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CMDR Henckes's avatar

Definitely Susano to be nerfed, he is basically a god who is fast and deal high damage and when he gets full equipped is almost impossible to kill even survive him specially for me who some times play as a support since I'm not that good in direct combat!

Just the attack or the speed/agility could reduce but I think would be better if the itens doesn't get he that stronger and I think he start to be a little more beatable

its Jet Stream I think it a little OP since it gives too much damage over time for a few seconds and Susano can teleport to you but nothing like a tank focused build wouldn't solve it.

yan57436's avatar

I'd like to see Hecate get a buff. I really like how useful she is in the game, but I think she's missing a bit of the survival elements by increasing her resistance or her shield. Another initiative would be to make her stronger and more fragile by buffing her damage (it would be a more aggressive approach, of course).

Another god that I believe should be reviewed with some urgency is Baron. It's precisely because he's so recent that it's worrying; he's too dominant in all phases of the game, and there's no penalty for selecting him. In addition, the cooldown of his ult, which should be increased, is currently too short. Another point that needs to be discussed is the removal of the rum that used to hang from his belt at the back, which has simply disappeared (unacceptable! haha).

JHenckes's avatar

Hecate entering the meta would be very cool to see, let's hope this buff comes!

JHenckes's avatar

I really like characters who use magic, so one character I notice isn't as powerful as he could be is Hades.

From experience, I think he's a god who needs a buff to his damage output. He's already a very good character for area control abilities, but how effective is that in a late game or compared to the evolution of other magic damage characters?

Because of this, I think the character just needs a rebalance to become a great choice in matches again. Viable options would really be damage that isn't so high or skills that have a guaranteed control effect. It's a big problem that the character is based on this, but many gods still manage to escape Hades' combos.

Flareb00t's avatar

The most obvious frustration point for people at the moment is Baron Samedi - despite the recent nerfs to Cooldown Rate, his overall potency feels too much and healing for too large an amount too quickly in the lategame. Fenrir is a common complaint too with the lack of reactivity to his ultimate changes for Smite 2.


I think Amaterasu is very strong currently and I would like to see her get a nerf. Her sustain and early game pressure are quite strong, making it difficult to play against her in lane. I think that the healing in the use of 1 skill (Divine Presence) could be reduced. Also decreasing the damage of your 2nd ability (Heavenly Reflection) would also be something positive. I think these nerfs would be enough to make Amaretarsu less strong in the current meta.

Sturmer's avatar

I think Hecate could have a buff to her shield to make it more impactful and flexible. Like the shield with an additional effect (boosting damage for allies or even protecting structures). Or maybe a longer CD but more charges. As it stands, her shield is limited in utility, especially against the current burst-heavy assassins and bruisers.

Another issue she is kinda slow early in the match, you have to play carefully and then change the playstyle mid-game pretty heavily.

In terms of nerfs, gods like Loki, Fenrir, and Odin seem overpowered due to their strong gap-closing abilities paired with the lack of defensive relics. It's tough for mages like Hecate to counter them effectively, especially with no mobility or CC immunity in her kit. but take it with salt, this is my personal complain.

If I had to pick just one - shielding structures would be the most interesting.

TheMortonMan's avatar

My vote here is gonna have to be for Susano.

His mobility is second to none, he has really high burst damage, multiple forms of hard CC, it is BONKERS what a good Susano player can pull off. Granted, I get that a God with a high skill ceiling should be rewarded with these capabilities, but it just feels like a bit much to have all that damage along with everything else. Neith is a God who is in a similar situation, but what she has in her kit as far as utility goes, she sacrifices with damage. Neith will never have as good of dueling potential compared to Anhur, Cern, Sol, etc. because her kit is focused around laning and teamfights. Susano should be centered around having a similar effect in my eyes.

Cloggedbean's avatar

I think thanatos needs to be buffed. my reason being that there are three other junglers, loki fenrir and susano, all three of them are pretty strong right now. thanatos is by far the weakest of those in terms of damage out put. He is also the riskiest, other then his ult he doesnt have any escape ( i know loki doesnt technically either but his invis work well especially with its change in smite 2 plus his ult casts right away so its better for esacaping/engaging). Personally I would have like to see more of kit change on thanatos when he came over to smite 2. People typically use thanatos' ult as an engage and i dont think and execution type ability should be used as an engage. Thanatos kit can cause problem very easily, since it is such a simple kit and has no set up, it requires high dmg. Its hard to find the balance between doing enough damage so youre a viable pick and not being completely broken with damage.
To summarize Thanatos needs a buff but instead of just a damage buff i think a change to maybe his second ability would be best.


