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Teach us how to play Cupid in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


How to play Cupid God of Love in SMITE 2!

Since he arrived in Smite 2 cupid has been one of the strongest hunters in the game due to his abilities and his global ultimate which is the best team fight ultimate for hunters in the game

Starting with his aspect (Aspect of Love): Heart Bomb (his first ability) damage is decreased, but enemies hit by it will have lesser Attack Speed, and explosion area will also heal allies, gain a Health Shield at eight stacks of Lovestruck allies (his passive).

This aspect is a great Aspect when using him as a Support character.

Cupid passive (Lovestruck allies): every time you hit a basic attack you get a Cupid stack after 8 stacks Cupid's abilities will grant them additional Damage, Healing, and bonus effects.

Cupid abilities:

  1. Heart Bomb: Cupid fires an Arrow of Love, dealing Physical Damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them. if this ability gets fired while his passive is up all enemies in the explosion area are stunned.

  2. Share the Love: Cupid fires a bomb dealing physical damage to all enemies that hits, after the bomb explodes, 3 hearts spawn around the detonation location, healing and restoring Mana to any ally that picks them up, if this ability get fires while his passive is up the hearts also provide a temporary buff to Strength and Intelligence.

  3. Flutter: Cupid Dashes forward quickly, leaving behind a trail that increases all allies' Attack and Movement Speed.

  4. Fields of Love: Cupid fires a volley of arrows in an area, if the enemies are inside the range they will get slow and cripple, after a short duration the arrows will explode dealing Physical Damage and Mesmerizing all enemies inside the area, and all allies in that area will get heal, if this ability get fires while his passive is up all enemies will be stunned instead of mesmerize.

Ability Leveling Order

  • Heart Bomb: 1-3-6-7-10

  • Flutter: 2-8-11-12-14

  • Share the Love: 4-15-16-18-19

  • Fields of Love: 5-9-13-17-20

    This build is great for lane fights and team fights for late game.

This build if you want to play Cupid as a support.

When you play Cupid

  • Start the game by leveling your 1 (Heart Bomb) because this is the main source of damage you have to level 5 when you get your ultimate.

  • for the lane phase don't be scared to fight your enemy because you have an advantage with your ultimate duo to slow and cripple.

  • For team fights make sure to use your ultimate at the right time because it gives your team a huge advantage you can get all enemy team into your ultimate making a space for your team to deal damage and kill them.


Teach us how to play Bellona in SMITE 2!

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How to play Bellona in SMITE 2!

Bellona has been The face of the company since her release, she is a strong warrior with a unique kit and gameplay, you can also play her as a warrior in solo-lane or as a jungle.

Bellona's passive and abilities:

Starting with Bellona's passive (Master of War): gain stacking movement speed when you are hit or are hit by basic attacks, and another effect depends on the weapon you used to hit a basic attack.

Bellona's abilities:

  1. Shield Bash: dashing forward dealing physical damage and slowing enemies, you also get a 1 Block Stack for each enemy god you hit. this ability Changes to Sword and Shield basic attacks.

  2. Bludgeon: change to Hammer basic attacks, in this ability, Bellona spins dealing physical damage around her then slams the hammer dealing Physical Damage to enemies in an area.

  3. Scourge: change to Scourge basic attacks, dealing physical damage and disarming enemies.

  4. Eagle's Rally: leap forward dealing physical damage and stuns enemies, while leaping you are cc immune, after the leap you will leave an area with a flag in the middle of it you and your teammates gain Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection.

This build for Bellona solo is a mix between damage and defense good for early pressure and late-game team fights

This build for Bellona Jungle is a pure power build you can 1 vs 1 any enemy and just delete him so fast.

Tips for Bellona

  1. Start the game by leveling your 2 (Bludgeon) because it's an AOE damage ability so you can clear fast, then at level 2 level up your 1 (Shield Bash) then your 3 and ultimate

  2. On team fights, if you are facing a god dealing damage with his basic attack start the fight by disarming him using your 3 (Scourge) and dash on him with your one to get that basic attack block from it.

  3. Your ultimate is either for starting fights with your team or you can use it for escape duo to the cc immune the ultimate gives you.

  4. For team fights you have to focus on enemy damage dealers get them out of the fight and give your team the space to kill them.


Teach us how to play Pele in SMITE 2!

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How to play Pele Goddess of Volcanoes in SMITE 2!

Since Smite 1 Pele is a perfect and very fun assassin to play duo to her amazing, string, and funny kit and she made it early to Smite 2

starting with her passive (Everlasting Flame)

every time Pele is under 50% health she gains increased strength and lifesteal, this effect has a cooldown.

Pele abilities:

  1. Pyroclast: Pele sends a magma projectile dealing physical damage to all enemies she hits in a line and grants fuel per enemy hit, when the magma projectile reaches the max range fires additional shard projectiles back to her every time you level up this ability shard projectiles increase.

