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Film & TV
Slamscape's avatar

One of my favorite sci-fi shows is Battlestar Galactica, if you haven't watched, I highly recommend it. One of the main running themes throughout the shows run was that there were humans that looked like the enemy, the Cylons. Some of them are revealed early on and some of them remained a mystery all the way up until the end of the 3rd season.

My idea would be to have the cast play a modded version (with cylons and humans) of Among Us, which sort of mirrors the whole, who is a cylon and who is just a human theme from the show. Fans could tune in on Twitch and get involved.

Obviously this would be hypothetical, since twitch and Among us didn't exist back then but it's a fun idea.

mypets's avatar

I find it very difficult to have a favorite TV show, I have several favorites! But thinking about this marketing proposal, one series I really like is “Black Mirror”, I find it incredibly intelligent and scary haha

To promote a new season, I could launch a campaign called “Reflections of the Future”. Playing on the dystopian premise of the series, we could try to get people to question the extent to which technology can invade their real lives.

Imagine several interactive mirrors scattered around various cities in the world in busy places like shopping malls and subway stations... But when people approached, instead of seeing their own reflection, they could visualize a distorted version of their reality, as if they were looking at their future selves, whether aged, with false personal information or even those based on social networks, giving the idea of having been “hacked”, their personal lives invaded and thus, from the mirror, having the feeling of being in an iconic episode of “Black Mirror”. The campaign could also use social media advertising and show images on timelines with something written on them like “system failure”, to give the impression that there is something wrong with your feed, your posts and even the algorithm, generating a feeling of discomfort and curiosity, totally related to the series!!! After a while, it could synchronize the mirrors with the social networks and then show the new trailer, with that tease of the themes that will be covered in the next episodes!!!

I'd be super excited and curious, wouldn't you?

yan57436's avatar

I imagine a campaign for a new “Jurassic World” movie called “Dinosaurs on the Run”, in which we would select the world's largest cities and turn them into “archaeological sites” where dinosaurs escaped from their breeding grounds. But how were we going to make it immersive and attractive? Simple, an Augmented Reality app, in which people would be able to see the dinosaurs walking through the streets and in real size (you'd be looking at it on your cell phone and you could stare at the huge legs of a brontosaurus haha), a technology similar to what we see in Pokemon Go, allowing people to “trap” and send the animals back to their proper places.

We would have “containment zones”, which would be the “raids” that Pokemon Go also has, except that in the places selected to host such an event, we would find in-person actions to launch the movie, with interactive activities such as hunting for dinosaur eggs, realistic models simulating some of our beloved animals and, of course, the raid itself. Once the final dinosaur had been defeated, exclusive gifts would be distributed to those in attendance, such as personalized shirts, bags and, of course, lots of raffle tickets for the film's release.

mypets's avatar

I thought your idea was fantastic!

JHenckes's avatar

Thats really a good ideia!

Dydo's avatar

I dream of a Fight Club remake, updated to reflect modern society and its complexities. The marketing could involve planned chaos in the streets of select cities, where pedestrians are "recruited" to destroy expensive cars, shop windows, or other high-end property (all paid for by the marketing campaign, of course). Actors embedded in the crowd would incite and control this destruction. After that, they reveal themselves as part of "Project Mayhem" and tell people to follow them on social medias - which are actually of the movie.

Also, billboards in those cities could be "hacked" with anarchic messages from Tyler Durden manifesto words and visuals from Fight Club - like showing clips from the film - before cutting back to the other ads. Mysterious closed bar soap holders could be left in high-traffic areas with the tagline "First Rule: Don't Tell." When people open it, there's a Fight Club-branded soap inside and instructions on how to join an invite-only club (a one-time use QR Code that redirects to a Discord server or something else).

Marukosu's avatar

We are in October, just a few days away from Halloween, and for this reason, I chose one of my favorite Halloween movies, Donnie Darko (2001). In this movie, we repeatedly see the giant bunny called Frank, which is, of course, a costume, but it's so well-made that it can give you chills when you first see him. For this reason, it could make for great advertising for the movie.

The idea is to, a few days before Halloween, hire some actors to dress as Frank and go to empty places, like parks at night. Record them in several of these locations, then ask a lot of people to post the footage on their social media, claiming they saw the giant rabbit. On Halloween day, have the actors in various cities go to Halloween parties, walk around in the costume, creating a viral effect. Later that same night, display ads in places like Times Square, inviting people to watch the movie.


