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mypets's avatar

The Python in Elite Dangerous is a ship with many functions, I find it very versatile and good to use. It has a very good load capacity, high endurance and good firepower, making it very useful for trade, combat and exploration - I like it a lot! Despite its size, it is agile for its size, which I consider an excellent choice for experienced players looking for a “do-it-all” ship.

yan57436's avatar

One of the best options for mining is the Mk II, mainly because it has an excellent load capacity for a medium ship, as well as good endurance, coupled with the fact that it's a fast ship, allowing me to easily evade pirates, as well as allowing me to mine surface and core.

Build: This build is relatively accessible for those who are already familiar with the game and have already followed my other guide on how to start mining hahaha

Dydo's avatar

All I need when mining is my Python. It became such an easy task when I've modified it with all she needs to both laser and core mining. Sub-surface isn't a clean CMDR thing. Well, 3 mining lasers do the job pretty well, and one Seismic Charge Launcher + one Abrasion Blaster are more than enough.

I don't need any military hardpoints since the Python is fast enough to outrun any pirate, and the 3 Shield Boosters she wears give me enough time to get of the mass lock. The other Utility Mount slot is dedicated to a Pulse Wave Analyser, of course.

The Core Internal modules are a common Lightweight Alloy, a 6A Power Plant (engineered to level 3 with Overcharge, you don't need more than this), a 5A FSD (Max. range engineered for comfort), a common 4D Life Support & 7A Power Distributor & 6D Sensors (didn't even engineered none of this because I simply don't need it, 30Ly jump range is ok for most mining activities).

Finally, three 6A Cargo Racks makes sure I have enough cargo capacity for some 40Mil platinum runs, a 5A Shield Generator do just fine, 5A & 3A Collector Limpet Controlers are enough too, same as those standard 3A Prospector Limpet Controller & 2A Refinary, and the mandatory Detailed Surface Scanner, of course.

Around 100Mil CR, it's not something classy, nor the golden cow of mining, but it's for sure enough for me. It has enough maneuverability so you can fly through asteroids with ease, enough speed and defense so you don't need to attack anyone and enough amount of cargo capacity so you can spend some time mining before you use it all. A good equipped Python usually is enough to anything you can think. Not ideal, just enough. And I've learned to love it for that.

JHenckes's avatar


Python is the ship I use most for mining in the game, it ended up being my first choice for investing and to this day it has been the most flexible ship for all my mining styles! The main reasons are a balance between cargo space, maneuverability, and versatility.

Right below I'll leave an image showing the entire build I use on my ship, the picture was taken from the site, a great site for organizing builds, especially for those just starting out!

My type of mining is core and Laser Mining and the build cost around 100 million credits. I consider it an intermediate to high build, but I think it's enough for any player! I use 192T of cargo, it's not that much, but the other advantages of the ship make up for it! In the core internal I opted for high quality, such as the 6A Power Plant, 6A Thrusters, 5A Frame Shift Drive, 4D Life Support (this one could be a bit better in the future), 7A Power Distributor, 6D Sensors and 5C Fuel Tank (it's important to be able to carry plenty of fuel)!

As for options, I'm taking 3x 6E Cargo Rack with me (it's important to invest in these), as well as 2x 5A Collector Limpet Controller. I have a 4A Fuel Scoop, a 3A Prismatic Shield Generator, a 3A Prospector Limpet Controller, a 2A Refinery and a 1I Detailed Surface Scanner (that's a lot of stuff...).

At Hardpoints I think it's important to carry 3x 2D Mining Lasers to make mining more efficient, as well as a 2B Seismic Charge Launcher and a 1D Abrasion Blaster. That's the main information you need to know, the rest I think you can understand by looking at the build image!

CMDR Henckes's avatar


This is my mining ship, i think it is the mining ships from a good number of players, it can carry huge amount of cargo, so it is great to do long mining sessions and come back with tons of rare minerals.

