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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
CMDR Henckes's avatar

How the PvP in Elite is one of the hardest aspects of the game a good ship is a must and will help you to be victorious.

S & A tiers

The PvP combat is very different from the PvE, it will require you a fast and manoeuvrable ship, so the big ships aren't the best choice, that's why the Cutter is the only one among the A and B tiers.

The only ones in the A tiers are Fer-de-Lance, the champion, a fast and very slim medium ship, it will be behind you in no time and thanks to the huge hardpoint that it has it can take even big ships in no time. The Mamba it is really fast and it will be harder to be shot, even not having the best fire power it will have a ridiculously advantage by its speed.

B tier

In this tier we have nice ships, but it normally won't have so much advantage, there are medium and one small ships that keep the advantage to be a small target and fast ones but there are two huge monsters of space, and they advantage are the fire power specially the Corvette, it can be taken town even by a Cobra mk V but if it hits you just a few times you are doomed, those ships also can have strong defences so they has so much endurance during a fight.

C tier

Those ships a suitable for combat but it has so much disadvantage in relation of the meta PvP ships that they will probably be destroyed fast against a experienced opponent.

D tier

Here most of them aren't even suitable for combat and the ones that are wont be of any help against other players, just if they use one of those ships as well. Anyway, just keep those ships for trade, mining and exploration.

ThePunisher99's avatar

The Punisher's Tiers List :

S-Tier (Meta & Excellent PvP Ships)

Whether in duels or wing fights. with thier firepower, durability and agility These ships dominate PvP.

1. Federal Corvette :

Pros : With the durability of Titans, the super sayen shields and excellent gimballed weapon options this ship is your ultimate goal for PVP.

Cons : Slower than smaller ships It requires some engineering for full control of the battlefield.

2. Fer-de-Lance :

Pros : Its Unmatched maneuverability, excellent shields and five bloody hardpoints to melt every hull in the game.

Cons : Weak hull when shields go down so be carfull and control the rythme of the combat.

3. Imperial Cutter :

Pros : The best shield tank in the game and super fast too which is good for hit and run strategies.

Cons : as all big ships do struggle against smaller ships.

A-Tier (Strong & Versatile PvP Ships)

Capable of winning fights but with some drawbacks.

4. Mamba :

Pros : This super racing ship can hits incredibly hard with fixed weapons.

Cons : Poor heat management, with out HOTAS can become defficult to control with speed and also It struggles in prolonged fights.

5. Alliance Chieftain :

Pros : Extremely agile It's Leonel Messi of the Elite Dangerous and It has solid weapon placement.

Cons : Shields are weak so it relies heavily on hull integrity making It easy to counter with lasers.

B-Tier (Good but Situational PvP Ships)

Effective in PvP but require a specific playstyle.

6. Krait Mk II :

Pros: Well-balanced ship with fighter bay option, In 1v1 situations It's the best

Cons: Decent at everything but excelling at nothing.

7. Federal Assault Ship (FAS) :

Pros: Excellent hull tank that's all :(

Cons: Weak shields You need to avoid some of fire power to survive.

8. Imperial Clipper :

Pros: Very fast ship, It can hit hard in the right hands if you know what I mean ;).

Cons: With a large profile this target is easy to hit.

C-Tier (Niche or Limited PvP Viability)

These ships can fight in PvP but are outclassed by better options.

9. Python :

Pros: Decent firepower and shields, a bruiser in fights.

Cons: It's like a slow big boat easy for the fast agile sharks to sink it.

10. Vulture :

Pros: Extremely agile, with two large hardpoints that can deal significant burst damage.

Cons: Fragile and limited by power distributor issues, making sustained fights difficult.

11. Type-10 Defender :

Pros: This Heavy tank with the ridiculous number of hardpoints can hit a wing a pirates solo.

Cons: Too slow and cumbersome : think of It as the Tank that enjoys taking hits.

D-Tier (Unsuitable for PvP)

Due to poor stats and designed for other roles this ships are not recomended.