  2. Eruption: Pele deals Physical Damage and Knocks Up enemies around her, at rank 3 and 5 this area gains additional explosion areas, which deal Physical Damage and a smaller Knock Up, activating this ability while your third ability (Magma Rush) is active you can dash a short distance before erupting.

  3. Magma Rush: this ability has 2 stages when its active Pele deals Physical Damage to nearby enemies and gains movement speed. this ability has no cooldown but its uses Fuel for its duration

  4. Volcanic Rush: Pele is cc immune when you activate this ability dashing forward dealing physical damage to the first enemy she hits, and firing a cone attack that deals Physical Damage to other enemies.

Pele is a pure physical damage assassin this build is very good on her with a mix between defense and strength and a lifesteal item.

Tips for Pele:

  1. when you play her I usually start by leveling up my 3 (Magma Rush) because it deals a ton of damage to jungle camps that's makes your clear so easy

  2. After your 3 start leveling your 1 then 2 then ultimate and focus on maxing your 1 because it is the best ability to secure kills and it can fire it twice dealing a lot of damage

  3. When you start your fight start it with your 3 active (Magma Rush) blink if you have it if not use your ultimate on the enemy, after that knock him up so you have time to use your 1 and keep dealing damage to enemies

  4. Pele is a strong 1 vs 1 god so don't be scared to fight enemies even if you are 1 or 2 levels behind them ( your life steal and burst damage will help you with that fight).

  5. For team fights you have to focus on the enemy damage dealers that will help your team to help you deal damage to enemies and win fights almost every time if your team is good enough.


Create a guide about how to play Aladdin in SMITE 2!

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Aladdin is a complete Smite 2 new god with new mechanics that have never been in Smite 1 made Aladdin a very unique god with crazy and fun abilities to play with, thanks to HIREZ and EU5.

Aladdin passive (Three Wishes)

Aladdin can make 3 wishes at any time in the match. He also gains up to 2 charges of Genie's Strength every 15s.

  1. wish 1 (Wealth): Aladdin gains 250 gold, for 3 seconds any god kills and Assists provides 100 more gold.

  2. wish 2 (Immortality): when Aladdin dies he can with for Immortality instantly revived, and gain 75% movement speed for 10 seconds when leaving the fountain.

  3. Wish 3 (Power): Aladdin resets his ability, item, and relic. He also gains 2 charges of Genie's Strength.

Aladdin abilities:

  1. Kufic Invocation: Aladdin fires 5 Kufic Symbols dealing magical damage to enemies that hits, Aladdin can charge this ability travels further, and deal more damage, if Aladdin uses a charge of Genie's Strength the genie will send the symbols back and deal magical damage to all enemies passes through.

  2. Sultan's Grace: Aladdin dashes forward dealing Magical Damage to enemies he hits, if he uses a charge of geni's strength the geny will appear and start dealing magical damage to enemies with 5 hits.

  3. Agile Run: this is a very unique ability that has never been in Smite 1 before, Aladdin dashes forward. If he dashes into a wall or obstacle he will climb it and start running on it before he leaps when landing Aladdin deals amgical damage in the area, if Aladdin uses a charge of Genie's Strength, the Genie will jump from the wall alongside him dealing magical damage to enemies in that area.

  4. Into The Lamp: Aladdin throws the Lamp forward, stopping on the first enemy god hit. If successful, Aladdin and the enemy God are pulled into the Lamp to challenge each other,

Aladdin and his enemy who entered the lamp will have their health restored to a minimum amount, Aladdin's non-ultimate abilities cooldown are reset, and the lamp is left in the ground allowing any allied or enemy Gods to enter the lamp and join and fight on the lamp with them.

These are 2 builds for Aladdin one is pure magical damage and the other one is physical damage.

This build is for the jungle.

This build is for mid-lane and you can play with it in the jungle.

When you play Aladdin as a jungle start by leveling your 2 so you can clear camps faster at level 3 you can gank any lane duo to the good damage you deal so it's easy to get kills early

for your ultimate you have to make sure who you are using your ultimate on, chose a target that you are sure you can kill him 1 vs 1 or you can ult an enemy god that he is so effective to his team, so if you take him away your team can win a team fight.

Be careful when you use your ultimate because anyone can enter the lamp so if you are in a 1 vs 2 scenario you will lose the 1 vs 1 advantage because the enemy team will enter the lamp and you will probably lose the fight.

For your passive (Wealth) is not important so you can use it any time you want

But your (immortality) is a game changer you have to know when to use it because it can make you win the game when you use it on the right time

your (power) is very important too because it resets all your abilities, actives, and items so you have to use it wisely.