Bellow there is my build (it was taken from the ED Odyssey Material Help, very useful for builds as well)

I use my Type-9 for core mining, it is the best mining gameplay, it is relaxing but it isn't so much easy to get me boring! So I use 512T of cargo, it's more than enough, I had also a decent shield generator, a 6A, since pirates are a problem for us who mine in this game. 3 collector limpets controllers modules, a 7A, a 5A and a 3A, to agilize the ores collection and a 2A refinery, and a Vehicle Hangar (maybe I change it for a better refinery and reduce it to 2G), I like to have a hangar in my ships to land in some cities in planets surface a go out for a ride some times.

For the utilitarians I have a shield booster and of course a Pulse Wave Analyser to find the right asteroids to explode!

RicardosGaming's avatar

In this video, we'll discuss whether the Lakon Type 8 is a good miner in Elite Dangerous. Watch to learn more about mining in Elite Dangerous and the capabilities of the Lakon Type 8!The Lakon Type-8 is the new darling ship of Elite Dangerous - but what is it like as a MINER? While its cargo capacity is unparalleled, the Type-8's potential for mining is often overlooked. This is where our advantage lies. We can transform this behemoth into a ravenous resource extractor with careful modification and strategic deployment. // This Video :➤Link:




CMDR_M's avatar

Here is my Type-10 Defender "Mining Tank" build - I prefer it to the Type-9 as it's a bit tougher and more manoeuvrable (relatively speaking ofc^) and can sustain five mining lasers quite nicely with the engineered power plant and distributor. It also has a military composite hull and onboard fighter bay, to help deal with erratic asteroids and roaming pirates... :]


My favourite mining ship is the Python. This is the hardpoints:

The core mining essential tools are there as well as a couple of mining lasers for surface mining.

Utility mounts:

The only important one there is the Pulse Wave Analyser which is used in core mining.

Core Internal:

Nothing specifically mining related there.

Optional Internal:

  • Big cargo racks are needed to hold the limpets and of course, the commodities that get mined.

  • Collector limpet controllers are needed program limpets to go and collect all the goodies that are mined. The more controllers, the more limpets you can send out. You have to remember to fill the cargo hold with limpets before leaving.

  • I have a small shield, in case I hit a rock or something, which is likely in an asteroid field

  • Prospector limpet controller is used if I'm surface mining as you yield more with the lasers

  • The surface scanner is used to scan the planet rings before you jump into them

If I'm going to just do surface mining, then a bigger ship is preferable just because you can hold more cargo in a bigger ship. As I like core mining I'd prefer the smaller Python in most cases.

Hunter's avatar

A specific but simple Mining build of the one and only Python Ship :

Block9's avatar

Why the Imperial Cutter?

The Imperial Cutter has several advantages that make it an excellent mining ship:

  1. Huge Cargo Capacity: The Cutter’s size allows for a massive cargo hold, which means you can carry a large quantity of materials, making each mining run highly profitable.

  2. Durability and Defense: With solid shields and armor, the Cutter is well-suited to withstand pirate attacks, which are common in resource-rich areas.

  3. Flexible Loadout: The Cutter’s numerous internal compartments make it easy to fit all the necessary mining equipment, collectors, and shield reinforcements.

Essential Modules for Mining

A comprehensive mining Cutter build requires specific tools to handle different types of resources, especially if you’re aiming for deep-core mining (for high-value materials like Void Opals), laser mining, and abrasion mining. Here are the key modules you’ll need:

1. Mining Lasers

  • 2x Medium Mining Lasers: Medium mining lasers are ideal for extracting materials from surface deposits on asteroids. These are especially effective for laser mining, and with two mounted, you can cut down the time spent on each rock significantly.

2. Seismic Charge Launcher

  • 1x Seismic Charge Launcher: This is critical for deep-core mining, where you’ll need to break open “core” asteroids containing valuable materials. The Seismic Charge Launcher allows you to place charges on fissures, setting up a controlled explosion that cracks open the asteroid.

