It's all going down right now in Zarzakh, New Eden's newest star system, and there's plenty to discuss. The event by which capsuleers can help the Deathless in exchange for access to the new pirate destroyers (share your ship fits here, by the way) is generating a lot of activity, and then there's the drama of the system itself. All those clouds. Force projection is a sensitive topic in EVE, and Zarzakh changes the dynamics a bit.
So what do you make of it all? Share your thoughts and your hot takes here. There's no need to write a treatise (though we won't stop you), but nothing throwaway, please - let's be sure to contribute to the discussion!
Task: Give us your thoughts on Zarzakh and/or the event that's taking place there right now.
Format: Written (images welcome)
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$21 / 60
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