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CMDR Henckes's avatar

The Marowak EX deck is a little of a shot in the dark since will be there situations that my Marowak EX doesn't make any damage but for a Pokémon that you can easy put it at the beginning of the game and deal up to 160 points of damage it has been a very good deck and most of the time surprisingly reliable. Beyond this cart I have in my deck the Hitmolee that deal damage to the bench and the Sandslash that deal 70 points of damage that is pretty great.

In my trainee cards I have the pokeball and professor Oak that helps a lot when I get it at the beginning, and Giovani that will help my Pokemon deals extra damage in the turn that I use him.

The best part of this deck for me is that it is made with cards easy to get and use, so it is easy to learn and how I play to relax myself it is perfect!

mypets's avatar

I lack the cards to complete this deck, so it's not the best psychic deck. But this deck still allows me to form two battle fronts, with Mewtwo for weaker monsters and Alakazam when the opponent's pokémon have too much energy to scale their attack. What's more, Hypno is always hindering the opponent with its Sleep Ability, which makes it even better!!!

yan57436's avatar

I've really enjoyed the water deck, mainly because of its offensiveness. The only problem is that I'm betting a lot on the misty card to guarantee enough energy for Blastoise or Articuno EX to win the game.

JHenckes's avatar

It's not the best possible Charizard + Moltres EX deck, but I was very sorry not to have another Charizard EX for the deck, but it's still been a very good deck!

The deck consists of using Moltres' 1st ability to distribute energy to the charmander and its evolutions for a few turns, so that as soon as the Charizard appears, it's already using its 4 Energy Ability and doing its damage!

It's a deck that depends on luck to work, because if Moltres only tails the coin, everything goes wrong. But that's rarely the case. It's been the deck I've used the most in the game and I've had good results!

Sturmer's avatar

This is what I consider my best Pokémon TCG mobile deck. Unfortunately, I’m still early in the game and don’t have a large card collection to choose from, but I prefer this over the pre-constructed decks.

I’m still looking for more Gastly and Haunter cards to improve Gengar’s evolution potential. It’s tricky to pull off due to its EX nature and the risk of losing two points, but its ability to shut down support cards can be very powerful in certain scenarios.

While Porygon isn’t particularly strong as an active Pokémon, its ability allows me to peek at the deck, helping me decide when to use Professor's Research for an effective counter.

Rattata and Farfetch’d are more like placeholders while I go through packs to find the cards I need.

Borrrrr's avatar

My Best Deck So Far:

  • Tynamo (x2)

  • Helioptile

  • Heliolisk

  • Eelektrik (x2)

  • Eelektross

  • Pidgey (x2)

  • Pidgeotto (x2)

  • Pidgeot (x2)

  • Potion

  • X Speed

  • Poké Ball (x2)

  • Professor's Research (x2)

  • Giovanni

I enjoy using this deck because lightning-type Pokémon outperform other elements in my experience.


So far this was the best deck I've managed to make so far: 1 Mewtwo EX, 2 Ralts, 2 Kirlia, 1 Gardevoir, 2 pokeballs, 2 potions, 2 X-Speed, 2 Professor Research, 2 Giavanni, 2 Sabrina, 2 Red Card and 2 Jynx. Unfortunately I still lack 1 Mewtwo EX and 1 Gardevoir to complete the deck but in time you managed to do it.

This deck is quite easy to play. The objective is to be able to play Mewtwo early in the game and with Gardevoir to be able to stack energy to always use Mewtwo EX's Psydrive.

Letitia Lemon's avatar

So, I haven't been TOO lucky with Ex cards (I do have a few) but I find seeing so many of the same Psychic type Mewtwo Ex + Gardevoir decks to be REALLY boring and, actually my favourite deck doesn't have a single Ex in it! I like using a Fighting type deck, with signature cards being Onix, Grapploct and Golem. Onix and Golem are tanks and powerhouses, utilising Brock support cards to give them multiple energies in 1 turn make them super useful... and with Onix, I don't even need to spend time evolving it. Grapploct is honestly just fun... I was caught in a battle using it and the opponent had a Pidgeot with "Drive off" which switches the Active Pokemon to the bench and Grapploct's "Knock Back" also does the same, so the entire battle was like a revolving door of Active Pokemon on both sides which was hilarious! I did actually win that battle in the end as well. It was just really fun and I like the deck a lot. It may not be the strongest out there due to the lack of Ex's, but I think it works well.

Cards in the deck:



-Clobbopuss x2



-Onix x2

-Grapploct x2


-Potion x2

-X Speed

-Poke Ball

-Prof Research x2


-Brock x2


I have uploaded a picture of my rarest cards as all my decks are specific to the typing. The image attached contains the cards listed below:

  • Moltres EX

  • Marowak EX

  • Gloom full art

  • Pinsir full art

  • Charmander full art

  • Gyarados full art

  • Alakazam full art

  • Slowpoke full art

  • Cubone full art

  • Nidoqueen full art

  • Nidoking full art

  • Dragonite full art

Ford James's avatar

Hi Tanman, thanks for entering, but we are looking for your best deck for this bounty, not just the best cards in your collection. If you can edit your submission to include this, you'll be eligible for a reward. Thanks!


I only started TCG Pocket last week so my deck is not exactly a world beater! Making some progress though and looking to start some more PvP battles now.

Chosen 3 main Types for now and looking to trim that down to 2 when I have enough quality Fire and Electric Pokémon!

Trying to aim for a steady balance of low, energy attacks with reasonable HP and then some big guns with higher energy needs but 100+ attack damage to utilise against the tougher opponents.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Josh B, thanks for entering this bounty! I've had to reject this entry though I'm afraid, as the deck you've submitted wouldn't be playable in-game. There are lots of stage one and two evolutions in there without the basic Pokemon that would allow them to be played, so the only Pokemon in the deck that could be played are Krabby (and Kingler), Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, and Pincurchin.


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