12. Anaconda :

Cons: A large slow Tourtoise that gets outmaneuvered by almost everything.

13. Asp Explorer :

Cons: Explore other options please don't be a fool an bring this to a battlefield ... please !

14. Beluga Liner

Cons: If you want your cofin to be 5 stars well chose this option.

15. Sidewinder

Cons: Everything else.

XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!
PvP isn't an easy activity if you with fight with experienced commanders. While PvE is more often done in bigger groups of NPCs, PvP battles are mostly 1v1 when ganking other commanders. Because of that, you might need slightly different ship than those that are top tiers for PvE combat.


Fer-de-Lance and Mamba. Both are medium ships which are very hard to make a really good use of, but if you learn how to fly them, they are perfect balance between agility, defense and offense. These 2 ships are one of the most popular options for advanced combat players. They are good enough to tank damage from smaller ships and fast enough to always be at the back of bigger, heavier ships, doing significant damage at the same time with grade-4 weapon.


Federal Corvette - It's one of the best PvE ships and because of that, it's also very suitable for PvP builds. It has a lot of utility slots and huge hardpoints that will constantly target small and fast ships and great hull gives you enough time to position and prepare main weapons. The huge disadvantage is its big size, which can be exploited by smaller ships.

Python Mk2 - I still don't know full capabilities of this ship, but from what I see, it might be a great rival for Fer-de-Lance and Mamba. For now, I'll put it in A tier, but it is a great candidate for S-tier. What separates Python Mk2 from them is lack of huge (grade-4) hardpoint, and almost doubled mass with no significant difference in hull health and shields strength.

Vulture - It's a fast and durable small ship, not much lighter than our S-tier ships but with only 2 grade-3 hardpoints (and those are the only hardpoints), but because of its great maneuverability, it's hard to hit with close range and fixed weapons. I don't recommend it to fight bigger ships because of lack of hardpoints, but it is great for small and medium ships.


Two first ships in B-tier, Type-10 Defender and Anaconda are rather occasional. Type-10 is a monster of great firepower and armor, but almost impossible to rotate during combat. Small ships will have very hard time scratching its armor, but also no problems with being out of weapons sight. Anaconda has similar problems.

Cobra and Viper Mk4 are small ships with more hardpoints than Vulture, but none of them have any grade-3 weapon slot nor grade-5 optional internal slot, unlike Vulture. Vulture with higher grade weapon and optional internal slots, as well as 2 more utility slots, is definitely a better choice for small ships.


Eagles are another small ships. They have enormous agility, but that's their only plus. Low shield, low hull, and only 3 hardpoints. Casual Eagle has 3 grade-1 weapon slots, and Imperial is different only by 1 grade-2 slot and 2 grade-1 and slightly better overall stats. Not recommended for anything to be honest, but they look cool.


Ships that aren't very suitable for combat, like the trade and explorer ships. They don't have big firepower and are pretty weak in armor, it's not really something you want to fight with.

Sidewinder <3

But for some pilots, the ship doesn't matter. If you enjoy your starting Sidewinder, then no one will stop you from using it 😄. After all, some commanders were able to defeat Thargoid Hydra solo, with just a Sidewinder (not recommended if you don't have 1000+ hours in Thargoid hunting 😅).

Hunter's avatar

Hunter's PVP Tier List :

S-Tier (Top PVP Ships) :

-Federal Corvette – With Its Exceptional shield strength & high durability, Its immense firepower from the big guns attached to the many large hardpoints. The best for "tanky" combat builds even against a full crew .
-Cobra Mk V – this Newly added gem is fast and agile, A bee like ship great for hit-and-run tactics. Its slick form makes it hard to hit. fully engineered this beast is a nightmare against solo players .

A-Tier (Strong PVP Ships) :

-Python Mk II – this ship is Versatile and heavily armed, Shield or Armor what ever you want to focus on It never disappoints. let's say It is kind of the "Druid" Class of Elite Strong in multiple combat roles.
-Fer-de-Lance – One of the best PVP ships especially for : its agility, strong shields and powerful hardpoints, making it deadly in dogfights.