3. Abrasion Blaster

  • 1x Abrasion Blaster: The Abrasion Blaster is essential for removing surface deposits on asteroids once they’re revealed. This tool is used in conjunction with the prospector limpets to target specific high-value minerals that are embedded in the asteroid’s surface.

4. Prospector Limpet Controller

  • 3A Prospector Limpet Controller: The prospector limpets are vital for efficient mining. They provide detailed information on an asteroid’s composition, helping you target only the most valuable rocks. This controller can support multiple limpets at once, allowing you to prospect several asteroids ahead of time.

5. Collector Limpet Controller

  • 5A and 7A Collector Limpet Controllers: Collectors are your mining assistants, gathering fragments from asteroids and bringing them to your cargo hold. A-grade controllers are more efficient, and with both a 5A and 7A controller, you can deploy multiple limpets at once, making collection fast and smooth.

6. Refinery

  • 4A Refinery: A high-grade refinery is essential to process the different materials you’ll mine. The 4A refinery has multiple bins, allowing you to handle various types of ore without clogging the system.

7. Cargo Racks

  • Multiple Large Cargo Racks (6E or larger): With the Cutter’s massive internal space, load up on as many high-capacity cargo racks as possible. This increases your haul per trip, maximizing profits.

8. Shield Generator

  • 7A Prismatic Shield Generator (Engineered for Thermal Resistance): Mining ships are often stationary targets, so a strong shield generator is essential to absorb any pirate attacks. The Prismatic shield is durable and with thermal resistance engineering, it’s well-prepared to handle various types of weaponry.

9. Power Plant and Power Distributor

  • 8A Power Plant (Engineered for Overcharged Power): With all the equipment on board, you’ll need a high-output power plant to run everything efficiently. Overcharged engineering boosts output, keeping all modules running smoothly.

  • 8A Power Distributor (Engineered for Charge Enhanced): A strong distributor ensures that you have enough power for sustained mining laser use, as well as quick recharge on shields if things get rough.

10. Detailed Surface Scanner

  • 1x Detailed Surface Scanner: To maximize efficiency, use a surface scanner to locate asteroid rings with high-value hotspots. This scanner is crucial for finding lucrative mining zones before you start breaking rocks.

11. Fuel Scoop

  • 6A Fuel Scoop: This isn’t strictly necessary if you’re mining near populated systems, but it’s very helpful for extended deep-space mining trips, allowing you to refuel at stars without needing to dock.

Recommended Armaments for Defense

Although mining ships aren’t built for combat, having some weaponry can deter or fend off pirates. Here’s a setup to protect yourself without compromising too much power for mining modules:

  • 2x Large Multi-Cannons (Engineered for Overcharged): These are effective at handling smaller, faster ships. Multi-cannons do well against unshielded targets, making them a good defensive option.

  • 1x Beam Laser: Adding a beam laser helps with stripping shields from any pirates that try to interfere, making it easier to escape or disable the threat.

Engineering Upgrades for Maximum Efficiency

Engineering upgrades can enhance your Cutter’s performance and make mining runs smoother. Here are a few recommended upgrades:

  • Mining Lasers: Lightweight engineering can reduce your ship’s mass, slightly improving maneuverability.

  • Shield Generator: Engineering the shields for thermal resistance makes them more durable against the laser weaponry that pirates often use.

  • Power Plant: Overcharging the power plant ensures that all modules have sufficient power without risk of overloading.

Costs and Player Experience Level

Building a mining Cutter of this caliber is a significant investment. With the cost of A-grade modules, engineering, and outfitting, expect to spend several hundred million credits. This build is ideal for experienced players with a good understanding of mining techniques, resource hotspots, and NPC behavior.

