One of the biggest changes from Smite to Smite 2 is how items work. Strength and intelligence on items have replaced Magical and Physical power. There are still gods that deal magical or physical damage, however, the abilities and auto attacks scale based off STR or INT. For example, Sol is a god that deals Magical damage, but auto attacks scale off of STR for every god, so for Sol to have hard hitting autos, she needs STR in her build. Sol's abilities however, scale off of INT, so building INT will make her abilities hit harder and be more effective, but her auto attacks will not do as much damage as they would had she built STR. Some gods have Mixed Scaling. Odin is a great example of this. Odin's Lunge ability scales off of STR items, but his Raven Shout and Gungnir's Might scale off of both STR and INT, so for the most effective build, he needs both STR and INT items to bolster his damage output. Make sure when choosing a god, you know how their abilities scale with STR and INT for maximum efficiency!