B-Tier (Good PVP Ships, but Situational) :

-Krait Phantom – Fast and manoeuvrable with decent firepower, this race ship lacks the durability of the higher-tier ships & It can get easily one shot by ships mentioned above.
-Anaconda – Yes It can give High damage output and show tremendous durability but has sluggish manoeuvrability It's like driving a school bus equipped with a big cannon, making It vulnerable in fast-paced combat.

C-Tier (Average PVP Ships) :

-Imperial Eagle – The Eagle has speed and agility, but limited in Its firepower and defensives, making it viable only for scouting PVP roles.
-Mamba – Same as the Krait Phantom Great speed and firepower, in the other side It has weak shields and overheating issues make it less effective in prolonged fights against the "tanky" ships .

D-Tier ( Non-Ideal for PVP) :

-Dolphin – Primarily a passenger ship with minimal combat capability. If You want your Tourists to die in a horrible way you should go with the Dolphin ;).
-Type-6 Transporter – A cargo ship with no combat potential. the best target practice you can get and the prize of most of Pirates, so If you want to lose your money please be my guest.

projectazone's avatar

My 5 favorite ships for PVP are these put in order from best to worst
the best ship for PVP is the Fer-De-Lance because it allows you to install combat modules that do a lot of damage and also being an easily pilotable ship and recommended for those who do intensive PVP, on the other hand it costs 11 million credits for the Rebuy but if you are allied with a Powerplay you can also get the bonus of 100% cost reduction in case the ship is destroyed both in allied and hostile systems, especially once upgraded this ship gives the best of itself.

Those who do not want to spend too much for the Fer-de-lance can opt for the Python has similar performance but with different Hardpoints even this ship in pvp is not bad, also the cost of Rebuy is lower. The Mamba is an excellent ship for PVP even if a little slow compared to the first 2 but still allows you to do PVP even with its limits.

The Cobra MK4 and MK3 are ships that I categorize as entry level for pvp. To start doing pvp they cost less than the others indicated to start with. Obviously it also depends a lot on the type of weapons that you like to use and that you are most comfortable with. They are maneuverable but being entry level ships you cannot install as many Hardpoints as in the Fer-de-lance and Python but in any case in pvp they do quite well

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hi projectazone, I'm afraid we'd class this as a top-five list rather than a tier list. To be eligible for a prize, we'll need you to update your image to add some more ships into your five tiers. We've now clarified the reward description as other members have done the same thing. Hope you understand. o7

GoJapan's avatar

At the top of the list we find the legendary Feder-Lance and the Mamba ships that everyone should have to do PVP and the Python MK2

in second place Rank A we find the Kraith Mk2 - Anaconda and the Python ships that do quite well in PVP

in Rank B I put ships that in my opinion can do PVP even in teams without problems.

in Rank C I instead inserted ships that should never be used in PVP not because they are not suitable but because of the limited number of modules that can be installed

in Rank D instead there are ships that should never be used in PVP because they are not really suitable, in fact they would be destroyed in a few seconds.


This is my Tierlist of PVP ships, in my opinion a PVP ship is based on one's tastes and the style of ship that a player prefers to pilot, but there are ships that are just unsuitable for this purpose that I have included in category D.

In this category I have included all the ships not suitable for combat but for other roles, for example the Siderwinder or the Diamondback are not suitable for combat especially for PVP, as well as the cargo ships for the transport of goods or those of passengers.

in category C, I put ships that can also do PVP and not just PVE, even if it is difficult to use them for example I faced some players with my Viper Mark 3 and I had difficulties because it is not a ship really suited to this task, unless you face players who do not have weapons on the ships in that case there is a minimum of victory, however it must be said that it is feasible especially in a team, even an Eagle is good for PVP if one is then able to pilot the ship in an excellent way, obviously on the other hand the installable modules are not comparable to those of ships dedicated to combat both PVP and PVE

Category B instead is already starting to have ships more specific for PVP, but obviously by installing dedicated modules, for example a Kraith Phantom can be built both for exploration and for combat, even PVP but with the right limits of maneuverability of it, there are ships in this category that in PVP do not do badly even with the limits that these have.