Everyone is seated in the auditorium ready for the cast of The Walking Dead to take their seats for a Q&A.

The cast come up to rapturous applause from the fans and start talking up future TWD projects and events.

Strangely they all sit in their character attire and not 'normal' clothing.

Next thing, the auditorium doors get busted open and in storms hundreds of zombies! The cast pull out their trademark weapons from underneath the table they sit at in the middle of the stage and a live action scene breaks out.

Some members of the crowd freak out, others was blissfully as an episode from their favourite show essentially unfolds in front of their eyes.

As the last of the zombies meets it's demise, the cast reunite on stage and announce another season of TWD and the crowd goes wild!


At CES, Netflix got everyone talking with a VR experience for Altered Carbon back in 2018. An installation of capsuled human bodies highlighted the show's cool techy "sleeves" and corresponding "cortical stack". A straight-forward stunt that truly was indicative of the series.

Now in present day I have a similar concept but digitized. Imagine: an AR-centric mobile app with facial scanning technology that helps fans generate to their own avatar "sleeve". Now just imagine being able to see your character you designed animated living in the real world through using a camera on your phone. Not only that, but you could snap away at pictures and videos to share on social media too. That's a fun way of engaging with the series.

Makster's avatar

Little Shop of Horrors
As part of our comfy/homey evenings, my partner and I have been watching older movies so we can see their cultural relevance which lead me to explain Audrey II and Little Shop of Horrors.

Based on the musical of the same name, it tells the story of a timid but kind florist that receives an usual plant that seems to talk, sing, and communicate but its food is BLOOD! More of a romanic/horror/comedy/musical - it has been a cult classic for many music lovers including myself.
Sticking to the theme of Seymour feeding or should I saw 'Donating' blood to Audrey II my marketing campaign combines this with the human need for Blood

Little Shop of Horrors: Blood Donation Drive/ Centre
Blood donation is so incredibly important for the healthcare industry and it was partly inspired by my partner's job as a nurse.
A blood donation centre can be re-worked into the florists from Little Shop with the attendance dressed up as characters such as Seymour, Audrey, Green Chorus, but maybe we'd skip the dentist though Orin can keep that sweet leather jacket.

I think this is a fun way of getting more people to donate, highlight the importance of blood donation, and hopefully get a few more return doners as well!

Evoflash's avatar

For the upcoming release of Gladiator 2 I would suggest an initiative to include the public in the soundtrack.

Recall the original film - Gladiator - and it's shivers-down-the-spine moment when the Colosseum crowd all chanted "MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS!"...imagine if that sound was comprised of 50,000 combined submissions of fans who recorded themselves chanting "MAXIMUS!". So this time, fans are asked to chant a specific name - obviously no plot spoilers, using an app on phone. These are then submitted to the film company who using technical wizardry and genius combine the submissions and process to form a crowd chanting whatever it is they were asked to chant.

Fans then get to go to the film and tell everyone "see that bit! I'm there! That's me chanting!". Free enthusiam!

TrialByStory's avatar

My 'favorite' show varies at any given moment. But one that frequently rotates into that top spot is Leverage sequel/revival series Leverage:Redemption which conveniently enough is wrapping up production on a new season right about now. So I think it's a great show to propose a big publicity stunt for.

Recently we've seen the advent of these 3D style billboards on the corner of buildings, and I think this is the perfect place for what I have in mind.

Like the video above, the core of the plan is a simple animation. In this case it would be something like a bank vault being cracked by a small group of masked individuals. One person sets up a drill while another goes to work on a keypad and the third keeps watch. The vault opens and they retrieve some object that was on a dais inside, then flee the scene as red alarm lights start flashing, by climbing ropes off the top of frame. Then the vault door slams shut and after a flicker of static the series title card is displayed.

That's not that big of a stunt, but there's a twist. Several times a day, when the thieves climb out of frame three actors appear on top of the billboard. They pull off their masks and two of them prepare ropes to climb down while the third appears to mess with somekind of control unit for the billboard, seemingly causing the flicker of static before all of them climb down to street level and casually jog away from the building, one of them carrying the macguffin that was in the vault on-screen.

I think it's a fun set piece that has the potential to get attention across social media, and it's very on theme with the show.