I agree, his early game is pain and you hit like a wet kitten. Maybe adding % pen to his 2 and increasing the movement speed?

Cloggedbean's avatar

I would like to see the stun being removed from his ult and maybe his 2 becoming like a leap with a root and then nerfing dmg on his 1. I think that would be fun


I disagree with changing his movement stim for a leap. There's still Bastet, Serqet, and Hun Batz to name a few other assassins with leaps that don't have as similar a kit or playstyle to Thanatos. Also I think removing his stun would be quite a nerf. I think he's one of those assassins where the right "small" change has to be implemented because adding too much would make him top pick or ban in every ranked game. I think the silence is a good CC so he's effective around burst mages but I still think he would struggle against certain AA jungles in the future. We'll see what happens though

Cloggedbean's avatar

Ya I just say remove the stun on the ult bc a stun on a an execute doesn’t make sense. It ends up ppl using it as set up instead of execution


I feel the god off of most folks radar in terms of balance is Neith. While I love all the changes made to her, it’s undeniable she is too strong right now. To start I would revert the change just recently made which gave STG scaling to her weaves explosion. Neith already scales so well going a STG/INT hybrid build due to her 1 and 4, I don’t think she needed the extra scaling added as it just makes her feel so oppressive in lane when played right. Now, I don’t think that will get her to a “balanced” spot but it’s a start – if there were any more nerfs needed after I might hit the 2 sustain as it also plays into her strong ass lane, or tone some other scaling numbers back maybe.

Inpunktion's avatar

The most recent Smite 2 patch was absolutely stunning, the game looks and feels so much better even just after a few weeks of developer work. That being said there were some we could call them... balancing missteps.

One god in particular that I still see is getting overlooked is Anubis. Before this most recent patch Anubis was a bit on the weak side, having no good life steal options as a god who has a kit that revolves around being able to sustain from dealing damage as well as having no way to escape from the enemy team. That all changed when the fire nation balance team got to work. They changed his 1 to allow him to move faster, they buffed his passive to give him protections and lifesteal and they buffed a certain life steal item that works perfectly to make this god a massive nuisance on the battleground, alongside a ton of cooldown items. All of these buffs combined have made Anubis a terrifiying monster, im not saying this means Anubis needs to be nerfed necesarrily but I think the balance team needs to look at the cooldown items that they recently buffed as well as Anubis' new passive buffs and find a good middleground to put him in a more balanced state. Otherwise I really like where most of the other gods sit right now and I agree with a ton of the other posts here about certain gods needing love and others needing some tweaks.

Elech's avatar

Overall I think most of the Gods in Smite 2 at the moment are in an alright spot. There are a few post of the strong ones already but as something a bit different. Odin. I think this God should have come in to Smite 2 with almost a full rework. While Odin players do love how he plays he just has not been impactful at the end of Smite 1 and going in to Smite 2. We need this character to have a better third ability. The stun isn't enough as it really has no interaction with his kit. I would love to see interactions with his cage. Possibly a God that gets hit by the 3 causes the cage to collapse and damaging the target. I think something like that would make the character quite fun and put him in a stronger spot.


Honestly, one of the gods I think that needs a buff might be Ymir. He has seen quite a lot of varied play when CA just launched but I feel like he's dropped off a bit, and especially his build variety isn't as good (ex: crit ymir). Maybe he'd enjoy some more unique scalings? I don't know, but I also don't want them to overbuff him since he's always kind of a solid pick.



Against newer players or bad players she's unstoppable but as soon as the skill threshold increases the starts to fall off compared to other options. I think there are just so many other warriors that provide better team utility and even mages outshine her in the solo lane (Anubis, Baron Samedi) in the current game.

These are the changes that I would bring to Bellona

Passive: Master of War

Movement Speed: 3% --> upgrade to 4%
Physical Protection: 4% (no change) Magical Protection: 4% (no change)
Strength: 3% --> upgrade to 4%
Attack Speed: 3% --> upgrade to 4%
Duration: 7 seconds --> upgrade to 10 seconds
Health Regeneration: 1 Health Regeneration / per stack.
Max Buff Stacks: 5 (no change)

Basic Attacks

Scourge Heal Scaling: 5/6/7/8/9 --> 6/7/8/9/10
Scourge Heal Scaling Per Hit: 7% Physical Protection (No change)
Scourge Attack Chain 1, 0.5, 1X (Last swing in hit chain Cleaves enemies in a cone similar to the Shield Bash cone radius)

