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How to play solo lane in smite 2

Solo lane is the most effective lane in smite 2 conquest if you are a good solo laner you will win most of your games

The best gods for solo lane in Smite 2 is some of the Warriors, some of the mages, and couple of assassins

For example


  • Chacc

  • Odin

  • Bellona

  • Amaterasu


  • Hades.


  • Loki

  • Thor

Farming in the beginning of the game is the most important thing for a solo player to reach level 20 as fast as possible, so you can handle team fights by focusing the enemy mage and hunter to prevent them from attacking your team.

so lane phase play aggressive and tries to kill your enemy, so you get ahead of them and can rotate for lanes to help your team to get kills

make sure to ward your jungle so the enemy jungler can't attack you and kill you


Guide on how to play Sololane

What is the Solo?

Sololane consists of an individual line like mid but with the difference that it is located on one side of the map, this role is one of the most important in the game because the Sololane can determine whether a game is won or not if you know how to play.

In this role, characters with a lot of endurance are used, such as tanks or warriors, who can launch you head-on into a team fight without much fear of being killed quickly dealing considerable damage, in addition this role also has the importance and possibility of stealing the enemy jungle, facing the enemy jungle and rotating to the other lines more easily than the mid or carry helping the jungle with this task. In this line you will have 1 vs 1 combats in which you will have to use your knowledge, abilities and builds to be able to fight and win the line against the enemy god and something worth noting is that if a Sololane is weak It is a huge disadvantage for the team to lose a god capable of helping a lot in team fights, defending attacks, starting fights or even tanking the Fire Giant or Gold Fury in case the support cannot

Gods and Builds

Below I will show you some gods that you can use and their possible builds for this role.







You can use other characters from other roles, an example is:

Ra (with aspect)


Tips for playing Sololane

Early game

A good way to start is to go straight to Blue and do it as quickly as possible and then go to the lane and clear the wave of minions as quickly as possible and deal damage to the enemy after or during, after this, keep an eye on the jungler, deal damage to the enemy god and try to get a kill for a good start.

Mid game

At this point in the game it will depend on how well you did in the Early game but you can focus on farming the Minions and Buffing the jungle to earn money and level up, If you have an advantage over the enemy god, you can rotate by carrying towards the Duolane or walking to the midlane to do the Gold Fury, Pyromancer or look for a kill.

Late Game

Once you reach level 20 you can destroy the enemy god tower and start meeting with your team to do team fights and kill jungle monsters to get the buffs, Taking advantage of the fact that you withstand damage, you do damage and you can normally be more aggressive than the support, your role is to go directly against the enemies, protect, absorb damage and seek to kill enemies that they are alone to unbalance the team fights.

Since you are the only tank on the team that doesn't need much help from allied gods you can take it upon yourself to go around the map looking for enemy gods alone to kill or steal Buff or cover the map with wards and thus give vision to your team.

Awwadeuwu's avatar

How to play Solo Lane

Which gods and goddesses can be played?

The best for solo play are warriors, but the truth is that you can play many gods and goddesses, guardians with hybrid builds, assassins built as warriors, mages with sustain that can hold out, and even some adcs if you are careful.

Warriors explanation


  • Amaterasu

  • Bellona

  • Chaac

  • Hercules

  • Hua Mulan

  • Mordred

  • Odin

Early game:

Start the game killing and taking the blue buff , then try to upgrade your 3 basic skills to face 1vs1.

Mid game:

Take advantage of the enemy solo with the harpies, central warriors and totem, do not forget the wave of minions and at the same time harm the enemy god. Place wards in the jungle if you see it necessary.

Late game:

Try to find 1vs1 fights, warriors are very good at taking damage and dealing damage. Use portals to gank the enemy duo unawares, try to be in as many team fights as possible.

Guardians explanation


  • Bacchus

  • Cabrakan

  • Geb (With Aspect)

  • Sobek

  • Ares

Early game:

You can start by getting the blue buff or by proxy farming minions between tier 1 and tier 2 towers. You are a guardian but at this early stage, you cannot withstand much damage, you are not good at early, so be careful.

Mid game:

Try to take advantage of the enemy with experience objectives, harpies, central warriors and totems, place wards if you see it necessary. Your main damage is to use constant combos with your skills, use them and stay safe.

Late game:

Help your team in as many battles as possible, at this stage of the game you will be able to withstand a lot of damage and will be useful to the rest of your team.