Create a guide on how to play Aphrodite in SMITE 2!

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How to play Aphrodite in SMITE 2!

Aphrodite is a magical Goddess who can be played in mid-lane and solo-lane but she is the strongest support in Smite 2 right now due to her kit with a mix of heal movement speed and awesome ultimate that is one of the strongest survival ultimate in Smite 2.

Aphrodite passive

Center of Attention: Aphrodite gets physical and magical protection for each friendly or enemy God nearby.

Aphrodite abilities:

  1. Kiss: Fire a kiss projectile at enemies or allies, if you hit allies you link them with you and become a soulmate giving you both increased movement speed, and reduced kiss cooldown. If the kiss hits and enemy he will get stunned and take magical damage, when you kiss an enemy the ally you are linking with becomes Jealous, increasing the damage dealt.

    allied you are linking with gains 50% of your MP5 and 10% of your Protections

  2. Back Off: Deal Magical Damage, Slow, and Push away enemies around you, if you have a Soul Mate, Deal Magical Damage, Slow, and Push away enemies around them as well, if enemies get hit by you and your soulmate they take reduced damage from the 2nd area.

  3. Love Birds: Fire a projectile that heals you and deals Magical Damage overtime, if you have a soul mate while firing this ability he will start getting healing and they active cooldowns will decrease per tick.

  4. Undying Love: You and your Soul Mate become Damage Immune, CC Immune, and gain the Jealousy effect for a short duration.

    Reactivate to Leap to your Soul Mates location, if you already used your 3 ( Love Birds) it will reset while ulting and you can refire it again.

These are some build for Aphrodite as a support and mid-laner

This is the support build a mix of magical and physical items and actives that can help your teammates in the game

This is the full damage build for mid-lane

A mix of cooldown, penetration, and intelligence.

When you play Aphrodite make sure you are always linked with your allies to heal them and they get benefits from your passive and protection.

in team fights you have to play carefully on the backline don't get too close to enemies and keep kissing your allies because when you land a kiss on your teammate it will reset the ability cooldown and you can spam kissing and healing your team.

Choose the perfect time to use your ultimate because it can change the match for your team's side by saving one with your ultimate.


Teach us how to play Poseidon in SMITE 2!

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How to play Poseidon in SMITE 2!

Poseidon has been a unique and ionic god since his release in Smite 1, you can play him in mid-lane, ADC, jungle and you can play him solo he is a flexible god thanks to his kit

Poseidon passive

Changing Tide: when you hit a basic attack Poseidon gains a tide increasing his movement Speed and dealing more damage with abelites using any ability decreases Tide.

Poseidon abilities

  1. Tidal Surge: Poseidon creates a wave sending it straight forward hitting any enemy on its way dealing magical damage and Knocking Back enemies if this ability us used while (his second ability Trident) is active, it will send out two additional waves.

  2. Trident: Poseidon activates his Trident, gaining increased Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Basic Attack Damage. While activated, Tidal Surge & Basic Attacks fire two additional shots.

  3. Whirlpool: Poseidon summons a whirlpool dealing magical damage overtime and Crippling enemies inside it

  4. Release the Kraken: Poseidon summons the Kraken dealing magical damage and slowing enemies in the ultimate area, if the enemies are in the center of the ult they are stunned, knocked up, and take increased magical damage.

This build is a mix between cooldown for spamming abilities and movement speed with his passive makes Poseidon move faster on the map and magical damage for one-shot purposes.

When you play Poseidon start by leveling your first ability ( tidal surge) because it has a low cooldown rate this is gonna help with clearing your minions waves

Poseidon combo is very easy starting by using your 3 ( whirlpool) crippiling your enemy and using your ultimate on him this will make you hit enemies in the middle of your ultimate then use your 1 (tidal surge) on them, this combo can 1 shot non-tank enemies very quick.

For team fights play behind your tank make distance with your enemies and use your abilities wisely especially your ultimate because with a good ultimate in team fights can let your team win the game.


Teach us how to play The Morrigan in SMITE 2!

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How to play The Morrigan in Smite 2!

The Morrigan is the most unique god in smite 2 duo to her ultimate that's make her copy any god in the match ally good or enemy god

It requires high skill player to be able to play her and do good in the match.

These are her passive and abilities:

passive Doomsayer: her 3rd basic attack will damage all enemies within the range and doomed them (Enemies will take additional Basic Attack damage over time.)


  1. Deadly Aspects: The Morrigan summons 2 of her copies and after the summon if you hit again they will damage the enemy at the same time dealing magical damage and stun the enemies that hits.

  2. Dark Omen: The Morrigan launches a wave of dark magic at her enemies that deals magical damage to them (deals bonus damage to minions) and the ability mark the enemy its hit the next time that enemy takes any damage from abelites will take bonus damage.

