He / Him
Joined seven months ago
in Elite Dangerous
50 rewards remaining
🚀During the latest Frontier event, significant announcements were revealed about the future of Elite Dangerous, with exciting updates to the game's core systems and features. The comprehensive roadmap showcases major improvements to powerplay mechanics, while the imperial faction is set to receive substantial attention in upcoming updates. The game dev team emphasized their commitment to game design excellence and community growth, demonstrating a clear vision for the game's evolution. 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:
#elite2025 #elitedangerous RicardosGaming
in Elite Dangerous
35 rewards remaining
The CObra MkV is a great Mutlirole all rounder - whether you outfit it as a hauler, jumper, explorer or combat ship it really has something for you - but outfitted for Jump range - how far can it jump??
#elitedangerous RicardosGaming @JustAbout__
in Elite Dangerous
90 rewards remaining
👍 Elite Dangerous is a game that captures the immensity of space like nothing else. But it’s not just about size; it’s about freedom. You can be a trader hauling precious cargo, a bounty hunter chasing the galaxy’s most wanted, a miner delving into asteroid fields, or an explorer scanning uncharted planets. Why do you still play it? 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:
#elitedangerous #spacegames #killergame @JustAbout__ RicardosGaming
in Elite Dangerous
40 rewards remaining
đź’ĄThe Cobra MkV is an exciting new addition to Elite Dangerous, continuing the legacy of the Cobra series as a versatile and accessible ship. Designed as an all-rounder, the MkV builds on the beloved Cobra MkIII while introducing modern upgrades to meet the needs of today's gameplay. link:
#spacegames #elitedangerous #cobramkv @JustAbout__
in Elite Dangerous
With New Commanders in the Elite Dangerous Odyssey Galaxy, I thought I would do a ground mission - Settlement Clearout with Level One Maverick Suit and Level 1 Plasma Pistol. This video explores the challenging and high-stakes world of settlement clear-out missions in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, the latest expansion to the popular space simulation game. The onfoot part of Elite Dangerous Odyssey is both entertaining and lucrative to say the least...and as I have shown here - accessible to anyone even with grade 1 gear.
RicardosGaming #elitedangerous @JustAbout__
in Elite Dangerous
👍 We saw many changes over the year fo 2024. A renewed interest in ELite Dangerous from FDEV - we recap the year and prove why 2024 has been the best year yet for Elite Dangerous! 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:
#elitedangerous RicardosGaming @JustAbout__ #frontierdevelopments
in Elite Dangerous
Learn how to stop losing to Thargoids in Elite Dangerous with a Federal Corvette! This anti-xeno build will help you defeat those pesky aliens and protect humanity. Get ready to take on the Thargoids and come out victorious! Are you fed up of being beaten by Thargoids in Elite Dangerous - Have you wondered if the Federal Corvette is for you? This AX Corvette build will cut through Thargoids like a Knife through Butter see the ship in action here :
Ship link: https://s.orbis.zone/qzsc Join this channel to get Some Early Access :
// This Video : ➤Link:
@JustAbout__ #elitedangerous
in Elite Dangerous
💥 The Mandalay, a new ship introduced in Elite Dangerous, is designed for exploration, boasting a significant jump range that can be further enhanced through engineering.  Base Jump Range: The base jump range of the Mandalay, without any modifications or engineering, is around 39 light-years. This is already a respectable range for an exploration vessel. 🚀 This Video : ➤Link:
@JustAbout__ #elitedangerous