Assassins explanation


  • Fenrir

  • Hun Batz (With Aspect)

  • Nemesis (With Aspect)

  • Thanatos (With Aspect)

  • Pele

Early game:

You can proxy farm, but it's risky, you have good early damage so you can fight the enemy. If you want to start off more safe, you can get the blue buff.

Mid game:

Being an assassin, it will be easier for you to complete experience objectives, so if you do it right you will be able to get an advantage over the enemy Solo. Be careful not to waste your movement skills, the jungler can stalk at any time, use wards if necessary.

Late game:

Make ambushes when you see someone alone or unprotected, you will easily get a kill.

Mages explanation


  • Aladdin

  • Anubis

  • Aphrodite

  • Baron Samedi

  • Hades

  • Ra (With Aspect)

  • Vulcan (With Aspect. mods 2/1/1)

Early game:

It's a good idea to proxy farm, mages have a good minion clearing ability, but you can choose to get the blue upgrade, also in early you have to try to deal damage to the enemy at the same time as you clear the minion wave.

Mid game:

Mages are weak so if you have any sustain skills don't hesitate to use them, try to make as many experience camps as possible so you don't fall behind on the game, it is best to always have wards in the jungle.

Late game:

At this stage of the game you will do a lot of damage and have moderate endurance with the builds I have shown above, take advantage of your combos to win all possible team fights.

Carrys explanation


  • Jing Wei

  • Izanami

  • Neith (With Aspect)

  • Ullr

  • Medusa

Early game:

It is better that you start with the blue buff, if you expose yourself by proxying it will probably not work out well, always take advantage of the distance to be able to clean the minions well, you are very weak and easy to kill.

Mid game:

Try to do as much damage as you can, you will have a good clean of minions and you will be able to lower the enemy's life quite a bit, always try to achieve the experience objectives to beat him in the lane. It is best to use wards in the jungle to protect yourself from ganks.

Late game:

Once you have taken down the Solo tower, prepare to go into teamfights with your team, your damage will be very useful also to do objectives like the Gold Fury.

Personal Opinion

It is a very fun and varied role, I do not recommend that a beginner player because it requires knowing how to play well, it is often risky to attack the enemy since the enemy jungler can appear at any time, in the same way it is very satisfying to win a 1vs2. This is my favorite role and the one I have played the most.


How to play solo lane in smite 2

Solo lane is the most effective lane in conquest his benefits for the team is huge and lead to win most the times.

Worriors are the most and more effective gods to play as solo paner duo to the tanky they get overtime, you can play gurdian, assassin, mages and even hunter but to make sure you will be usefull to your team you should play warrior.

The game start with 1 vs 1 most of the time cleaning minions and your blue puff and side xp camps when its possible.

For the mid game your goal is to if you have advantage over enemy solo laner your should start rotating to mid and duo lane helping them to progress in the match.

For late game your goal is to play as a frontline block the enemy mages and hunter to reach your team, at this point you will have enough defence and damage to handle any 1 vs 1.

These are best solo laners so far in smite 2





5. RA ( with his aspect you can play solo verey safe)

6. HADES (since smite 1 hes the most playable mage in solo lane duo to his life steal and his builds as you can build him damage, tank and hybrid


Solo lane

The solo lane is one of the roles that can carry the most in a game thanks to the advantage that can be gained from the opponent. If played correctly, you can get a huge advantage in experience and gold by invading the enemy jungle and constantly rotating to the other lanes.

Generally the gods used in this role are tanks/bruisers that can be on the frontline of the teamfights that are capable of mitigating damage, diving the enemy carries and providing utility with crowd control.

In this role it is very important to know the advantages and disadvantages of the god you are using at that moment, since most of the time you will be alone in lane having a 1v1 against the enemy god.

Early game

Currently it is best to start in the lane waiting for the minions to arrive since very little damage is done to the jungle at level 1. Focus on farming and clearing the waves of minions as quickly as possible to put pressure on your opponent and be able to secure the neutral gold camp and, if possible, be able to steal the side harpies to leave your rival behind as much as possible trying not to overexpose yourself to an enemy gank, so when you can, buy wards on one of your first returns to base.

Mid game

At this point, depending on the advantage you have gained from the enemy, you can start rotating using the side portals to secure some Gold Fury or towards the mid lane to fight for some Pyromancer but always without forgetting to farm as much as possible and try to be one of the first to reach lvl 20.