Why the Imperial Cutter is My Go-To for Mining

There’s something incredibly satisfying about using the Imperial Cutter for mining. Its massive cargo hold means I can stay out collecting high-value resources for longer, increasing my profits from each run. The Cutter’s shields and hull strength give me peace of mind, knowing that I can handle pirate attacks if they happen. The flexibility in module slots lets me equip everything I need for deep-core and laser mining alike, making it a versatile and powerful choice.

In short, the Imperial Cutter is an investment, but for serious miners, it’s hard to beat. With this build, you’re fully prepared to mine anything from common metals to rare gems like Void Opals and Painite, all while knowing you have the firepower and defenses to handle whatever challenges come your way. <3

MQC's avatar


For a few weeks now, when I think of mining, all I can think of is the Type-8. It's a ship that can play that role very well; versatile, manoeuvrable and with a large number of hardpoints and internal modules.

Therefore, I'm going to comment on the build I've been using these days for mining, both surface and core:


  • M: 2B/F Sub-surface Extraction Missile

  • 3x S: 1D/F Mining Laser

  • S: 1B/F Sub-surface Displacement Missile

  • S: 1D/F Abrasion Blaster

With this configuration I can perform both surface mining with 3 lasers and any kind of core mining with the rest of the tools.

Utility Mounts

  • U: 0E Pulse Wave Analyser

  • U: 0E Shield Booster

  • U: 0E Shield Booster

  • U: 0E Shield Booster

Obviously I mount a Pulse Wave Analyser to be able to find the bodies most likely to be core mined. In the rest of the mounts I use Shield Boosters to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Core Internal

  • BH: 1C Lightweight Alloy

  • PP: 5A Power Plant

  • TH: 5A Thrusters

  • FD: 5C Frame Shift Drive (SCO)

  • LS: 3E Life Support

  • PD: 4A Power Distributor

  • SS: 3A Sensors

  • FT: 5C Fuel Tank (Cap: 32)

Internally I choose to put a Frame Shift Drive with SCO, it is a real joy to drive this ship with the SCO and we also reduce the possibility of having possible scares on the routes. The Power Distributor is class A for greater efficiency and capacity. The Power Plant 5A gives me the exact capacity to maintain this configuration.

Optional Internal

  • 7: 7E Cargo Rack (Cap: 128)

  • 6: 6E Cargo Rack (Cap: 64)

  • 6: 6E Cargo Rack (Cap: 64)

  • 6: 6B Shield Generator

  • 5: 5B Collector Limpet Controller

  • 5: 5B Prospector Limpet Controller

  • 4: 4A Refinery

  • 2: 2C Auto Field-Maintenance Unit

  • 1: 1E Advanced Docking Computer

As optional internal modules I choose a high Cargo Capacity, a nice 6B Shield Generator, a good Limpet Controllers for both Recollection and Prospecting, the most powerful and most capable Refinery, a Self-maintenance Unit to be always immaculate, and the Advanced Docking Computer to avoid unnecessary scares.

General data:

  • Mass empty: 614.80 T

  • Mass full: 902.80 T

  • Fuel: 32 T

  • Cargo: 256 T

  • Cabins: 0

  • Speed: 211 M/s (359 boost)

  • Range unladen: 19.04 LY

  • Range laden: 13.64 LY

  • Power retracted: 16.94 MW (83%)

  • Power deployed: 20.40 MW (100%)

  • Power available: 20.40 MW

  • Shields: 340.7

  • Armour: 792.0

  • Damage: 31.0 Burst DPS

  • Price: 60,673,930 Cr

  • Re-Buy: 3,033,697 Cr @ 95% insurance

I have not used any engineered modules, just basic modules that can be found without much trouble, so it is a completely accessible configuration for anyone who already has this gorgeous ship and can immediately do some quality mining.

This overall configuration will provide me with a perfect balance of cargo capacity, defence and mining efficiency. This ship is aesthetically beautiful, very manoeuvrable and fast, with great visibility and, most importantly, I enjoy it immensely.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I tend to make detailed ship builds for each type of activities, depends on your purpose, requirement, and most important, your progress in the game in general. At first, I'd love to make some points clear:

First of all, different type of mining might lead to different outfitting option, though the difference is minimum, I would like to have a functional build when every module has its use.