In category A I have instead placed ships that are excellent for PVP such as the Anaconda, the Kraith Mk, a modified version of the Phantom more suited to combat than exploration, while the Python is a very beautiful ship with good maneuverability in PVP. Having a ship that is easy to fly is a big advantage.

The superlative ships are those at the top of the tierlist like the Federlance and the Mamba are great for PVP even if the Mamba has less maneuverability than the Federlance and 2 Hardpoint Small and 2 Medium and one High compared to the Federlance which has 4 Hardpoint Medium and one High and a better Shield, but on the other hand the Federlance has a slow base speed and better armor as base stats.

while the Federal Covervette is a bulky ship but allows you to put more modules than the other 2 ships but on the other hand it is a ship with a maneuverability that is not the best but you can install 7 Hardpoints of which 2 High - 2 Medium - 1 Large and 2 small Hardpoints, in fact now I am accumulating resources to take the Federal Corvette a combat ship is always useful.

obviously each player has his own opinions on the matter, that what really matters is not only the ship but also the weapons that you will equip on it, the player should choose a ship that in his opinion is more suitable for PVP and use weapons that he finds more comfortable, because that is exactly what makes the difference in addition to choosing the ship for the PVP role.

you can also do PVP using a Viper Mark 3 or an Eagle (even if it sucks in terms of installable modules) it is not necessary to have perfect ships, obviously with the limits that these ships entail during PVP, I tried with a friend to do some combat obviously I used my Viper Mk 3 and the result was good, he in a well-armed Anaconda and I in Viper Mk3 we did well, even if I had a bit of difficulty.


Greetings pilots, this is the list I came up with.

Level S.

Fer-de-Lance and Python Mk.2.

These ships have the best characteristics and enough weapon nests, internal and external modules to make good pvp builds.

Level A

Krait Mk.2 and Anaconda.

The Krait Mk.2 has a lack of hull strength and energy, while the Anaconda has low maneuverability and low angle of view due to the size and location of the cockpit, as well as a high price for modules.

Level B

Python and Cobra MkIII.

These ships have good maneuverability and speed, but lack firepower and shield strength reserves, but the price of the assemblies is not bitey unlike their counterparts above.

Level C

Sidewinder and Vulture

These ships are pretty mediocre in pvp, if your opponent has a ship from the list above, then you are out of luck, but as a fight with newbies they are just right. We can also add that they have a low cost, so everyone can buy them.

Level D

Beluga Liner, Type-7 Transporter, Type-9 Heavy.

These ships are not suitable for pvp because they don't have the right characteristics or (and) they don't have enough weapon slots.

Rich's avatar

Hey CMDR I.N.K.V.I, thanks for this. It's helpful stuff, but I think there's been the same misunderstanding as USCSS: you've made a top-five list, not a tier list. This reward isn't looking for you to rank PvP ships from one to five, but to group several of them on different tiers each from "best in the game for PvP" (S tier) down to "shouldn't be used for PvP ever" (D tier).

Would you be able to edit your submission and try again? Look at the other winning entries here to get the idea. Thanks!

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

This is my list of ships for solo PvP

On the first tier we have 3 ships:

The Python Mk II: In my opinion it is the most balanced ship for PvP combat. It has speed, maneuverability, firepower and endurance. Everything needed for this task.

The Fer-de-Lance: With less firepower and less maneuverability it is still a very good ship for PvP.

The Mamba: This ship is faster than the previous two. But it has less endurance. Still many commanders choose it for PvP battles.

On the second tier we have two ships:

The Krait Mk II: It is a balanced ship. It has good maneuverability, speed, firepower and endurance but there are better options like the ones we mentioned above.

The Python: It has good maneuverability and good speed but the shields are not as strong.

On the third tier we have 3 ships:

The Chieftain: It has high speed and good maneuverability. The combat performance is decent. The shields are not strong.