Late game

At this point in the game you should already be lvl 20 and always start grouping with your team to secure objectives and push lanes. Your job depends on the god you have chosen but generally you should try to be on the frontline starting fights and absorbing damage or protecting your carries from enemy gods.

You can also take advantage of how strong you are in 1v1 to split push some lane to generate pressure and separate the enemy team while your team secures objectives.


As I explained before, the gods used in this role are generally tanks or bruisers that can withstand hits and provide usefulness to the team, so currently some of the most useful gods for this role can be:

  • Amaterasu

  • Bellona

  • Hercules

  • Mordred

  • Hua Mulan

  • Chaac

  • Odin

  • Sobek

  • Hades


The solo lane in SMITE 2 is a strategic and often isolated battleground where the focus lies on outlasting and outplaying your opponent to become a strong frontline presence in team fights.

As the solo laner, you will primarily play warriors or guardians, though some mages with sustain can also thrive. Your main responsibilities include:

  • Sustaining in lane to gain experience and gold.

  • Rotating to assist other lanes or secure objectives.

  • Becoming a durable frontline presence in team fights.

  • Controlling enemy movement and soaking damage for your team.

Recommended Gods for Solo Lane:


  • Amaterasu

  • Hercules

  • Bellona


  • Chaac


  • Baron Samedi

  • Hades


  • Understand your opponent strengths and weaknesses. A favorable matchup allows you to play aggressively, while an unfavorable one requires defensive play and focus on farming.

  • Solo lane fights are often long and drawn out. Manage your health and mana efficiently with some items, potions and abilities with healing components.

  • Controlling the minion wave is crucial. Use techniques like Freezing (holding the wave near your tower without letting it crash) or Pushing (clearing the wave quickly to force your opponent to farm under their tower or rotate).

  • Always keep an eye on the minimap. Enemy junglers will frequently gank the solo lane, so warding and positioning are essential.

  • Once your lane is secure, look for opportunities to rotate. Assist your jungler with buffs or objectives or help your team in team fights at mid or contesting neutral objectives

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Strengths: Builds emphasize survivability, allowing you to soak damage in fights. Strong late-game impact as a tanky disruptor. Ability to pressure lanes and force enemy rotations.

Weaknesses: Limited assistance from teammates, making it crucial to win your 1v1 matchup. Impact is heavily reliant on your team coordination in the late game.

Common Mistakes:

Overextending: Without wards, this can lead to easy ganks from the enemy jungler.

Ignoring Rotations: Failing to assist in key fights can cost your team the game.

Poor Wave Management: Missing farm or pushing unnecessarily can give your opponent an advantage.

Warding Spots:

In this guide we can see the best wards spots, not only for Solo laners but also for other roles. Credits to Zetabosiors, who created this guide.

Final Tips:

Always communicate with your team. Let them know when your opponent is missing or if you’re rotating.

Adapt your build to the enemy team composition. Prioritize physical or magical protections based on threats.

Practice different gods to understand their playstyles and counters.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Usually Warriors or Guardians, focusing on 1v1, wave clear, and buffs like blue buff.

Control lane, farm for xp/gold, then transition to team fights.


Early: Farm, manage waves, secure buffs.

Late: Frontline in team fights.

Key: Balance farming with map awareness, ready for rotations when needed.

Some characters you might use:

Bellona: Versatile with sustain and damage.

Chaac: Strong wave clear and healing.

Odin: Dominant 1v1 with his cage.

Sun Wukong: Excellent duelist with escape options.

Guan Yu: Damage with self-healing.

Vamana: Scales well into late game.

Cu Chulainn: High sustain, good control.

Hercules: Early game strength, crowd control.

Tyr: Versatile combat abilities.

Achilles: Tough, mobile, and damaging.


Control blue buff; steal if safe, ward and track enemy jungler, help other lanes or objectives when possible and aim to hit level 2 first for an edge.

Diverse God Choices: Solo lane isn't just for warriors; mages and guardians can also excel here.

Early Game Tactics: Getting to level 2 before the second minion wave is key, often involving strategic use of abilities for clear.

Strategic Rotations: Solo laners must balance laning with timely rotations for objectives like Gold Fury.

Unique God Abilities: Gods like Mordred offer new tactical options, such as wall traversal with ultimates.


