return to you wherever you are standing, passing through everything, Therefore you can move freely using the second or third ability to get in line with an enemy and have the return projectiles do as much damage as possible.

  • The third ability is one of the character's best because it can be used to escape even if your path is blocked by a wall like the one Ymir summons, being able to move faster through the jungle dealing damage when falling with the passive charged to steal or buff faster and When fighting, it's a great way to distract and prevent enemies from harming you with some abilities that require precision.

  • The fourth ability is your best weapon if you want to do 1 vs 1 fights and in case other gods come in, then do a team fight where Aladdin has the advantage, Also remember that the lamp does not go through walls or structures so avoid throwing this ability if you do not have a safe shot.


Design a kit for a god that has never been seen in SMITE before!

in SMITE 2

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Hela goddess of death

Mythology: Nordic

Role: Mage/Support

Basic attacks: Hel fires projectiles of Nordic magic hitting the first enemy it hits and dealing magic damage.

Passive: Hela absorbs the life energy of enemies with her basics obtaining Healing For each god killed by her Utly Hela gains a permanent stack of Magic Damage

  1. First ability (Winds of Hel): Hela launches a straight line blast of the frozen wind of hell, passing through any enemy or structure dealing magic damage and slowing down damaged enemies

  2. Second ability (The abyss): Hela opens the ground beneath her feet summoning a portal to Hel and placing the other side of the portal anywhere else the goddess wants.

    When casting the ability hela will be able to choose where to place the portal on the floor within a certain area, if the area is occupied by a structure she will not be able to use the ability and if she places the ability Under any jungle enemy the enemy will not be affected in any way

  3. Third ability (Servants of Hel): Hela Absorbs the powers of Helheim increasing its attack speed, magic damage, movement speed and making Hel's basics larger and explode in an area

  4. Fourth ability (Helheim's Fury): Hel summons the rooster of Helheim causing it to squawk, summoning a storm of Hel's wind in a circular area dealing magic damage, slowing and stunning enemies who were beaten for the entire time of the ability

    During this ability Hel will remain still in the middle of the circle and will be immune to CC but will be completely vulnerable to damage.


All abilities will scale with intelligence and will have a slower speed than other gods as well as being somewhat more tanky than other mages.


Tell us what the best aspects are in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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Top 3 Smite 2 aspects


Thanatos aspect seems to me to be one of the best inventions and additions to the game as it provides the character with a very different way of playing, The aspect changes that Thanatos' passive instead of healing him now permanently generates Max Health and that the third ability (Soul Reap) does bonus damage and heals Thanatos according to him Max health, This small change allows Thanatos to have an infinite stack of life as he kills enemies and allows him to change builds and game modes so that the character is more fun and better at playing.

With a good build, knowing how to use the character and with the Thanatos skin on, he will be an unstoppable assassination weapon in the game.

Hun bratz

Hun bratz is one of the new characters that have been added to the game and already the character is very OP with his abilities and the damage he does with them, but If we add the character's appearance, it makes him one of the most powerful characters in the game and the most powerful in his role.

The aspect changes the passive and instead of giving it a strength buff it generates slow to the enemy and the second ability (Overhand smash) stuns but does less damage, With these slight changes they make the character one of the most dangerous and annoying in the game since taking advantage of the fact that this character can combine abilities and escape very easily from a fight makes a 1v1 encounter against this character almost a sure death because he slows you down, stuns you, deals massive damage and can also escape if he needs to. Without a doubt one of the most powerful characters in the game


Khepri is one of the best supports in the game without a doubt, but with the arrival of his skin he becomes even better, The aspect changes that the first ability (Abduct) no longer pulls the first enemy it finds but instead grabs the enemy and roots them while dealing constant basic damage for the duration of the ability.

This simple change makes Khepri even more feared than before because he not only renders the enemy still while dealing constant damage, but he also silences the enemy making them an easy target for other gods or even for Khepri himself who, using his 3, can root him for a second time making it impossible for him to escape.

With a good combo of abilities and a suitable build, Khepri can not only be a good support but also put up a good fight, something that was not possible before with the character.


