Heretical Coffee
Joined over one year ago
in EVE Online
WHPD The Wormhole Police Department Protecting the Universe, One Wormhole at a Time Service Guarantees Salt
For too long the empires of New Eden have attempted to besmirch the good name of the so called "Pirate Factions" such as the honorable Blood Raiders, the stout Serpentis, the moral Angel Cartel, the superior Sansha Nation, and the great Guristas. These empires instruct their newly trained bloodthirsty capsuleers to invade these innocent groups data storage facilities and graveyards to steal whatever they can carry with a promise of profit and prestige so long as they don't care about the morally bankrupt actions they commit.
Even now as I sit here in my police patrol astero, empire aligned capsuleers are being tasked with murdering innocent Blood Raider Families!!! Being told to go into Blood Raider homes and STEAL FROM THEM!!! The empires never think of the effect their actions have on these poor blood raiders and their children.
As a proud supporter of the Blood Raider Children's Charity, the WHPD ensures that every Blood Raider child made orphan by these dirtbags never goes hungry.
This season, find it in your black bottomless heart to pledge a donation to the Blood Raider's Children Charity. Ensure no child goes hungry as a result of capsuleer greed and corruption.
For more information please find our website at