Playing solo in Smite 2 can also be fun, and even if you think that it is better to play in company, it is an experience that absolutely must be tried. Not only is it challenging but it is also rewarding if you manage to achieve your goals. Alone the player must manage independently without counting on anyone's help, he must make his choices taking into account many factors, he must not only be the only one who inflicts damage but also the only one who must protect himself.

The main challenge, in addition to the appropriate choices that must be made and the enemies to face, is knowing when to take a step back and avoid exposing yourself too much knowing that you can't do it... in short, you have to take into account your limits, especially if you are not at your best potential.

Surely the best builds are not those of attack but those focused on health and resistance, also the robustness and choosing the deity that knows how to best balance all the features necessary to face a battle.

I personally would choose Bellona because she can defend herself well even from more important attacks. Bellona is also very sturdy and can control the area even if she doesn't have much defense. Important items to build are those focused on health that allows you to recover and survive during attacks.

Ahnsyaraa's avatar

The Solo Lane in SMITE 2 is a critical battleground where individual skill and strategic prowess can significantly influence the outcome of a match. Occupying this lane typically involves selecting durable gods, mastering wave management, and knowing when to engage or retreat. And i think Here's a comprehensive guide to excelling in the Solo Lane.U

  1. Understanding the Solo Lane

    The Solo Lane is usually the lane farthest from the Duo Lane (where the Hunter and Support reside) and is often referred to as the "short lane" due to its proximity to the Fire Giant. This lane demands a god capable of withstanding sustained engagements and contributing effectively to team fights.

  2. Ideal Gods for the Solo Lane

    Choosing the right god is paramount. Warriors and certain Guardians are preferred due to their resilience and versatility.

    Here are some top recommendations:

    1. Amaterasu: Offers a balance of damage and utility with her auras and mobility.

    2. Bellona: Excels in extended fights with her versatile weapon stances and sustain.

    3. Achilles: Provides strong burst damage and adaptability with his stance switching.

    4. Hercules: Boasts significant crowd control and self-healing, making him a formidable presence.

    5. Chaac: Known for his lane sustain and area damage, he can control engagements effectively.

Early Game Strategi

  1. Wave Management: Focus on last-hitting minions to maximize gold income. Proper wave management can deny your opponent resources and set up advantageous engagements.

  2. Buff Control: Secure your Blue Buff (Mana Buff) with the assistance of your Jungler at the start. This buff provides necessary mana regeneration, allowing for sustained pressure in lane.

  3. Ward Placement: Place wards in key jungle entrances to monitor enemy movements and avoid ganks. Vision control is crucial for maintaining lane dominance.

Mid to Late Game Transition

  1. Rotations: After establishing lane control, look for opportunities to rotate mid or assist in jungle skirmishes. Effective rotations can lead to objective control and team advantages.

  2. Team Fights: As a Solo Laner, your role often involves initiating fights or peeling for your backline. Utilize your crowd control and durability to disrupt enemy formations and protect allies

Itemization tips

  1. Building items that enhance your survivability and damage is key. Consider the following:

  2. Defensive Items: Items like Breastplate of Valor or Bulwark of Hope provide necessary protections and cooldown reduction.

  3. Offensive Items: Incorporate items such as Gladiator's Shield to balance damage output with sustain.


SMITE 2 Solo Lane Guide:

The solo lane in SMITE 2 is a 1v1 lane where skill, strategy, and patience determine who comes out on top. If played correctly, you can snowball your advantage and carry your team to victory. This guide will break down everything you need to know to master the solo lane, from early game to late game, and provide tips to help you dominate.

What is the Solo Lane?

The solo lane is the shorter lane on the map (the left lane for Order side and right lane for Chaos side). It’s a 1v1 matchup where you’ll face off against the enemy solo laner. Your goal is to out farm, out pressure, and out rotate your opponent to gain an advantage for your team.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Farm efficiently to be always ahead.

  • Pressure your opponent to deny them farm.

  • Rotate to objectives like Gold Fury, Pyromancer, or team fights when needed.

  • Be the frontline in team fights, soaking damage and disrupting the enemy backline.

Gods for Solo Lane

Solo lane gods are typically tanks or bruisers who can survive in the frontline while dealing consistent damage. Here are some popular picks:

  • Warriors: Hercules, Chaac, Mordred, Belona, Amaterasu.

