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Tell us how to get into piracy!

in Elite Dangerous


How to get into piracy!

First you are going to need ship with decent cargo space, maneuverability, and hardpoints for both weaponry and utility.

Popular options include the Cobra Mk III, Asp Explorer, and Krait Phantom.

As you get better, you might also look at heavier ships like Python or Anaconda.

Again you need to visit engineers to help you upgrade modules and make your ship more effective for piracy.

Frame shift drive interdictor it's a must, as it is very important for pulling players or NPCs out of supercruise.

You need hatch breaker limpets to break into cargo holds of ships once they're disabled.

Cargo scanner will help you to assess the cargo of your target ship.

You need collector limpets to collect cargo once it’s dropped.

Focus on weapons that can disable ships without destroying them. Lasers are good for shields and multicannons are best for hulls as well.

Hang out near trade routes, Resource Extraction Sites, or shipping lanes in populated systems.

Systems in anarchy or low security are ideal since the authorities are sparse or nonexistent.

Traders, haulers, and miners are your main targets. Scan the ship’s cargo hold first to make sure they have something worth taking. Most of the time avoid ships that are too strong to take down.

Use your frame shift drive interdictor to pull a target out of supercruise. Also try to avoid missing targets, as each failed interdiction increases your notoriety and can or will prompt police response.

You’ll need to either to disable the ship or intimidate the pilot into dropping their cargo, once you've successfully interdicted your target.

You can use text or voice comms to demand cargo from human players, or simply attack them until they begin dropping cargo.

If they don’t comply, launch hatch breaker limpets to forcefully open their cargo hatch, and use your collector limpets to gather the cargo efficiently.

Take your cargo to a black market or to anarchy system where you won’t be questioned by authorities. Some stations don’t have black markets, so make sure to pick your destination carefully.

Avoid Security Forces: After a successful hit, it's important to jump to another system as soon as possible, especially if you were in systems with strong police presence.

Each act of piracy may increase your notoriety. To clear it, avoid illegal activity for a while or seek an Interstellar factor to pay off fines or bounties.

Most of the time as soon as authorities show up, it’s usually a good idea to leave the system.

Many players are armed and may respond aggressively. So be cautious with other players, target those with low combat rankings to increase your chances of success.

Aye aye Cmdr, o7.


Create a PowerPlay 2.0 tutorial!

in Elite Dangerous


PowerPlay 2.0 faction based gameplay tutorial!

Here’s an in-depth tutorial,

As a player you can now ally with one of 12 galaxy's key power factions and help to influence their expansion and control across the milky-way galaxy.

Choose Power to support and carry out missions for them, earning rewards, gaining rank and affecting the galactic political landscape.

Superpowers are the Federation, Empire, independent figures and corporations. Each of this power represents a unique political or ideological group.

Powers also has unique benefits and bonuses that affect gameplay. As a player choose only one that aligns with your goals.

Combat Powers reward bounty hunting.

Trading Powers reward profit and influence through trade routes.

Exploration Powers, reward for discovering new systems and mapping stars.

As a player you will rank within your Power. Higher ranks unlock greater weekly rewards and better bonuses, but that require more effort to maintain.

Merits are each primary currency for PowerPlay and you earn them by completing tasks for your Power.

Tasks vary by each power like undermining enemy systems, fortifying allied systems, expanding influence.

Powers offer weekly credits rewards for reputation boosts, and Power specific modules or bonuses.

Systems that your Power currently controls generate Command Capital, which fuels your Power's influence and expansion.

Expansion systems are targeted for expansion, as a players you can help claim these systems through expansion missions.

Undermining missions, you involve in sabotage and conflict with enemy factions. Rival Powers may also undermine your systems, which weakens your system control.

Choose a target system for expansion by delivering preparation materials or data for preparation and fortification, also reinforcing control systems by delivering supplies or eliminating threats to prevent undermining.

Note that PowerPlay operates on a weekly cycle, broken into four main phases.

Preparation Phase is when new systems are selected for expansion and as a player you can can contribute by gathering preparation merits.

Expansion Phase is when your chosen power attempt to expand into prepared systems. This phase involves combat, hauling supplies, or completing specific tasks depending on the Power.

Control Phase is when your established power systems need fortification to stay in your Power's control.

When your Power's Command Capital drops due to undermining, it enters turmoil, risking losing control of certain systems. During recovery, your power’s systems must be protected until they regain stability.

Each Power offers unique missions and activities.

Archon Delaine, Kumo Crew for Pirates focus on undermining other factions by piracy.

Jerome Archer, Federation focus primarily on military and rewarding combat missions and defending systems.

