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Joined four months ago


Formula 1,000: find a new racecourse and fly us through it!

in Elite Dangerous

Closes in 2 months

Hello there Commanders! I hope you are all well in this wonderful 2025;

When odi released, me and some friends dearly missed pomeche 2c and canyons in general, so I went on to scour the galaxy for some proper racing planet where i can blast some good punk and let that dirty drives scream baby. My favourite spot is without doubt the system: HR 5457, planet 3D. I remember my jaw dropping upon seeing the steep canyons and passages: its a blast to just casually fly at 800 plus meters per second in these ravines.

My friends and I had so many laps in the racetrack below and hopefully someone else will enjoy it too. when building it I had only two rules: it had to be fun and it had to be easy to find (as some friends of mine have a love/hate relationship with planet coordinates).

This is Mccabe racetrack:
For starters just head to
McCabe Prospecting Territory (please fdev give us checkpoints creator and laptimes )

General safety guidelines:

1-Start line is between cucumber mountain and the settlement (you cant miss it).

2-Also make sure your hardpoints are not deployed (settlement security will shoot first ask later).

3-keep altitude below 500m for maximum danger My very personal review:

Difficulty:4/10 very simple with a small ship, but once you get the speed going you will have to time your boosts perfectly at the second and third turn. Incredible fun if you manage to do 10 or so laps with a group of cmdrs with one referee at the start.

Scenery: 6/10 pretty good sights when sunny! its an odissey rocky planet with beautiful sky.

Location: 8/10 its in the bubble, its a scoopable M star and it has many hours of daylight.

let me know if you liked it !



Share a 'from the cockpit' screenshot!

in Elite Dangerous

50 rewards remaining


"K-Type Anomalies are a form of Notable Stellar Phenomena. They can damage ships that approach too closely or come into direct contact with them." -fandom

This green anomaly I discovered appearead on my scanner as Notable Stellar Phenomena.
In all my years of exploration I found less than 5 NSPs so I cherish each one of them in my heart. Make sure you always check your left panel or your FSS and you wont miss them!
safe flying.

Flight deck of my Zorgon Peterson Mamba; Boobbleheads are of a viper and a guardian fighter (trident).

bonus images below :) :



Report on the shifting galactic tides, winter 2024/2025!

in Elite Dangerous


Happy Friday the 17th, CMDRs!

This is Commander Odinoji reporting for Vox Galactica;

As a member of the Dark Wheel squadron I have always been interested in all sorts of mysteries. I even collect odd artifacts like SAP8 containers, Trinkets of Hidden Fortune, and whatnot. Feel free to visit my carrier "Witchspace Ryder" at any time: everyone is welcome.

Raxxla is obviously the biggest mystery of all, but there are many more. Where are the Constructs? What will we unlock when all Guardian Ancient Sites are found? Where are the missing Generation Ships, floating helplessly in space?

It has been an eventful 2025. January is not even finished and a squadron member already discovered a new Guardian site and with Thargoid War coming to an end, the Pilots Federation is discussing how to allow private commanders to build settlements and stations in uncolonized space! What a great Start of 2025, if you fought in the battle for earth I salute you and commend you!

My fleet of 44 highly-engineered, specialized ships is stationary, waiting for the next adventure. What will the future bring?

One of the most intriguing topics has certainly been the Ryder family, with a long heritage of meddling with the most intimate galactic affairs for decades. Be your rank Mostly Harmless or Elite, you have probably heard of the Ryder family sooner or later in your career. Maybe you engineered your modules at Liz Ryder in Eurybia, or perhaps you have read the forbidden novella Elite: The Dark Wheel.

What if I told you I have seen one today?

I could immediately see from my Heads-Up Display that the pilot named himself Ryder and he is a part of the HOLLOS MOB faction. He did not reply to hails or messages and just floated 13 km from Jameson Memorial while dozens of CMDRs were totally oblivious to his presence. His face was hidden behind a dark black, last-generation Remlok glass.

I was lucky that I could take some pictures and scan his cargo hold before he could jump away. The deadly pilot, although wanted, was so skilled that he avoided authorities at the very heart of the Pilots Federation.

"VICIOUS TARGET" Ship analysis

As we can see from the ship’s zoomed-in view, it has the identification: "BE-O1A" so i have an astrographic specialist working on possible star system outputs, which could be a lead in itself if nothing comes out of the Hollos system. I will also put a team of researchers to work on the name of the ship maybe see if theres a mention of a vicious target in old earth literature as the ryders were very fond of it.