I. Required optional module and utilities

Generally, on every ship these are the optional modules you are required to have when you're out there blasing/melting some rocks:

  • Refineries: your limpets won't collect any minerals if you don't have a refineries module on your ship. I always A class it, minimum size 2, normally I use a size 3, but it depends on what your ship can bring.

  • Collector limpets controller: someone told me that it's 2.5 active limpets per laser, that way you don't have your minerals floating away before your limpets can pick them up, more active limpets = faster you can collect before moving to another asteroid. That's for laser mining, for core, it works almost the same, but I don't really know the proportion between limpets and hardpoints.

  • Prospect limpets controller: You need at least one module of this. Always bring an A class prospector for laser mining as it gives your more minerals per rock.

    It doesn't affect yields on core mining, so you can replace it with a mining limpet controller if you are core mining to get extra collectors. A 3C mining limpet controller let you have 4 active limpets, a size 5 collector limpet ocntroller lets you have 3 active limpets, so you already know, you can switch in the mining limpet and get a size 5 cargo rack for extra space.

  • Detailed surface scanner: required if you want to mine at hotspots

  • Pulse wave scanner if you're core mining (utility slot)

II. Internal modules

Though this is not as crucial, but faster ship and better jump range means you're moving faster between one asteroid to another, and if you don't have a carrier yet to store your mined minerals and travel to a station with good price to sell them, you'd need some jump range at least. So here's the list:

  • Armour: Lightweight

  • FSD: Class A SCO

  • Powerplant: if you're on a budget and don't have credits to buy a class A, running the stock powerplant is ok, you'll have enough power most of the time.

  • Thrusters: class A. Being able to zoom around a bit and run away from pirates if needed to is always a plus :)

  • Power distribuitor: class A. You'd need a class A for the mining lasers.

  • Life support: class D.

  • Sensors: class D.

III. Ship builds

I don't really mess with subsurface mining, only laser or core, and I try to not mix them up, so I'll put down some different builds depending on what type of mining wer'e doing.

  1. Beginner friendly: non-engineered AspX. Laser mining build, 84T cargo

I don't want to start mining with a small ship. I mean sure you can do, the Cobra MkIII is a great option to start, but it's really not worth it due to how low cargo you can hold. I started out blind with a Cobra, but that was for some small missions, if you are thinking about making profit with mining, I'd recommend starting out with a medium ship that can hold plenty.

To start with, the Asp Explorer is a good option. Having a size 6 optional means you can fit a size 6 cargo rack (64T) on it, which is double a size 5. This makes the Asp a way better option than the Keelback or the T6. Plus, it's a very versatile ship which you can use to travel around :)

When you go to sell minerals, replace your size 5 collector with a fuel scoop and you're good to go.

  1. The best mining medium ship: Python, core mining, engineered, 196T

When you have enough credits and want to get your game up, then it might be the time to buy a Python. It excels as a medium-size miner, for both laser and core mining. Generous optional modules mean you can hold a lot of cargo, it handles ok and have average speed, not too slow when engineered.

Un-engineered version contrains the same amount of modules, class and size, in fact an unengineered version works perfectly, I just engineered it because I like to pilot an engineered ship.

I fitted some weapons on it in case some pirates show up and want a bite of my minerals, although it's always wiser to just run away. In fact, if it's engineered it might be cold enough for the pirates to not detect you. Unless you're mining in a RES, in a hotspot, a pirate only shows up at first when you drop in or relog, if you have nothing on your or if you're out of their sight for long enough they would just low wake away.

When you go to sell minerals, replace your size 5 collector with a fuel scoop and you're good to go.

