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Letitia Lemon



Joined over one year ago



Tell us about your favourite social Pokémon memory!

in Pokémon


I have so many Pokemon memories but my favourite has to be at comic con last year where the original cast of the anime were all in attendance. I've been friends with Veronica Taylor for 12yrs at this point (and became a voiceactor myself because of her) but it was my first time meeting Eric Stuart and Rachael Lillis. Also, Jay Goede was there too- the original voice of Mewtwo from the first Pokemon movie as well as Jason Paige who sang the original theme and there was a screening of said first movie too. The screening was HUGELY popular and brought together so many Pokemon fans to sing that epic theme song, laugh at all the one liners and, as we all do, cry at THAT moment in the movie. It felt so wholesome to be around so many likeminded people who also grew up with this franchise and who are just as passionate as me. There was a panel afterwards with Veronica, Eric, Rachael and Jay and some wonderful questions were asked and there was even some in-character improv. You can even see in the video of the panel the point where Veronica spots me in the audience and waves at me. I did meet all of the cast later that weekend too, had a wonderful photo with them all and talked about all things voiceacting. Rachael (rest her beautiful soul) told me some wonderful things about my voice and charisma that really inspired me to keep pushing my performance career and to be the best voiceactor and presenter that I can be... and what she said to me will stick with me for the rest of my life; to know that yet another of my childhood heroes sees potential in me and believes in me is the most powerful thing.


Nominate the most iconic Pokémon battle of all time!

in Pokémon


I wasn't sure whether to go with anime or game here so I went with game...


For me, personally... it HAS to be Volo from Legends Arceus! The subtle teases at him having Cynthia's iconic team hinted at throughout with his Togepi and Gible were fun to pick up on, but they mostly just felt like little references as with many of the characters in that game... however, the plot twist of him being the insane villain obsessed with Arceus' power felt like the narrative had been dialed up to 11. As with the original Sinnoh games, the villains were Team Galactic and there was no such evil team established in Legends Arceus at that point, so it really begged the question of who was going to be the threat to the legendaries and, ultimately, the world.

Then the battle begins... and oh what a battle! The same Spiritomb lead as Cynthia, the ICONIC piano that sends chills down any Gen 4 player's spine as soon as they hear it, from having developed a crippling fear of the instrument in their childhood years, to the epic remix of the rest of her battle theme... then enter Giratina and its powerful theme too. My boy, the Pokemon equivalent of the devil, being summoned to battle alongside Volo making it a 7v6 unfair battle... but then, ONE MORE PLOT TWIST... Origin Giratina making it an 8v6 and you truly feel outmatched as you square off against this high level, high power team plus both forms of Giratina afterwards. Giratina is, by far, my favourite legendary and what an introduction it had in this game; being brought into the final battle and used as, essentially, a cheat to make the Cynthia 2.0 fight all the more terrifying, as well as unbalanced... and that's why I love this battle so much. It did everything right from a narrative standpoint, to the setup of Volo mirroring Cynthia's team, the music, the Giratina summon AND 2nd phase- everything combined just made it the perfect battle.

And, for bonus funsies... enjoy Alpharad's reaction to Volo's battle because of how relatable (and hilarious) it is:


Platform32 guest bounty 🤵‍♂️ Show us your best base building in Fallout 4 or 76 for $5!

in Video Games


(Apologies for the awful screenshots- PS5 share is a bit dodgy so I had to take photos on my phone!)

I built a camp at one of the monorail cars in the Crnaberry Bog and designed it to look like a station platform- being a well-seasoned train traveller, it felt fitting. There's a vendor to shop for items in, various food and drink stands for a quick snack, all the necessary crafting benches for any 76 player and even a ticket booth!

There's even a little story to behind why I chose this location to build a CAMP. So, my friends and I would play a game called Nuka'd and Afraid, where we would drink Nukashine- which is a drink that will make you black out and teleport to 1 of 36 random locations and wherever we end up, we must race back to the origin of the Nukashine quest 4 times, naked with no perks or weapons either. This point is the farthest away spawn point and is also in the highest level area of the map, so there's a lot of tough enemies to dodge; making running from here both time-consuming and stressful. So, I decided to just live there, since I ended up there so much.

