Joined seven months ago
in Elite Dangerous
In the closing dark of November 2016 (nearly EIGHT years ago!) the Elite:Dangerous community was subject to one of the finest moments of communal awe that I've ever witnessed.
Let me give you a little background before the detail. Elite:Dangerous gave us a galaxy that spreads up to around 65,000 light years away from Sol. At that time it gave us ships that could squeeze about 33 light years a jump. Crucially (as you'll see) we also had the option of "Jumponium" - a method of injecting collected materials in to the Frame Shift Drive to extend that jump by up to 100%. EXCITING!
Many pioneering commanders set off to see what they could find in the black. One such commander - Macedonica - had set off many months prior to get to the furthest point from Sol - Beagle Point. This endeavour in his 29 light-year-range ship would require in the region of 2,000 jumps one-way. Only the very dedicated took this trip on, and many abandoned it before reaching the goal due to space-madness. Not Macedonica. He pushed on.
As he closed in on Beagle Point (within 1,000 light years) he made a simple, and potentially fatal error. Without checking his material stocks he injected his drive to jump 48 light years to a nearby star - off the path he needed to go. After visiting that star, and a nearby neighbour he decided to return to the path and carry on. He needed an injection, but upon checking his stocks he had used his final piece of Germanium to make his previous injection. No problem, he could find some Germanium in one of these two systems and restock - however...there was none to be found. He was trapped. Without Germanium he couldn't boost his FSD and he couldn't jump back to the path. Too far from the rest of the galaxy, stuck in these two systems.
At this point CMDR Macedonica wrote up his experience here:
Frontier Forum Post - End of the Road
You may at this point read the forum post yourself and immerse yourself in a bit of Elite History directly or you can continue here and I'll summarise the events.
The community consoled poor CMDR Macedonica. What a terrible way to end such an enormous journey. It was very sad and indeed a sore learning point for us all. There was simply no way transfer Germanium to him.
But wait a moment.
Glorious, famed explorer CMDR Chiggy VonRictofen enquired about the presence asteroid belts or rings. Soon the community collectively saw what Chiggy had realised....it could be possible for Germanium to be released as a side effect of laser mining! The community swiftly got on board and enthused over the possibility. The elephant in the room however refused to leave. Macedonica was at the other end of the galaxy. There were not many people that far out, and none it would seem that had a mining laser. For anyone to help it would require a simply enormous selfless effort. Hard to believe it was possible. Chiggy himself was at Jaques in Colonia - 46,000 light years away. With the glory and goodness of only the great Chiggy immediately set off and over the course of the next 48hrs he spanned the distance finally landing in system with Macedonica on 16-Nov. CMDR Macedonica streamed the evening on Twitch and the community stopped what it was doing and tuned in, breath held.
The work was not done however. It was debated how likely that Germanium would be present. Chiggy was running the risk of making that huge undertaking only to fall foul of the random presence or lack thereof of Germanium. The two winged up and headed to a ring. Rock after rock was lasered. Nothing. Iron, Nickel, Sulphur - the usuals. It began to feel inevitable. The community sighed and encouraged in equal measures.
Macedonica tried to control feverish panic. With trembling hands he inched his Type-6 ship to the Germanium, and successfully scooped it in to his hold! THE RESCUE WAS COMPLETE!
Macedonica was saved and Chiggy would likely never have to pay for beer again. The community cheered and celebrated long in to the night, even David Braben commented on proceedings.
Today that system is now known as "VonRictofen's Rescue" [EDSM LINK] and you can find the tourist beacon "All for Germanium" there.
For me it will forever live as the moment I saw the Elite Community come to life, and so I will forever cherish the time, events and people that were there.
Don't take my word for it though, go read the thread start to finish - I believe it's 58 pages long, but well worth it.
CMDR Evoflash