  1. Laser mining Python, engineered, 192T

Generally the same as the core mining build I have above, just fit in a 3A prospect since we need it for better yields, I keep the 3C mining controller anyway to have extra collector limpets. Same internal loadout that runs pretty cold to avoid detection from pirates.

Unengineered version also works, with same loadout for modules.

  1. The lord of the mine: Imperial Cutter

Basically the best hauler ship, and the best miner you can have. 3 size 5 collectors, decent speed, and A LOT of cargo space. I also make it run cold to avoid detection if you're willing to mine at a RES.

IV. Tips & Conclusion

Always visit before you sell to get your best price. This is why having a carrier is a plus, or just fit in a fuel scoop and go for it. Also always check for demand, if you're having more than 25% of the demand quantity in your cargo, you'll be selling them with a lower price. So choose the sell spot carefully. Other thing that I used to do is I would visit Inara first to see what minerals I can go for, then find a mining spot near that station.

Mining spots can be found at

Good luck out there and happy hunting! o7

USCSS's avatar

I particularly like to do core mining because I find it more entertaining than laser mining. And the ship I use is a Krait mk2 because of the speed and maneuverability it has.

The anchors I use are the “seismic charge launcher”, the “abrasion destroyer”, and two 2D-sized “mining lasers”

In support or utility anchors I have the “pulse wave analyzer” class 0A for greater range as well as having three “shield enhancers” in case I crash into a rock hehe..

Main environment what I can highlight is the “guardian energy core 6A” and the “guardian energy distributor 7A”. I chose to put guardian because I personally find them lighter and more efficient than normal ones.

In optional internals I have a “prismatic shield” for the hits I get with the rocks. I also have a “2A refinery” to be able to process the obtained minerals.

And we must not forget the “multi-launcher mining drone” which we can have both prospecting and collecting drones. In my case it is a 3E.

It is also important to have a “surface analysis scanner” to be able to see what minerals are in the rings.

On the subject of engineering, this ship does not use any engineering modules.

The value of this ship is around 100,000,000 cr

And that's all.

(I hope the translation of the modules has been done well since I translated from Spanish to English with Google translator)


Mining is awesome as it has a super low barrier to entry. From the smallest ships to the flying titans like the T9, almost any ship can be outfitted for mining. First I'll share my favourite loadout, explain the pros and cons, then I'll go over some cheaper options.

My favourite is the Python (Mk 1) as it has great internal space while still being a medium ship, both for maneuverability and landing accessibility.

Three 2D Mining Lasers (fixed). You could fit up to five but you can't run those long enough to make a difference anyway, so save the weight.

Nothing. For surface mining, you won't need anything. But some heatsinks are always a good idea.

Core Internals:
4A Power Plant, 5D Thrusters, 5A FSD (SCO), 4D Life Support, 7A Power Distributor, 6D Sensors. Basically the longest jump range and sustained mining fire we can get.

Optional Internals:
1E Supercruise Assist, 1I DSS, 3A Prospector Limpet Controller, 3A Fuel Scoop, 4A Refinery, 2x 5A Collector Limpet Controller, 3x 6E Cargo Rack

This build will allow you to sell further away thanks to the fuel scoop and let you reach distant stations and rings with little added time or chance of interdiction as the SCO FSD will blast you to your destination in no time. It's a great allrounder, being smaller and cheaper than the large ships but getting more to work with than the smaller ships. You'll need 81.6 million credits, which the ship will make for you in a single well planned mining run.

Find the build here on edsy.

But I'm assuming that most people with 80 mil lying about also know at least the basics of mining. So let's make a cheaper build for all the commanders just getting into the mining venture:

The core principles will remain the same, but we will scale everything back a bit. This time we'll be using a Cobra Mk III, some great internal space for a fine small ship.