The build itself was quite complicated to figure out as Fallout 76 is very particular about what is classed as "the ground" for you to build on and where you can place your CAMP. Luckily, there was a spot that high off of what you would typically consider the ground where I could place it and the "height" of your build can only be 3 "tiles" higher or lower than where you place it, so I managed to hide the CAMP itself within the monorail car and then attached platforms above the monorail part that was classed as "the ground" and then extended the platforms to create the station itself and then a cafe/bar opposite for people who have a slightly longer wait for their monorail.


Share your story about how you discovered Minecraft for $2!

in Video Games


So, my story with Minecraft is an interesting one. I'd heard of Minecraft in the early 2010's by various people mentioning it on social media, maybe with the occasional screenshot as well but all I really knew about it was it was a blocky game. I didn't know the depths of the creative building (albeit much less than nowadays) and I didn't know any of the lore at all. But one day, when randomly surfing Youtube for something to watch, a channel that I'd recently been watching a few of their videos of popped up with a Minecraft video and that channel was Achievement Hunter. I'd only discovered their hilarious content a couple of weeks before that and had been watching some of their series so, of course, more and more of their videos were appearing in my recommended. I saw a Minecraft video and decided that it was FINALLY time for me to see what it looks like to actually play this game. By this time, Achievement Hunter had made a fair number of Minecraft videos- roughly about 80 (they go on to make approximately 500 videos of Minecraft in total) so I had some content to binge. I'd already loved the team's chemistry and comedic delivery but their Minecraft series quickly became one of my favourites with their various gameshow-esque ideas and each week competing for The Tower of Pimps (IYKYK) to be placed like a trophy outside of their house. It felt very Survivor or I'm a Celeb in those weeks. Then sometimes they would do more chill build episodes to expand their city and its lore. The creativity and fun they had then inspired me to get the game and play it with my friends... although we never quite got to their level of inventiveness. And while Achievement Hunter may no longer be around, they left their mark on the internet and in certain games like Minecraft.

Fun fact 1: Achievement Hunter cast member Jeremy Dooley also wrote a song about the Tower of Pimps (and it's a banger!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB3ifaFDObc&ab_channel=RoosterTeeth

Fun fact 2: The Tower of Pimps did appear as an Easter Egg in one of the tutorial builds for Minecraft... as well as there being many other references to AH content scattered about the internet and in other games too.


How have your gaming tastes changed over the years? Tell us for $4!

in Video Games


I wouldn't say my gaming tastes have "changed" in a sense of I've dropped certain games/genres, but moreso my tastes have expanded. As a child I was HOOKED on collectathons and platformers, I loved being able to jump around and pick up loads of shiny things until all the numbers were maxed. It gave child me an unparalleled happiness. I STILL like playing those kinds of games to this day, sometimes something simple and colourful feels so cosy to unwind to and those kinds of games have become my comfort games in my adult years. The nostalgia alone gives me serotonin but getting that satisfying 100% is the cherry on top.

I used to avoid games that focused on "human" characters in "realistic" settings, my child-brain found them boring and I didn't want to follow along with all of this dialogue and dramatic scenes when I could just jump around various platforms and pick up random objects for no reason. If there was a simple story, I'd follow along but it wasn't a crucial feature for me. However, as time went on I ventured into some RPG's which are VERY story heavy but they still had a lot of exploration and collecting, which I still thoroughly enjoyed and as I got older, I found following stories and learning those more complex mechanics/strategies a lot easier to do. I'd say RPG's like Final Fantasy were the bridge between the colourful platformers of child me's interest and the girtty action-adventure games that I love now. I'd learnt how to appreciate a good story with immersive voiceacting and now some of my favourite games are games I probably would've never gone near as a kid. My gaming library is just incredibly expansive with over 20yrs of content from all sorts of genres to explore and enjoy. That's the best way I can summarise it.