Design an aspect for any SMITE 2 god that doesn't have one yet!

in SMITE 2

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Yemoja Goddess of Rivers

Aspect: Fury of the rivers

Basic attacks: Yemoja will launch projectiles that will stop at the first target hit, the third basic hit correctly will do 30% more damage and will do area damage that will affect surrounding enemies

Passive: Yemoja The speed of rivers with basic attacks impacted on enemy gods will increase in the form of a stack up to a maximum of 15

The river will have 3 stages:

  • Normal: Obtained after 5 basic hits and in this stage Yemoja gains 2% movement speed and 4% increase in magic damage.

  • Fast: Obtained after 10 basics hit and Yemoja gains 4% movement speed and 8% increase in magic damage

  • Fury: Obtained after 15 basic attacks hit and In this stage Yemoja increases her movement speed by 6% and her magic damage by 12%.

Abilities 1 and 2 will spend 5 stacks of the passive each time they are cast and the 4th ability or the Ulty will spend all available stacks.

  1. First ability: Yemoja Summons a wave, in a cone area, that passes through all enemies but not walls, dealing magic damage

    The wave will be larger and do more damage at the beginning of the ability than at the end when it is smaller and If the passive has 5 stacks the wave will cause slow on the enemies hit.

  2. Second ability: Yemoja will launch a wave in a straight line that will go through everything and leave a mark on the first god hit.

    If the passive is not charged, the mark will simply disappear, but if there are 5 stacks, the mark will explode after 3 seconds, dealing magic damage and slowing, and if the passive has 10 stack the first enemy god will be stunned when hit by the ability.

  3. Third ability: Yemoja's third ability would be the same as the current game character, a jump escape

  4. Fourth ability: Yemoja summons a huge wave in a straight line with rocks and tree branches inside it, destroying everything in its path, dealing magical damage, reducing healing and dealing damage per tick for 5 ticks after being hit by the wave.

    If the passive has 15 stacks the wave will be bigger and instead of doing damage per tick, it will apply a 10% reduction to magical and physical defenses.

With this aspect Yemoja could be used in another role apart from support as Mid or Solo, in addition to being an opportunity to give variety to the character as well as a new way to play with this goddess


Suggest an unorthodox build for any SMITE 2 god!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

Ymir: High attack speed and high critical damage

Thanks to Ymir's basic passive, it can be used to generate a Ymir capable of doing massive and fast damage as a Carry, the next build I'm going to show It is one that takes advantage of Ymir's passive and exploits it to its full potential, leaving aside anything regarding being a support or tank on the team.

Ymir is a character that is mainly used as Support and Solo, but there is another way that he can be used and that is jungle or assassin mode in other game modes making use of him passive with crits and attack speed. The Build works as follows, Ymir will have extremely high damage and critical chance as well as increased attack speed, therefore making it perfect for kill enemy gods with a low life bar of maximum 3 basic with the build completed, it is worth remembering that with this Build Ymir no longer has protection and is easy to kill



The game mode with this Build is to use 3 to freeze and basic kill enemies, 2 to slow them down in case they are escaping or if other damage is needed and 1 to escape or prevent an enemy from escaping. This build leaves aside damage from abilities and focuses on damage from basic attacks, therefore using Ulty or 2 to kill an enemy is more counterproductive than anything else, instead you should focus on basic attacks and use the abilities to your advantage to Stun, slow or stop an enemy.

Also by using the relic you can make surprise attacks to kill unsuspecting enemies quickly and it should also be added that with this Build Ymir can be perfectly used as jungle because with his massive basic damage he can clear the jungle quickly and alone, even against strong jungle enemies.

Some tips for playing with Ymir and this build

  • In early game don't be so aggressive as you won't get much damage and can die easily

  • Once you have the first 3 or 2 items it is possible to try 1 vs 1 without much risk with the enemies.

  • Clear the jungle at all times with this Build to get money faster and be able to get the items sooner and do more damage.

  • Buffs help the build, like red, purple, blue and yellow

  • Avoid fighting enemies that can silence or disarm you like Bellona, as it would take away your only way to fight.

  • Remember that Ymir can be a bit slow when casting abilities, so think and measure the abilities well before casting them.

  • Use 1 on your feet to escape so that Ymir jumps forward and leaves a wall behind to prevent the enemy from following you.

  • Ymir will also do heavy damage to structures, phoenixes and titans with this build.

  • Remember to start giving basic attacks after using an ability to take advantage of the Hydra's passive buff