It's your time to shine, folks: we want to see your single best SMITE 2 play throughout all of 2024. The game has only been available 24/7 since the end of August, so "play of the last four months" may be a more accurate way of phrasing it, but it's not quite as catchy.
The rules for this are the same as our regular play of the week bounties with the only difference being the timeframe. We're also permitting you to re-submit a clip you won a play of the week reward here, as this will act as a highlight reel for all of the best plays in the community. Note that we're only accepting individual plays, so no stitching together two separate plays from the same game in one video. Good luck, deities!
Bounty Rewards
Reward closed
This reward closed to entries at 3:41pm on January 13, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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