  3. Confusion: The Morrigan creates a clown of herself and she become invisible, the phantom runs to the targeted area the clown will deal no damage and die from 1 hit, while shes invisible Morrigan will get increased movement speed.

  4. Changeling: this is the most unique ultimate in all of smite 2. The Morrigan selects a God from the current match to become a copy of and cleanses herself of all effects when She transform into that god she can use all his abilities and relics for a shot amount of time, and after the duration ends she came back to her true form, you can copy any god on the match from allies and enemies.

The Morrigan aspect (Aspect of Mischief): Confusion no longer stealth you. Now, on refire, you swap positions with your clone.

This build is a mix of intelligence, cooldown, and movement speed to help Morrigan in game play.

When you play The Morrigan you have set her abelites on quick casting. this will help you to transform faster, make sure to select which god you wanna transform into by press your ultimate and holding the button then right click in the god you chose next time you want to use ultimate just press the ultimate button and it will transform immediately.

Playing with her aspect is more effective because your 3 is just a decoy and you will be stealth. By activating the aspect you can use your 3 to run from enemies or chase them.


Teach us how to play Agni in SMITE 2!

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How to play Agni in SMITE 2!

Agni personally by far is the most fun mage to play in Smite 1 and thanks to HIREZ for bringing him to Smite 2 early.

His main role is mid-laner.

Agni's abilities and passive

Passive Combustion: every time you hit enemy minions you get 1 stack hitting enemy gods gives you 2 stacks, At 4 stacks, Agni's next Flame Wave or Rain Fire ability cast will ignite all enemies hit dealing magical damage, when Agni kills an enemy God, he goes on a Hot Streak. When on a Hot Streak, Combustion is fully charged and using Flame Wave or Rain Fire does not consume Combustion.


  1. Noxious Fumes: Agni summons a cloud of noxious fumes dealing magical damage to all enemies inside it using any ability over it detonates the gas Stunning and dealing Magical Damage to enemies

  2. Flame Wave: Agni summons a wave of fire, dealing Magical Damage.

  3. Path of Flames: Agni dashes forward leaving a trail of flames behind him enemies enter this ability and take magical damage over time, Agni becomes Displacement Immune while Dashing. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

  4. Rain Fire: Agni Summons a meteor to fall on a target location, dealing magical damage. He can have up to 3 charges of this ability. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

Build for AGNI:

This is my main build for AGNNI which is mix of magical damage, penetration, and cooldown.

  1. Pendulum of the ages: a good starter with mix of damage and cooldown and mana regen.

  2. Book of tooth: very strong magical item that works for almost every mage god.

  3. soul gem: gives intelligence and lifestyle which is good for sustainability.

  4. gem of focus: a cooldown item with a good amount of intelligence and a movement speed passive

  5. spear of desolation: in my opinion, this is the best magical item since Smite 1 because of its passive that reduces your non-ultimate abilities for 2 seconds and ultimate for 6 seconds every enemy kill or assist.

  6. rod of tahuti: penetration and intelligence item.

  7. obsidian shrad: intelligence good penetration item.

When you play Agni there is a specific combo you have to learn to make sure you can kill anyone vs you.

starting with your 2 ( flame wave or your ultimate) when you are about to hit the enemy with one of these abelites use your noxious fumes you will stun your enemy god and help you to continue your combo on him.

for team fights make sure you are behind your teammates and spam your ability because you are dealing a lot of damage from mid to late game.


Teach us how to play Izanami in SMITE 2!

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How to play Izanami in SMITE 2!

Izanami is one of the most unique hunters in Smite 2 duo to hear basic attacks that go throw enemies and minions.

Her main role is ADC.

Izanami's abilities and passive

Passive Death Draws Nigh: Izanami gains Physical Penetration and Intelligence as she loses health.

  1. Sickle Storm: Izanami increases her attack speed for a limited time, but her basics no longer pierce enemies or return to her during this time, while shes under the sickle storm effect she deals additional damage to structures and causing the enemies to bleed.

  2. Spectral Projection: Izanami sends forth a spectral projection of herself, dealing Physical Damage and Slowing all Enemies hit in a line.

  3. Fade Away:Izanami descends into the underworld, becoming Stealthed, and leaps away from her current position and also gets movement speed while she's under her fade away effect.

  4. Dark Portal: Izanami summons a dark portal dealing physical damage to the target she hits silenced and slow them.

Build for Izanami:

This is my main build for hunters after testing a lot of build, a mix between crit, attack speed, and penetration, gives you and advantage to melt enemies very fast even tanks.

Izanami is a strong 1 vs 1 god because of her passive and kit so when you play in duo lane don't be scared to fight your enemy

starting your fight using your 2 to slow the enemy then ult him for silence and activate your 1 this gives you the advantage to kill your enemy and stay alive.