  • Guardians: Ymir,Bacchus.

  • Mages: Hades, Anubis.

Early Game (Levels 1-5)

The early game is all about farming, pressuring your opponent, and setting the tone for the rest of the match.

What to Do:

  1. Start in Lane: Wait for the minion waves to arrive. At level 1, jungle camps are not worth the time or risk.

  2. Clear Waves Fast: Focus on clearing minion waves quickly to gain an early level advantage.

  3. Secure Neutral Camps: After clearing your wave, try to secure the neutral gold camp (Totem of Ku) or steal the enemy’s side harpies to deny them farm.

Key Tips:

  • Trade Wisely: Poke your opponent when they go for minions, but don’t overcommit.

  • Don’t Overextend: Stay safe and avoid pushing too far without vision.

  • Communicate: Call out if your opponent is missing or if you’re rotating.

Mid Game (Levels 6-15)

By now, you should have a few levels and items under your belt. This is where you can start making bigger plays and influencing the rest of the map.

What to Do:

  1. Rotate for Objectives: Use the side portals to rotate to Gold Fury fights. Help your team secure objectives like Pyromancer or Gold Fury.

  2. Keep Farming: Don’t forget to farm your lane and jungle camps to stay ahead in gold and experience.

  3. Pressure the Map: If you’re ahead, invade the enemy jungle to steal camps and deny their jungler farm.

  4. Group for Fights: Join your team for important team fights, especially around Fire Giant .

Key Tips:

  • Know Your Power Spikes: Understand when your god is strongest ( after completing a key the core items ).

  • Adapt Your Build: Build items that counter the enemy team. If they have a lot of physical damage, prioritize physical defense. If they have magical damage, go for magical defense .

  • Don’t Overrotate: Make sure your lane is pushed before leaving to avoid losing your tower.

Late Game (Levels 16-20)

By late game, you should be level 20 and fully built. Your role now shifts to being the frontline for your team and securing objectives.

What to Do:

  1. Group with Your Team: Stay with your team to contest objectives like Fire Giant or Phoenix pushes.

  2. Initiate Fights: As a tank or bruiser, you’ll often be the one starting fights. Use your crowd control (CC) to lock down enemies usually their backline.

Key Tips:

  • Stay Alive: Your job is to absorb damage and disrupt the enemy team. Don’t dive too deep and get yourself killed.

  • Focus Objectives: Always prioritize Fire Giant, Gold Fury, and Phoenix pushes over chasing kills.

  • Communicate: Call out when you’re engaging or peeling for your team.

Final Tips for Solo Lane Success

  1. Know Your Matchups: Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your god and your opponent’s god. Some gods excel early game, while others scale better late game.

  2. Adapt Your Build: Build items that counter the enemy team. If they have a lot of healing, buy anti-heal items like Pestilence or Brawler’s Beat Stick.

  3. Practice Farming: The better you farm, the faster you’ll level up and gain gold. Focus on last-hitting minions and securing jungle camps.

  4. Ward Constantly: Vision is key to avoiding ganks and making smart rotations. Always have wards placed in key areas.

  5. Stay Calm and Patient: The solo lane is a mental game as much as a mechanical one. Don’t tilt if you fall behind—focus on farming and catching up.

Ford James's avatar

Hi MasterMind, thanks for entering this reward. Before we award your submission, can we ask if you used ChatGPT or other generative AI software to help you produce this?


Hi Ford James

all this information comes from my experience i didnt get any help from AI i play this game since 2012 .

Ford James's avatar

Have you used AI-based translation software to help you write the guide?


if grammers and readability is what youre asking me about then yes i did use AI to fix it .

Ford James's avatar

Thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately, using AI is banned in the majority of rewards on Just About, because it's incredibly tough for us to tell when a submission has used AI to just improve the grammar and readability compared to when the information in the submission has been generated by the AI tool itself.

To ensure you're eligible for future rewards, I'd recommend refraining from using AI in this way. Spend a little more time tidying up the post yourself and it won't read as if it's been generated by AI. We want to reward human creativity, passion, and knowledge, so even if you don't think your submission looks as "clean" this way, it means we can be certain you've created it yourself. Thanks for understanding! ✌


my bad i just wanted this one to be as professional as possible because i main solo lane in smite and i have alot of information about it, i fully understand and it wont happen again


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