Ability 1 - Shield Bash

Damage Scaling: (Change would be to scale off prots more than strength)
65% Strength --> 60% Strength (nerf)
30% Physical Protection --> 35% Physical Protection (buff)
30% Magical Protection --> 35% Physical Protection (buff)

Ability 2 - Bludgeon

(No Changes)

Ability 3 - Scourge

Damage Scaling:

65% Strength --> 60% (nerf)

Ability 4 - Eagle's Rally (Buff)

Team Members in the radius gain 3% movement speed and for 3 seconds after leaving the radius.
Enemies in the center are stunned and while enemies are within the flag's radius, they are crippled.

Adding the cripple to the flag would give the ultimate more of a shock value feeling and
would definitely be a bigger reward in team fights and make fighting in that radius more worthwhile and at the same time force the enemy team to either team CC cleanse or disperse.

To account for this increased value to the ultimate being used and hitting the enemy, it's frequency should be decreased so that it's not in every fight.
Cooldown: 90 --> Increased to Scaling Downwards from Level 1 on... 120/114/108/102/96

Correction: Added Health Regen to passive and movement speed to team members within the Eagle's Rally radius.


As of today, it's primarily Susano and Amaterasu.

Susano is still performing far too well and does far too much damage at all stages of the game. He does by far the most damage of any assassin in the game currently, has the best mobility, and his teamfighting ultimate is incredibly strong to boot.

Amaterasu released stronger than Nu Wa, and despite Nu Wa losing something like 160% of her damage scaling off of her abilities, Amaterasu has merely lost 25% across two abilities- and not on the damage or mitigations side. The full INT Amaterasu build is simply far too strong, dealing way too much damage at all stages of the game while also providing her ample tankiness throughout the duration of her 2. With the new CDR buffs, Amaterasu is able to have her 2 up most of the time during fights, and with her escape and MS being nearly unable to be punished and her ultimate doing over a thousand damage late game whilst being a huge engage/teamfighting tool, she's just far too much of EVERYTHING, and she's being picked in every game I play. She is single handedly ruining my game experience and I'm really hoping for very heavy handed nerfs in the pipeline.



The god is just a bit too strong. You can build him tank, you can build him full damage, you can build him inbetween and he feels unkillable. Pair that with fire giant if they get it and he never dies. He needs some sort of nerf to make so he doesn't do as much damage if he builds tanky or doesn't live as long if he's full damage.

Alter's avatar

Imo Cern needs a genuine heavy buff as he feels weaker than any other adc and adc esq character.

  • QoL change by fixing his audio, he sounds like its soley stock sounds other than his 1's change sound

  • Could speed up his 2's launching speed and maybe lower its damage a little bit to make it smoother to hit for the "better" player to be able to actually win/tie the fight/1v1 because it feels just sluggish, this also goes for his ult. all around he doesnt really feel if he has anything compared to even neith or anhur.

ChrisTDickson's avatar

Athena definitely needs a buff. Her viability compared to Ares, Ymir, and Bachus as a Tank frontline is extremely lacking. He taunt isn't as effective as SMITE 1.

  • Buffing her taunt to make enemies react faster and be pulled in faster would be a big improvement

  • Additional QOL changes to her scaling/prot scaling on abiltiies could help


Heck, even lowering her taunt cooldown by 2-4 seconds at all ranks would be a massive W.


My choice would be Loki. He's just too safe and hard to lock down, with a ton of burst damage. I can get behind the slow immunity in his invis, but also movement speed? Getting body blocked by an illusionary decoy is also pretty obnoxious, and any time i see one on the enemy team, I can count on them invading our jungle for free, and getting a couple level lead. I will continue to hope for him (and Susano) to be nerfed into the ground.


I feel like sooner or later, Ares ult should not be able to be countered by any knockup-immune ability, seeing as Ares ult currently Displaces and knockup/displacement immunity will keep growing in prevalence as more gods get added.

I get that beads is less frequent than in Smite 1, but so is blink for an engaging Ares. Just feels really cheap that an Anubis can 1 instead of beads/ult to counter Ares ult. Now imagine all the other gods who could cheaply counter: Nike, Atlas, Hun Batz, Tsuku, Clio... the list goes on.

If he needs a nerf to his chains damage or his passive, alright. But I feel that Ares ult should eventually work like it does in Smite 1, where it can pull gods that weren't fully CC-immune.

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