Honestly, the CA8 update launched really poorly. Medusa, Pele, and Aphrodite all felt relatively unfinished, Medusa the least so, but Aphrodite and Pele were almost non functional at times. You could really tell that the wear and tear of this incredibly fast paced patching cycle has done to them. That being said, in typical (new) HiRez fashion, the issues were patched out quickly and efficiently and the game returned to a relatively good feeling state. CA8 is in a weird spot, overall. It's the patch that "nobody wants", slotted in just before the amazing upcoming January Open Beta 1 patch, it's more or less just an excuse to add those three new gods to the game.
Medusa on PTS felt very clunky, but when she came to live her oddities were fixed and she played perfectly, and is overally pretty reasonably balanced.
Aphrodite came over and while hilariously bugged, felt rather modest and the +1s to her kit (kissing through enemies, stunning them and still connecting to an ally) (dash on her ult) (reset 3 on her ult) both gave her more opportunities for skill expression, which was sorely needed, on top of just more versatility in general.
Pele had a lot of clunk in the kit, but after patching it out, she overall didn't really get a relevant +1. Her 2 dash is more of a nothing burger than a +1, but she didn't really need a significant +1 anyways, and she fits right in with the rest of the roster.
Eyes are honestly ahead for the Open Beta 1 patch, and while the new additions to the roster are welcomed, I think I can speak for everyone that we all can't wait for Aladdin and co, Joust/Duel, and so on. So while CA8 does its job, I think it was always going to be a less interesting and lower impact patch.