2x 2D Mining Laser


4D Power Plant (a 2A would allow for a better jump range and heat efficiency, but will cost 160k instead of 53k, so upgrade as you make your first credits mining)
4D Thrusters
3D Life Support
3A Power Distributor (Expensive at 158k, but this will massively speed up how fast you mine stuff, well worth the investment upfront. Go with the 3D if you don't have the funds yet, it is better than the 2A considering their prices)
3D Sensors
4D FSD (we'll want to upgrade to 4A asap, but it's once again a difference between 59k and 1.6 million credits)

1A Prospector Limpet Controller
2A Refinery (you'll have to ignore or throw out the less valuable materials to have room in your refinery)
2x 1A Collector Limpet Controller
3A Collector Limpet Controller
2x 4E Cargo Rack

This ship will serve you well on your first few mining expeditions. It comes out to 2.06 million credits at first and 3.72 million with the 2A Power Plant and 4A FSD.

Find the build here.

In general, some engineering will be useful. Weapon focused Power Distributors, range improved FSDs, those should be on your list of things to do once you unlock them. But mining (in this case surface mining) is easy and fun even without those upgrades.

XCezor's avatar

Mining is a dangerous activity especially in highly populated systems with very rich asteroid rings, so with my build I am able to mine asteroids and defend myself, it's a simple Imperial Cutter because among all big ships it's my favorite, here's a link to this build on Coriolis and Inara:

So the ship serves more as a multirole, it has standard mining equipment such as:
- Refinery to convert mined materials to actual sellable stuff,
- Huge Cargo Racks to store limpets and mined goods,
- Collector Limpets to quickly gather mined materials,
- Pulse Wave Analyzer to detect valuable asteroids.

For actual mining, it serves more as a multirole ship.
- It has 3 standard Mining Lasers for casual surface mining (laser mining),
- 1 Seismic Charge Launcher with Abrasion Blaster for core mining, which can totally destroy an asteroid to collect large chunks of materials from the inside.

And for the self-defense it has standard Bi-Weave Shield Generator a little boosted with Shield Boosters, Hull Reinforcements and 1 Beam Laser with 1 Multicannon for shooting.

It's not very much yet very expensive but doing its job pretty well.


Actually, just because its fun and I like to see what kind of crazy builds i can make, Ive been running a federal corvette to give me the feel of running a mining corporation with a whole crew. I run almost all cargo space minus two slots for fighters and crew to pilot those fighters. mining lasers, seismic launchers and abrasion cannons for all rounded action and some pulse lasers and frag cannons in case i have to fight the occasional pirate. all modules i can engineer have been engineered for minimum heat dispersion and reduced weight.


My best laser mining ship build.

Elite Dangerous laser mining is one of the most popular and simple method for gathering resources, and Imperial Cutter is one of the best ship for the job due to its large cargo capacity and excellent shields.

Well outfitted Cutter can be highly efficient for big profits.

Here’s ship setup and recommended loadout for laser mining.


More mining lasers will allow you to break down rocks faster. Equip seven low power 1D mining lasers for efficient mining.

Core modules.

A grade power plant engineered for power efficiency to handle all modules.

A Grade thrusters for maximum speed, especially useful for maneuvering around asteroids.

Frame shift drive (SCO), A-rated, for jumping between systems to find profitable mining spots.

Optional modules.

Equip two to three collector controllers, A-rated so that you can gather fragments automatically.

Pulse wave analyser module will help you to identify asteroids with high-value materials when prospecting.

Use class 4 or 5 A-rated refinery, depending on your preferred setup.

One prospector limpet controller, A-rated.

Install 5D hull and 5E module reinforcement packages.

Fill remaining slots with cargo racks for maximum storage capacity (512), which is important for extended mining sessions.

Strong shields (Prismatics) are recommended, as mining locations attract pirates.

Fuel scoop also important including detail surface scanner.

Utility modules.

Point defense is useful against limpets or missiles from hostile ships.

Including one shield booster, also electronic countermeasure.

Use heat sinks to help with temperature management when using multiple lasers and high energy modules.

Look for double or triple hotspots for platinum at planets rings.

Send a prospector limpet to check for material content.