As I have never seen or heard of the HOLLOS MOB, I am now moving to the Hollos system, and make further inquiries. Feel free to contact me if you want to lend a hand.

Until then,


#HollosRyder #flywitharebuy #voxgalactica #private commanders



Share your best solo PvP ship build!

in Elite Dangerous

40 rewards remaining

We have all been there; you go to Felicity Farseer on your favourite explorer and get interdicted by a frag the lance and get sent to the rebuy screen faster than you can type o7 .

lets call it "gank survivor v1".

This ship will protect you! just submit to the intediction, put 4 pips to SYS and select closest system to jump to and youll be safe

And IF you want to fight back you can! And this with no need of FA off fancy maneuvering! Just point your nose at the enemy ship launch your 6 Torpedoes at once and watch your enemy shields go down.. as in permanently down at 0% integrity.
Now switch to the huge overcharged Multicannon that paired with the little corrosive will destroy any hulls long before your shields go down.
If you like proper PVP this ship is not for you but if you enjoy playing in open and youre lazy to go FA off for a fight then give it a try :)

It has served me well for years, you have enough speed and shields to high wake with your canopy intact from pretty much ANY ship.
If you dont believe me try it out i will personally refund your rebuys if you manage to die in this beauty.


EDIT: forgot to say the best part 603m/s fully laden! o7


Design a brand new ship in celebration of Elite's anniversary!

in Elite Dangerous



O7 commanders

Im Odin0ji,

first of all let me first wish happy holidays to you and your families!

I have zero experience in 3d modelling so be kind please its my first work :)

I have been playing elite for years and what a great year for the game this has been. I wonder what the future holds.

This is a fan made ship concept


Now to the ship;

I have been saying for years that we didn’t complete the guardian storyline and there is still a ship blueprint (not SLF an actual starship blueprint).
I have been actively looking for guardian clues for a long time and so therefore I’ve always pictured a guardian ship to look something like this:


This ship firepower its lacking in this ship we only have 2 medium and two large hardpoints, with sub-par power distribution and class 6 powerplant; It will struggle against top of the line combat ships such as mamba, fer da lance and python mk2 but can outrun anyone else given its speed and agility.
Given its guardian heritage it has the best shields in medium class in the game! Pair this with exceptional thrusters and youll be far gone before you receive any damage. Be careful as each additional tonnage be it hardpoints or optionals will greatly reduce speed!
Felicity farseer has said that this might be the first ship in history able to jump up to 100 light years once paired with the guardian FSD BOOSTER!


It took me days to learn how to 3d model from scratch, so feel free to give any feedback its much appreciated!

I have used a free app called THINKERCAD for this project and as I had a lot of fun I am learning to use more advanced tools.


work in progress proof:


⚡ Lightning reward! Report back from the assault on Sol! ⚡

in Elite Dangerous


Greetings, this is Commander Odinoji reporting for Vox Galactica:

The fight is almost over—or so we thought. With the sixth Thargoid Titan destroyed, humanity dared to believe we were winning this war. How wrong we were. The final Titan, Cocijo, has suddenly moved to none other than Sol. The cradle of humanity, Earth itself, is under threat.

As I stare at Cocijo, a vast and alien presence orbiting Earth above the Pacific, I am reminded of a speech by an ancient American president, Ronald Reagan, addressing the United Nations:

"Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"

Two millennia later, Reagan's words seem more relevant than ever. Humanity remains divided by trivial matters, divided by religion divided by ideologies. One might hope that this war with the Thargoids would be the catalyst for uniting us once and for all, But thats not the case: among us, there are those who do not share this vision of unity or survival. I witnessed first hand dozens of commanders that have chosen to side with the Thargoids, the so-called "gankers."
As I reported last month, these scoundrels target the weakest among us: damaged vessels, refugee transports, and mostly harmless commanders. Their motives remain a mystery, their leadership silent. Who are they?

My investigation into this shadowy faction has yielded more questions than answers. Are they Thargoid fanatics? Madmen sowing chaos for their own twisted amusement? Or is something even more sinister at play? Could these be Thargoid-controlled humans, their minds enslaved by the hive? And what role does the enigmatic Club play in all this? What secrets are hidden behind Polaris permit?

One thing is certain: as we approach the new year, something monumental is on the horizon and im not talking about the titan.

Billions have perished, and countless more are in grave danger.
Whether it is rescuing refugees or fighting on the front lines, every contribution matters. Do your part!

Stay vigilant, and stay tuned.