1. Exclusive Content: Offer exclusive material, such as interviews with the cast, behind the scenes or cut scenes, to attract fans. This can be through social media or an official website. 2. Social Media Campaigns: Use platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and TikTok to create hype. Create challenges, specific hashtags, or filters related to the movie or show that encourage users to participate. 3. Influencers and Brand Ambassadors: Collaborate with influencers who are fans of your genre. Your support can help us reach broader and more diverse audiences. 4. Live Events: Organize exclusive screenings, live interviews or Q&A with the cast. This can generate attention and excitement around the launch. 5. Contests and Sweepstakes: Hold raffles or contests in which participants have the opportunity to win merchandise related to the film or program, such as posters, t-shirts, or even tickets to premieres. 6. Interactive content: Create quizzes, surveys, or even apps that allow fans to interact with the story or characters, increasing their emotional investment in the plot. 7. Intriguing Teasers: Release trailers and teaser trailers that leave the audience wanting more. Intrigue can be a powerful tool to generate conversation. 8. Collaborations and Partnerships: Make alliances with other brands or events that share a similar audience. This can expand your reach and attract new followers. By implementing some of these strategies, you can increase visibility and excitement around your favorite movie or TV show.

Shovel's avatar

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This is one of my all Time favourite films so As a marketing stunt h would utilise some stuff we’ve already seen and elevate it more.

So of course we have to do the golden tickets where you can win a trip to a chocolate experience. Only to be met with the joke of an experience we all saw break the internet a couple of months ago in Glasgow?! There would then be a really terrible backdrop from Amazon and behind it there’s a door. You go through but the room is pitch black and you can hear a waterfall. Someone then guided you to sit down, and when the lights are on your sat in like a small open top boat but your just in a random stream of water. The boat then moves through a dark tunnel and you see the inside of the factory but fully kitted out exactly how you’ve imagined it with edible cups and the water turning in to chocolate!

For social media you would post about the bad experience first to hook people in then surprise them with what you got instead. You can sell tickets to experience it but the only possible way to buy a ticket is to get the chocolate bars only available when you go and watch the film at the cinema!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

With the new Gladiator film coming, I think a huge event in Trafalgar Square would be cool, so a few things listed below

  1. "Maximus" makes an appearance to help hype fans up.

  2. A few "gladiator" events in the square such as "fights" etc.

  3. A cosplay i.e. actors coming in as the "emperor" and greeting the fans.

  4. A display of the weapons and props that are used in the film on display in glass cases.

  5. People can take pictures of some waxworks of previous gladiator actors and current ones.

  6. Competitions of gladiator-themed things to win tickets to premiers etc.

Basically a fun family day out designed to hype the film and give people a nice day out.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar



This Spectacular promo if the 3 episode mini series from 2020 shows a white billboard showing the word BBC and in RED COLOR DRACULA 🧛 when somes pieces of wood Spike was strategically aligned for with the help of a spotlight beam

To Project a face shadow

This curious and imaginative promo was showed in many’s places from London and Birmingham making many people disoriented trying (in the Daylight) to discover that is the real meaning of this Dozens of Stick Spikes with knowing that the night will reveals the real promo impact

of the most knowledgeable vampires the Count Dracula from the creation of the Irish writer Bram Stocker and heavily based in the Balcanics legends of dead living and of course the life of Vlad Tsepes

A hit of creativity make this billboard promo into a quick classic in the English tv series Culture inclusive more famous the promo that the movie itself

the Anwer lies on the shadows


Apply for to use the seem system lamp projector and using LONG SWORDS (Possibly Claymore) INSTEAD of spike like DRACULA original promo to make a PHOTOSHOOTING PLACE for to promote the AMAZON RING OF POWER tv series

Putting the people that want to have a selfie with the billboard like background but in this case to using the projector and the sword 🗡️ together

projecting a GIANT DRAGON 🐉 yes l know is a versión based in another but using DRACULA promo like example that could be a good idea and today almost everything is a remake of something else

Let’s Participate 💪🏼

LeoMo's avatar

The Walking Dead

A good idea would be to hire people dressed as zombies and go to busy places, such as famous squares, and have the actors who play the most beloved characters appear, also dressed up. They could appear alongside this zombie infestation so that fans can take pictures and interact with this event.

Another interesting option is to spread out prizes and give fans clues as to where these prizes would be. The lucky ones who find them could participate in the series as an undead.

My last proposal would be to form a partnership with a theme park that would be themed with scenes of zombie attacks.


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