Once you find a valuable asteroid, deploy mining lasers and use collector limpets to gather fragments to be refined, remember to keep only the valuable ones in storage space.

Cutter's large cargo hold allows you to carry more before returning to sell, so aim for profitable resources like platinum to maximize earnings.

Always be careful of pirates and have an escape plan in place while in a high risk area.

Don't forget your limpets.

CMDR_nailz_'s avatar

I have a tendency to over engineer my ships, and my mining boat, a Type 10 Defender named Time & Tide, is no different. The T10 is a huge ship, with enough hardpoints and optional internals to be able to surface and core mine at the same time.

All Core Internals are the maximum size, and "A" rated, with the Thrusters engineered to G5 Dirty and Drag Drives, the FSD (SCO) at G5 Increased Range, and the Power Distributor G5 Weapon Focused with Super Conduits. This combination gives some much needed handling to the big girl, the ability to jump a fair amount, and not drain the weapon capacitors firing the plethora of mining lasers fitted!

Optional Internals are similarly highly specified, with a 7A Universal Limpet Controller, two 3A Collector Limpet Controllers and two 3A Prospector Limpet controllers the 8E and 5E cargo racks hold the many, many limpets I burn through, and still have ample space for the mined commodities. A single 2A refinery with its 6 bins is plenty to process the fragments collected, and a Detailed Surface Scanner is present to locate the hot spots. For defence I have a 6A Prismatic Shield Generator, and, in the T10's 2 military compartments are a 5D Hull Reinforcement Module, and a 5H Guardian Module Reinforcement.

Hardpoints are numerous on the T10, and this build makes full use of them. The two 2D Mining Lasers, and four 1A Modified Mining Lasers make short work of surface mining. With the 2B Seismic Charge Launcher, mounted on the centre line for easing aiming, and two 1D Abrasion Blasters, core mining is covered as well.

Fitted to one of the T10s eight Utility Mounts is a Pulse Wave Analyser, to ping those juicy cores.

This build will absolutely munch through hotspots, and is also very effective at mopping up the materials floating at High Grade Emission signal sources, and the Modified Mining Lasers can be used in combat. Time & Tide may be over the top for a mining vessel, yes, it's expensive, in credits and engineering materials, but it's very, very good at what it does.

mastercesspit's avatar

if it's not engineered it's not worth flying, 07

mastercesspit's avatar

this is my entry level mining krait mk2, i mine out of the bubble so no pesky pirates to worry about, but in the bubble the core mining hardpoints can be replaced with weapon hardpoints of your choice, it's fast and manoeuvrable so getting away is easy if interdicted, the mining prospector and refinery are VERY important for maximum yield and smooth operation, "A" grade for both, this build works unengineered and only gets better with upgrades to power plant and distributor

this is my favourite build, a bit more advanced and combat ready, this takes a bit of engineering to function efficiently, but good cargo, weapon loadout and mining gear, always use drive distributors as experimental effect on the thrusters to improve turn rate on any T10

this is my high end game dedicated "i'm gonna make billions just mining" build, it's end game and quite extensive engineering to even take off from a landing pad, excellent cargo capacity, mining efficiency and combat capability. the hardpoint layout on this ship is for mining, bigger weapons can be fitted swapping them around.

all build prices on inara are subject to where you buy/outfit, jameson is 10% cheaper, i-sola prospect is 10% dearer, so there can be up to 20% difference.

have fun, 07


So, for my recent mining build, as opposed to other mining builds, the T8 seemed to be a good candidate for core mining which is my main focus to kill time and make money. 2 seismic launcher front and center and 2 abrasion blasters towards the front of the T8. Next outfit the ship to carry max cargo, as much as you can fit, also make some space for a fuel scoop, one multi limpet controller and if youd like, you can fit a 5H guardian fsd booster like me and be more independent. This is a no shield build. 2 mining lasers if you really must. OH and dont forget the refinery, it can be a 2A, its not that important.


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