Hello Commanders.
Once again, today I embarked on a level 8 [Threat 6] mission that was supposed to be a team mission, but I'm going solo.
At the location I find the target ship (a Fer-de-Lance rank “Dangerous”
But the target ship was not alone. The target ship had 3 other companions (2 Vulture rank Dangerous and 1 Vulture rank Master)
I managed to eliminate the four ships.
They have taken away all the shield and left my hull at 28%.
At minute 10:10 the last ship wants to escape by jumping but I didn’t let it hehe
As the video lasts more than 5 minutes I will put the time of each combat:
2:00 to 5:30 Fer-de-Lance rank Dangerous (Target ship)
5:30 to 7:55 Vulture rank Dangerous
7:55 to 9:15 Vulture rank Master
9:15 to 10:20 Vulture rank Dangerous
(Translated with Google translator)