The Federal Corvette: This is the ship I currently use for PvE and PvP. This ship has incredible firepower and incredible durability. But it lacks maneuverability and above all, speed. The opponent ends up escaping.

The Federal Assault Ship: It has a good combination of firepower and durability. Strong shields and hull. But it is less agile than other ships.

In the fourth tier we have four ships:

Vulture, Viper Mk IV, Cobra Mk V, Sidewinder

These 3 ships are very fast, very agile and very cheap in case we lose them. But they lack firepower.

In the fifth tier I put the two worst ships there are for PvP:

Type-9 Heavy: It has low firepower, low durability, low speed and very poor maneuverability. It is not suitable for PvP

Type-7 Transporter: Same as the Type-9 but smaller. Not suitable for PvP

(Translated with Google Translate)

Rich's avatar

Hey USCSS, thanks for this! It's a useful and thoughtful piece of content, but you've made a top-five list, not a tier list. We're not asking you to rank the best PvP ships, but to group several of them on different tiers from "best in the game for PvP" (S tier) down to "shouldn't be used for PvP ever" (D tier).

Would you be able to edit your submission and try again? Look at Odinoji or Block9's lists to get the idea. Thanks!

Block9's avatar

Hey Rich, I can do everything again, but I didn't find the description very clear saying to group all the ships of each level only and so on... but that's not a problem for me I can make a new list and thanks for the Feedback. 😁

USCSS's avatar

Hi Rick.. Thanks for pointing this out. I've already modified my post.

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Ships are qualify under hardpoints, tankiness, speed, maneuvering, choices available for weapons. All are supposingly almost fully engineered or at least for weapons, core modules and shield + shield booster.

Tier S: Fer-de-lance and Python Mk II

The FDL without doubt stays as the PvP King, even after the release of the Python Mk II. Very very strong shield for a medium ship, strong hardpoints, ~550m/s boost speed engineered, and its capacity to run different types of weapons, even the power hungry ones. Only problem might be its cockpit that takes a bit to get used to, and its lack of optional module slots mean if your shield is popped, it might be a GG already.

The Python MkII, comparing to the FDL, handles better, and has a competent set of hardpoints and shield power, but all of that come with having more tight power use and distro. Overall, still a very great pvp ship.

Tier A: Federal Assault Ship, Krait Mk II, Mamba

The FAS has been long a second place for PvP ships, just behind the FDL, and maybe behind the Python II at this point, fast and nimble, decent hardpoints.

Krait Mk II is a decent hull tank, its speed might fall just a bit behind the already mentioned ships, but its massive power plant and decent distro make up to it being able to pack some serious weapons.

Mamba is basically an FDL with faster boost speed, better cockpit but less firepower.

Tier B: Vulture, Chieftain, Krait Phantom and Mandalay

The Vulture and Chieftain are slightly better in this tier than the KP and the Mandalay, strong firepower, decent speed, tanky hull.

Krait Phantom and Mandalay are fun ships to try out with ok hardpoints for combat and good speed.

Tier C: Federal Corvette and Imperial Cutter

Both are powerful in PvE combat, of course it doesn't mean they are god-tier for PvP where everyone is flying a medium ship. In this case we're only talking about large ship versus large ship where they would perform well. The vette has better fire power and can easily demolish another large ship, meanwhile the Cutter is faster and somehow (just how I feel it) has stronger shield, must be something with its profile.

Tier D: Python Mk I and Cobra Mk V

At this point these are just for fun options, the Python Mk I is basically a Krait Mk II with less speed and handling, and the newly released Cobra Mk V has pretty good hardpoints for a small ship.

Always keep in mind that ship and meta are just relative, pilot's skill is 90% of the game, have fun, and keep a good sportmanship when it comes to PvP!

Fly Dangerously o7

Odinoji's avatar

Following my last submission with the PVP mamba i hereby submit my unofficially personal TIER LIST For pvp ships in the current meta of elite dangerous.

Block9's avatar


Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's what we like to hear! :D

Odinoji's avatar

thank you ! much appreciated feel free to write me for builds i love engineering


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