Letitia Lemon
Joined over one year ago
in Pokémon
May I present... Darumaka's Pokemon White entry:
"Darumaka's droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm."
Nothing like a poop in your pocket to keep yourself warm. Bet it makes your clothes smell GREAT.
I forgot to add the link to the entry:
in Video Games
So, my story with Minecraft is an interesting one. I'd heard of Minecraft in the early 2010's by various people mentioning it on social media, maybe with the occasional screenshot as well but all I really knew about it was it was a blocky game. I didn't know the depths of the creative building (albeit much less than nowadays) and I didn't know any of the lore at all. But one day, when randomly surfing Youtube for something to watch, a channel that I'd recently been watching a few of their videos of popped up with a Minecraft video and that channel was Achievement Hunter. I'd only discovered their hilarious content a couple of weeks before that and had been watching some of their series so, of course, more and more of their videos were appearing in my recommended. I saw a Minecraft video and decided that it was FINALLY time for me to see what it looks like to actually play this game. By this time, Achievement Hunter had made a fair number of Minecraft videos- roughly about 80 (they go on to make approximately 500 videos of Minecraft in total) so I had some content to binge. I'd already loved the team's chemistry and comedic delivery but their Minecraft series quickly became one of my favourites with their various gameshow-esque ideas and each week competing for The Tower of Pimps (IYKYK) to be placed like a trophy outside of their house. It felt very Survivor or I'm a Celeb in those weeks. Then sometimes they would do more chill build episodes to expand their city and its lore. The creativity and fun they had then inspired me to get the game and play it with my friends... although we never quite got to their level of inventiveness. And while Achievement Hunter may no longer be around, they left their mark on the internet and in certain games like Minecraft.
Fun fact 1: Achievement Hunter cast member Jeremy Dooley also wrote a song about the Tower of Pimps (and it's a banger!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB3ifaFDObc&ab_channel=RoosterTeeth
Fun fact 2: The Tower of Pimps did appear as an Easter Egg in one of the tutorial builds for Minecraft... as well as there being many other references to AH content scattered about the internet and in other games too.