Li Yong-Rui for Sirius Corporation supports explorers, rewarding exploration and mapping systems.

Aisling Duval for the Empire she is against slavery, with her missions involving humanitarian efforts and combat.

You must also prepare yourself for power play missions. Equip your ship according to the mission requirements. Some tasks involve heavy combat, so shielded ships and efficient weapon loadouts is a must.

Trade and transport missions use a ship with large cargo space and also on defensive modules.

Players and squadrons for power is a must for coordinated efforts when facing high-risk zones or complex undermining missions.

Also stay updated with weekly powerplay status updates to track the influence and strategy of your power.

Maintain your rank by earning more merits. Focus on one or two mission types your Power offers to gain merits faster and increase efficiency.

Avoid switching Power's too often as it reset your rank making it harder for you to earn more rewards.

Plan ahead and calculate each missions that will earn you most for your power to optimize influence on the galactic map.

Once you’ve reached a certain rank with your Power, unique specific modules and weapons become available.

These modules may include weapons, shields, and other enhancements exclusive to the Power. They can be a significant advantage but require sustained allegiance to unlock.

As a player you will actively shape the galaxy’s political landscape with your strategic decision while reaping unique benefits. Dive in and contribute to your faction’s dominance, but remember PowerPlay it's long-term commitment and teamwork, o7.


Create a five-tier tier list for exploration ships

in Elite Dangerous



Five tier list for Elite dangerous exploration ships.



Anaconda with jump range up to +/- 90 light years with engineering¡. It's a large ship and very good for deep-space exploration due to its versatility. The only record breaker with 7 class fuel scoop. Landing on rough planets, it's the only issue.



New exploration era has a new exploration ship, adorable medium size with jump range, +/- 87 light years. Good atmospheric entry, making it well-suited for planetary landings on any worlds.

This ship is quite unlike anything we've seen so far in Elite dangerous game, very different design and yet completely unique.

This ship is mainly for long-range exploration with SCO frame shift drive. It can achieve a high jump range of light years while retaining strong maneuverability.


Krait Phantom,

This ship has a jump range, around +/- 79 light years, with good cockpit visibility. It’s suitable for planetary landings and performs very well for all space explorers everywhere. All-rounder with plenty of module space.


Asp Explorer,

One of the best ship in the game for most space explorers due to a great jump range of, +/- 76 light years, decent maneuverability, and you also get a gorgeous view wherever you are in space because of Lakon classic canopy. It is accessible and reliable medium ship.


Diamondback Explorer

DBX has a high jump range of +/- 72 light years. It's a small and affordable ship for most commanders and has oversized grade 5 frame shift drive and can only fit class 4 fuel scoop. Overheating, it's the only issue with limited internal space but sufficient for exploration.


Share your best mining ship build!

in Elite Dangerous


My best laser mining ship build.

Elite Dangerous laser mining is one of the most popular and simple method for gathering resources, and Imperial Cutter is one of the best ship for the job due to its large cargo capacity and excellent shields.

Well outfitted Cutter can be highly efficient for big profits.

Here’s ship setup and recommended loadout for laser mining.


More mining lasers will allow you to break down rocks faster. Equip seven low power 1D mining lasers for efficient mining.

Core modules.

A grade power plant engineered for power efficiency to handle all modules.

A Grade thrusters for maximum speed, especially useful for maneuvering around asteroids.

Frame shift drive (SCO), A-rated, for jumping between systems to find profitable mining spots.

Optional modules.

Equip two to three collector controllers, A-rated so that you can gather fragments automatically.

Pulse wave analyser module will help you to identify asteroids with high-value materials when prospecting.

Use class 4 or 5 A-rated refinery, depending on your preferred setup.

One prospector limpet controller, A-rated.

Install 5D hull and 5E module reinforcement packages.

Fill remaining slots with cargo racks for maximum storage capacity (512), which is important for extended mining sessions.

Strong shields (Prismatics) are recommended, as mining locations attract pirates.

Fuel scoop also important including detail surface scanner.

Utility modules.

Point defense is useful against limpets or missiles from hostile ships.

Including one shield booster, also electronic countermeasure.

Use heat sinks to help with temperature management when using multiple lasers and high energy modules.

Look for double or triple hotspots for platinum at planets rings.

Send a prospector limpet to check for material content.

Once you find a valuable asteroid, deploy mining lasers and use collector limpets to gather fragments to be refined, remember to keep only the valuable ones in storage space.

Cutter's large cargo hold allows you to carry more before returning to sell, so aim for profitable resources like platinum to maximize earnings.

Always be careful of pirates and have an escape plan in place while in a high risk area.

Don't forget your limpets.